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Escape Room |Storm(E)scape Battlemage Blink PDH|

Pauper EDH* WUB (Esper)



                                 We've all been there


Blue, White, Black. The best Combo combination. Full of the best removal, card draw, and tutors. Pauper EDH has a considerable number of intriguing cards you can build your deck around, so I chose Escape Routes . Now you can't play Escape Routes as your commander, but you can put it in your 99. I hope you enjoy this (detaileld) primer on the art of escape!

Although Stormscape Battlemage doesn't appear to have synergy with Escape Routes , Ghostly Flicker or anything else, he actually is the best creature we can stuff up the Command Zone!
  1. Stormscape Battlemage is one of the very few Esper Commanders in PDH. I didn't want to build a voltron deck or artifact deck with escapse routes, so he was the only one left on the list. He also was the only one with a ETB ability, even if it's limited.

  2. Stormscape Battlemage has only one minor flaw: He's blue. If only he was a different color, he could work with Escape Routes . Stormscape Battlemage , meet Cloudchaser Kestrel . Cloudchaser Kestrel , meet Scuttlemutt . Scuttlemutt , meet Stormscape Battlemage . Whew, done with the introductions.

  3. Although this deck apears to be worse than Mistmeadow Witch , that simply isn't true. Escapse routes can do things Olka could never even imagine. The black ETB creatures are also very strong, with removal options getting better all the while. Besides, I couldn't stand to use only half of Escape Routes .

  4. Stormscape Battlemage is eaisly turned into StormEscape Battlemage . Yes, that was a legitimate reason.

  • Spending the first few turns setting up.
  • Decks that are hard to master.
  • Decks that have great vaule Engines, but need loads of mana.
  • Decks that are always in control, even if the board is unsupporting.
  • Decks with loads of tutors for combo pieces/hate pieces.
  • Drake combo.
  • Decks that proactivley affect the board on the first few turns.
  • Decks that are easy to play right.
  • Decks that oppperate fast, and focus on board presence rather then cards in hand/vaule.
  • Decks that have obiously either won or lost at a certain point in the game (Quicker Games?).
  • Decks that don't have many answers, but need answers to.
  • Decks without drake combo.
  • Decks that don't have much in the way of removal.
  • In the early game, you can't fall behind. You want to hit you land drops, blinking a Pilgrim's Eye with Cloudshift is okay, but I draw the line at Ghostly Flicker without any other powerful effects. Trinket Mage and Rhystic Study are your best cards here, drawing you cards or searching up an artifact land or even Relic of Progenitus to stop drake combo. Building an early board presence is good, but don't invoke the wrath of the other three players. Try to get everyone out of cards so you will win the long battle. The signets are also good plays. (If you are including them)
    Here is where the players will start to try and fire off their main gameplan, be wary about the combos, they will destroy the late-game inevitability you worked to create. Try to form an allience with someone preferably not playing a infinite combo deck, and try to find your Escape Routes agressivly. Be careful, you need to resist some attacks that may come your way. The Palace Guard / Wall of Glare + Ghostly Possession / Inviolability combo works wonders here.
    This is where you play Escape Routes and kill all their creatures. The only real problem with our Late-Game is that we don't play Ulamog's Crusher and the like. But we do have Dinrova Horror and Faceless Butcher to get rid of them, while both have synergy with Escape Routes . Bsically, we just out Card-Advantage them. - Anticlimatic I know. Or you know, you could just win with Peregrine Drake . Sigh.
    Here is where the complexities start to show. Need to be updated for High Tide Cloud of Faeries Imitating Drake, you can also add Expedition Map and Leonin Squire to find your Bouncelands. Notably, agies automaton also works with 'can block any number of creatures' creatures, and is possibly a better, if more mana intensive line. :)
  • Merchant Scroll finds Ghostly Flicker or Displace if you are assembling Drake combo. If you are trying to find Escape Routes , (or somthing else with CMC 3 but prioritize Escape Routes ) look for Perplex . Need card advantage? Mystical Teachings and Forbidden Alchemy . Need to find Archaeomancer ? Tutor up Muddle the Mixture transmute for Vedalken AEthermage , cycle for Archaeomancer . This works for all wizards.

