I haven't played it in any tournaments or anything yet but thanks to all you guys and/or girls the deck is reach final stages, in its current configuration all I have left to buy are the mox opals and 2 tezzerets. I'm still very open to suggestions but the deck has evolved a lot since I made the summary. Now it has a lot more synergy with lands like citadel and 4 seats and vaults instead of 3 and 1. This at least in my opinion been super beneficial. The other major addition was tezzeret. his ultimate is super easy to get to and if you get it in a deck like this, its probably turn 7 and I could probably kill you with the ult just off of my lands. The main idea of the deck is now really focused on pumping up flyers and etched champions with cranial platings, steel overseers, tempered steels etc. as well as some masters of ethereium that get pumped up in a similar manner. this just provides huge damage at turns 3 and 4. Later in the game if I don't get a tezz, having 2 black mana with 1 more creature then they do almost always spells death for my opponent becasue you can fast switch cranial to the unblocked creature and deal massive amounts of damage on turns 6/7. If I were to play this at any serious tournaments I would probably have to sub out some of the cards for stuff like force of wills if i ever got them or something to be able to answer combo decks but for now I would rather not spend 400 on force of wills. So yea that's the update, a lot more focused on get synergy with cranial plating, master of etherium etc. as well as tezzeret. Just to reiterate IM STILL OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS SO PLEASE KEEP ON SHARING. Thanks