Ermagherd Its a Rancor!

Modern Caladius


DeftMunky says... #1

You have all the right cards for finishing the deal. I think Oblivion Ring doesn't fit in a pure aggro deck. card:Faith's Shield would do you better on getting those last few points of damage in. I don't think the Healer belongs in the main deck, either. Maybe a Mayor of Avabruck  Flip ?

December 18, 2012 11:31 a.m.

Caladius says... #2

Oblivion Ring was there as a filler to control some of the heavy hitters an opponent might have. More of a sideboard I guess that eased its way into my mainboard. Im going to snag those card:Faith's Shield tonight at the shop and see about the Mayor of Avabruck  Flip card. Do you suggest a play set of card:Faith's Shield, or just 1-2?

Thank you for your advice

December 18, 2012 11:42 a.m.

DeftMunky says... #3

I'm not sure that the Mayor of Avabruck  Flip is the best fit, but it's a quality, easy to cast creature that pumps the Paladins and the Pilgrims. You may want to check out Crusader of Odric . GW players tend to have a lot of creatures with the dorks and all, and the Crusader can be a 4/4 or better. Knight of Valor is another good creature that provides valuable protection and exalted, which can be useful at points.

I would run a couple of Faith's Shield at most. You want to use it to win games by providing protection to a creature that will do lethal damage to the player. Another trick move is to give an opponent's creature that is covered in Rancor s protection from green to make the enchantments fall off. It is a reactive card, but it usually infuriates opponents and can steal some games.

Also, if you don't have them, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is a great addition to almost any GW deck. Hoses yourself a little, but other deck types much more. 2/1 first striker for 2 isn't bad either.

By the way, why are the Dryad Militant s in your sideboard? Because they're a quality 1cc creature? Because of the graveyard hate?

December 18, 2012 2:23 p.m.

Caladius says... #4

Those Dryad Militant s were there from playing a friends control deck to counter his Snapcaster Mage combo. I enjoyed having a 2/1 for 1 of G or W mana before I had all of my Arbor Elf s and card:Avacyn's Pilgrims

December 18, 2012 3:20 p.m.

FinnHuman says... #5

I think you're getting the idea, but it looks like you need to work on your mana curve a little.And Oblivion Ring is definitely more of a sideboard type card, so maybe have less of those in there.

Here's a link to my Selesnya Aggro deck if you want to compare: Selesnyan Aggression

December 19, 2012 4:44 p.m.

Caladius says... #6

Finn: Currently testing 2 less Oblivion Ring s in exchange for Farseek s as well as testing Farseek s for card:Avacyn's Pilgrim. Appreciate the suggestion, I will post next week with results.

Thank you !

December 30, 2012 6:32 p.m.

Jay says... #7

I've found Cloudshift to be amazingly useful in my Selesnya aggro. It can be used to save from removal or rebond a Wolfir Silverheart or Silverblade Paladin . Plus for only 1 CMC it's cheap enough to use reliably.

January 8, 2013 4:01 p.m.

Caladius says... #8


I had thought about Cloudshift when i was looking at card:Faith's Shield the issue that I have found is that with Cloudshift I would have to recast Rancor or if I had used Selesnya Charm to give the creature +2/+2 Trample, I would have lost that as well.

Rebonding would be very beneficial for Cloudshift the only thing I can see with that would be losing your paired attacker mid game and only having a chump blocker left on the field and that +4/+4 or Double-strike would help greatly.

I will definitely test out a couple Cloudshift in the next few days and see which is more useful for me.

Thank you for the tip!

January 9, 2013 1:50 p.m.

Jay says... #9

I really don't think recasting Rancor is so bad, cuz it's only G. Basically G to save your creatures life, knowhadimean? And Selesnya Charm is only until end of turn anyway, so if you a tack with say a 3/3 (after charm) and it's blocked by a 4/1, they would still take the 2 trample damage and then before your creature actually dies you can Cloudshift it at the end of damage to save it.

January 9, 2013 5:40 p.m.

dantares25 says... #10

I'm pretty sure you can't cloudshift after damage... lol that would be broken

January 13, 2013 11:48 p.m.

Jay says... #11

If my understanding of the stack is correct, I think you can. I've never actually done it though, and I'm no judge.

January 14, 2013 12:24 a.m.

dantares25 says... #12

Lol okay, well I've only been playing a few months but I've played in a lot of tournaments and such. If I'm correct, if damage resolves as in you let the creatures do the damage to eachother, then that "damage stack" so to speak resolves and the graveyard movement can't be stopped, but before the damage resolves you may respond to it. For instance, lets say you have a Thragtusk and your opponent has a Vampire Nighthawk , you declare your attack step and swing with your 5/3 Thragtusk your opponent then declares blockers with his Vampire Nighthawk , at this moment you may respond to his blockers by Cloudshift ing your thragtusk gaining 5 life and a 3/3 token and no damage resolves, thus opponent gains no life from combat damage and your thragtusk never died. However, if you let the block resolve and do not respond to it before damage resolves, your Thragtusk dies your opponents Vampire Nighthawk dies and opponent gains 2 life and you obtain a 3/3 token.