  • Muddle the Mixture / Dimir Infiltrator / Shred Memory : These find either Wall of Glare or Inviolability if you need a defense. If you are trying to find a wizard, just grab Vedalken AEthermage . In the early game, finding an Armillary Sphere is fine. If you are using Dimir Infiltrator , finding a active Pit Keeper is the dream, then you can transmute for Momentary Blink , get back Infiltraitor, transmute for Wall of Glare , flashback Blink, transmute for Inviolability . Or at that point you can find Vedalken AEthermage and Muddle the Mixture / Shred Memory , cycle aethermage for Archaeomancer , transmute instant, find Aviary Mechanic , bounce Pit Keeper , play Pit Keeper get back Aethermage, cycle aethermage, find Trinket Mage , play Trinket Mage , get Relic of Progenitus /Artifact Land, play Archaeomancer , get back transmute instant, tutor up Merchant Scroll , cast MS, find Perplex for Escape Routes , or find Ghostly Flicker , cast GF blinking Archaeomancer and Aviary Mechanic bouncing Archaeomancer with AM and returning Ghostly Flicker with Archaeomancer , play Archaeomancer , get back scroll, tutor up Mystical Teachings , find more instants (always find ER first though.). I'm sure you can shorten this list and do similar things without infiltraitor, but this was fun. Note that you can find any wizard such as Deputy of Acquittals , Sedraxis Alchemist instead of Trinket Mage .

  • Drift of Phantasms : Cadaver Imp is a great firt tutor, then go find Escape Routes . You can also find ghostly possesion/ Palace Guard . Crypt Rats (Great with ghostly possesion and Inviolability !) may be a fine choice if you are being pressured. If you already have Escape Routes , then Cloudchaser Kestrel may be the best you can do. If someone is getting drake combo, find Trinket Mage who finds Relic of Progenitus . If escape routes has been blown up, Auramancer / Monk Idealist is aceptable. Try to find Crypt Rats after a ER, it's another great combo. If somthing comes up that is unexpected, I trust you will make the right tutor choices. (Also know when speed is more important then vaule, such as not finding the imp first.)
  • Perplex : Same as Drift, but cut the Imp.
  • Dimir House Guard : First step, transmute for Mystical Teachings . Search for Muddle the Mixture ( Shred Memory works too). Transmute Muddle for Vedalken AEthermage , wizardcycle for Archaeomancer . Cast Archaeomancer , get back MT, cast MT, search for Perplex , transmute Perplex , find Cadaver Imp . Cast CI, get back Vedalken AEthermage , wizardcycle for Deputy of Acquittals (Alternitivly, just MT for Deputy of Acquittals if you don't have the time to find CI and Perplex .) Now you can bounce Archaeomancer to get back somthing that will (eventually) find Escape Routes , and then for mana you can return any instant or sorcery from your graveyard to your hand.
  • More coming soon!
  • Yes, I think it is. You can gain life bouncing your commander after turning him white, using ER to bounce somthing that bounces him on ETB, you can lock creature based decks out of the game quickly with Wall of Glare and Ghostly Possession . Your Commander is a removal spell on a stick, and you have tutors for whatever the situation calls for. You can retutrn any removed combo piece from your graveyard, and the vaule tutor chains in the late game is incredible. You don't even need eldrazi to win when you can bounce a Dinrova Horror twice every turn. You are inevitable with this deck, you don't get hated out, you are the hate. I made a comeback at 3 life with this deck even though one of my opponents was at 80+ life and another was trying to disrupt my Ghostly Possession Wall of Glare combo, but I reset it every time. I then started gaining all my life back after a devestating crypt rat (x=2). Dinrova Horror kept everything under control, and all my opponents conceded. The vaule this deck provides is enough to win games like that. So I say yes, this is a competetive deck.
    Our plan against agressive decks is to tutor up creatures that can block any number of creatures and ways to repetably blink/bounce or prevent damage to it, and stopping it from dying. Against decks that have answers this can be hard to keep going, but it is still effective.

    We try to grind with the slower decks, and this can be very easy to do with all our etbs and tutors. Typically when playing against these deck you want to eliminate decks that have problematic commanders because they will always disrupt your tutor chains/combos.

    Against control, you really just want to kill them with creature damage. Control decks are typically very vulnerable and you can usally beat them easy unless they are playing an agressive commander like Crackling Drake .

    When playing against Disciple of Deceit : Kill them first, try to find Relic. Race. Do whatever you can, they will be the most problematic deck you face likely.


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    Date added 6 years
    Last updated 5 years

    This deck is Pauper EDH legal.

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 3.09
    Tokens City's Blessing, Phyrexian Golem 3/3 C, The Monarch
    Folders Interesting...., PEDH, Pauper Commander
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