Equippy Stuffy -SQUIRRELY- Lure

Casual IDEAL


April 12, 2013

Updated deck to include SQUIRRELS! And Broodhatch Nantuko!

xhirnschock says... #1

I realy love the Idea!!!

I was also thinking about Engulfing Slagwurm + Lure Combo put had no idea how to deal with it, espacilliy defense because it real slow. But with Stuffy Doll and all the shiny Equips, it's great!

I think you throw same realy good stuff in and may rocks on Kitchen-Table Game!

Looking forward for updates! +1 from me!

August 20, 2012 5:13 a.m.

LastEdegy says... #2

Nice deck! +1!

Seething Song , Spitemare , Shivan Meteor and Into the Maw of Hell are good cards with the same theme with this deck.. If you would want to add a 3rd color to this deck, white is the way to go.. Volcano Hellion has a good combo with Pariah to deal twice the damage you have chosen to your opponent.. Crushing Pain is also a good card..

August 22, 2012 5:32 a.m.

IDEAL says... #3

Thanks for all the positive feedback guys!

LastEdgey, all of the cards you've suggested are useful, but unfortunately, splashing red and adding the Blasphemous Act s and Reliquary Tower s has already slightly reduced the speed at which I can get a Predator Ooze out, and considering the brilliance of the card, I think adding too much more red and especially adding a third colour would be more of a hindrance than help. Cheap cards, particularly Crushing Pain , might be useful with Stuffy Doll as it can damage itself making Crushing Pain pretty much a guaranteed cast.

If you have any ideas for green cards or possibly equipment that might help, those would be better for the deck in my opinion.

Again, thanks for your input!

August 25, 2012 6:14 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #4

Perhaps get a card:Vanguard's Shield to equip to Stuffy Doll or Engulfing Slagwurm for some nice block combos. I don't know what Wall of Tanglecord is doing, although it would also make a good base for card:Vanguard's Shield.

August 27, 2012 6:43 a.m.

mrvoss1 says... #5

I think this deck could be better served by a different equipment than card:Accorder's Shield. Half of the creatures in your deck are indestructable, and the other half have toughness of at least 6. Neither are going to be significantly boosted by another +0/+3. Understandibly not everyone has access to the Swords of ROFLMAO and PWNING, but pretty much any cheap equipment that adds either an ability or some power would be a reasonable addition, and if you can make it mesh with the idea of your deck that's all the better.

August 29, 2012 6:04 a.m.

MagnaLynx21 says... #6

Drop Engulfing Slagwurm unless you have a way to ramp into it.

Ramping is important, as you want Stuff'D on board as soon as possible. (Sphere of the Suns , Rampant Growth , Farseek , Vessel of Endless Rest .

Oh and add Revenge of the Hunted for the lulz.

August 31, 2012 4:30 a.m.

AMD5150 says... #7

My Stuffy Doll deck has redirection. +1

January 13, 2013 12:10 a.m.

IDEAL says... #8

Nice use of those Kors, great deck! +1'd!

Unfortunately for me adding white to this deck might just break it. I love having Predator Ooze in this deck and without some extreme mana-fixing they'd be a bit hard to cast with more colours.

January 13, 2013 12:19 a.m.

AMD5150 says... #9

could drop the black and replace with white so dump Spiteful Shadows & replace with Guilty Conscience for insta kill on stuffy at lower mana cost, this way you don't need Blasphemous Act as well. just a thought. i already like what you did with this deck :)

January 13, 2013 1:41 a.m.

wreckedd says... #10

Phylactery Lich could work in here, I know it would mean splashing another colour, but with all of these indestructible artifacts going around he seems like he'd be right at home :-)

January 14, 2013 4:18 a.m.

MagnaLynx21 says... #11

You don't seem to understand what Spiteful Shadows does...?

January 14, 2013 7:48 a.m.