
This is my take on some really fun affordable equipment combo. This is my first deck posted and I am interested in some feedback.

The most reliable win condition is the combo between Cranial Plating + Surestrike Trident . Puresteel Paladin is also an important part (although not always necessary) for making your combo easier to pull off and quicker. With enough artifacts and even copies of cranial plating using Masterwork of Ingenuity, you can easily burn through an opponent's 20 health. This can be done relatively easily as early as turn 3.

In order to get to this point the fastest, Puresteel Paladin provides the card draw, and more importantly, the ability to equip your creatures for free. This allows you to move your equipment around your creatures (including your living weapons)creating some interesting effects. If you Paradise Mantle + Puresteel Paladin , you can move paradise mantle too your untapped creatures for mana(essentially convoke for any color or any spell). Also Puresteel Paladin + Surestrike Trident allows you to use all your creatures to help with the burn. Cranial Plating can also be moved while this is being done to multiply the damage dealt for every creature you control.

Combo works like this:

Puresteel Paladin equips an untapped creature with Cranial Plating + Surestrike Trident + any other equipments for extra damage (Godsend , living weapons). unequip Surestrike Trident > deal damage equal to power. Move all equipment for free to the next creature and repeat.

As for other cards: Kemba, Kha Regent is an amazing token producer and combos well with Puresteel Paladin

Masterwork of Ingenuity is amazingly good at doubling cranial plating, living weapons, etc

The living weapons, Flayer Husk , Sickleslicer , Skinwing , combo incredibly well in this deck. (Batterskull would be incredibly nice if you can afford it)

Mirrorweave + PureSteel Paladin is an interesting way to both give card draw and even better, Mirrorweave + any germ token (0/0 from Living Weapon) is great board clear because nobody expects a Wrath of God that keeps your living weapons on the board.

Brass Squire helps equip

Lastly, Godsend is just good for scaring the crap out of your oponents

Heres an example of a potential turn 3 win

Turn 1: Plains/ Ancient Den >> Sol Ring >> Cranial Plating/ Surestrike Trident

Turn 2: Plains/ Ancient Den >> Puresteel Paladin , Cranial Plating/ surestrike trident >> draw

Turn 3: Land >> Masterwork of Ingenuity x2 (copy Cranial Plating)>> draw 2 >> play any other artifact >> equip everything to Puresteel Paladin. Tap and deal 20 damage -(Cranial plating x3 +18/+0) + 2/2 from Paladin

If they are not dead yet, another untapped creature will double the damage to 40


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
Key combos

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

10 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 1.73
Tokens Cat 2/2 W, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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