If I am also correct, many many many moons ago in magic, there used to be something called a "damage stack" where you could swing with a creature, put damage on the stack and then remove said creature at instant speed before your opponent could declare a block, and the damage would remain on the stack from your creature. I believe this mechanic was changed.

January 14, 2013 1:37 a.m.

Jay says... #13

Ah, well I learned from an older player who didn't do much official play. The damage stack sounds a lot like how I was playing it. Thanks!

January 14, 2013 7:43 a.m.

Caladius says... #14

I didn't do too bad in the GP this past weekend. I wound up using the decklist shown now. I ended up buying 2 Sigarda, Host of Herons for my deck before the tournament. Honestly they worked better than my Wolfir Silverheart s did. A lot of players were using Zombies and Control decks. The Cloudshift s werent working well for me during playtests, as dantares25 said no damage goes through when you Cloudshift where as with card:Faith's Shield damage is still applied, just not to your creature.

January 17, 2013 2 a.m.

dantares25 says... #15

Glad to hear the deck did okay at the GP but I'd be interested in hearing what went wrong or could have been improved.

The only and biggest thing I would wager, is that 8 mana dorks was 4-5 too many for this deck. I get that they speed up your deck to ramp into a 3-4 CMC drop earlier than your opponent or to catch up if you're on the draw, however; top decking into one of your mana dorks when you oh so badly wish it was a sigarda or smiter or sublime has to be frustrating. I hate it when it happens in my selesnya midrange deck and I only run 3 card:Avacyn's Pilgrim.

I do however, run 3 Farseek in place of desired ramp cards because I run more higher CMC creatures than you do, and I think farseek is more acceptable to top deck into in late game because both don't effect the battlefield until the next turn...but a Supreme Verdict or Pillar of Flame doesn't kill my land like it does my dorks

If you really want to run that many dorks, then maybe consider Collective Blessing ?

January 17, 2013 2:34 a.m.

Caladius says... #16

Sorry for the long delay in response time, had been out of town. The first match was against a deck based around Restoration Angel Thragtusk and card:Conjurer's Closet. I never drew a power hitter, Loxodon Smiter or Silverblade Paladin . After turn 5 he was just gaining 5-10 life per turn exceeding my damage limits. I had tried running Farseek in place of some mana dorks but the lack of creatures took away from my Exalted effect bonuses.

The second match was against a Bant Control deck. I drew into a nice hand consisting of 1 Forest 2 Sunpetal Grove 2 Strangleroot Geist 1 Rancor and an Arbor Elf so by turn 3 I was already swinging for 4/1 + 4/1 Tramples leaving my opponent at 8 life before they had any chance at removal. Also drew into a Silverblade Paladin around turn 3, it was a quick game 1. Second game I sideboarded 2 Nevermore and 2 Ray of Revelation in place of 3 Selesnya Charm and 1 card:Faith's Shield. Won that match by stopping his Azorius Charm and Detention Sphere with Nevermore .

The next 2 matches were against B/R Zombies. They were tough match ups I ended up losing one due to Pillar of Flame and Dreadbore . I had sideboarded 2 Nevermore in place of 2 Selesnya Charm but never drew into them. The other match I won by overrunning him with Loxodon Smiter with Rancor paired with a Silverblade Paladin both games.

So at this point I am 2-2-0... The GP annoucers said if you are 7-2-0 by the end of day 1 you will most likely move on to day 2 so i kept going.

My 5th match was against a Human Reanimator deck (I hate these decks mind you and dread playing against them) I did well until I saw the card:Angel of Glory's Rise hit the graveyard, then it went downhill fast. (Obviously) So I lost the first game, I sideboarded 2 Nevermore 2 Oblivion Ring and 1 card:Grafdigger's Cage. Won the next game by him not having an answer/removal for card:Grafdigger's Cage then proceeded to win again by the same lead. Apparently some players don't have any artifact removal in reanimator decks...

I cannot remember the rest of the day but I ended at 6-4-0, the 4th loss knocked me out of day 2. But I was happy with how I did with this being my first GP. It seemed like i was one of the few players using a selesnya aggro type deck. out of 1200 players I only saw 6 or 7 other people using something similiar.

As for Collective Blessing I used to run that before my deck was finished. I lacked any Sublime Archangel s and Silverblade Paladin s so the +3/+3 to everything made it easier to tolerate. I also had a Populate deck since I couldnt afford those cards for aggro.

January 21, 2013 11:24 p.m.

dantares25 says... #17

Cool, seems like it was a good experience. I always like reflecting on my losses to learn. I lost an fnm match in top 8 because I had board control and instead of chipping away I flashed a 2cd Restoration Angel to block something since my other angel was tapped from blocking. Opponent responded with Sever the Bloodline and I drew 5 land in a row. Sadness, but learned from it.

January 22, 2013 12:15 a.m.

Caladius says... #18

Ouch! =<, I recently won FNM last week 1st place, almost lost due to a misplay. I agree, losing only makes you stronger. and I think I've lost enough to be half decent now haha.

January 22, 2013 12:24 a.m.

anewsome says... #19

I might recommend Sheltering Word to stop those annoying burn spells. It has worked fairly well for me in the past.

January 29, 2013 4:14 p.m.

Caladius says... #20

I will definitely give it a shot. That card will probably work well in my new deck I'm building.


January 29, 2013 4:32 p.m.

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