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ESPER BO3 - Traditional Play





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This is my take on ESPER standard since it's one of my favourite colour combinations aside from Abzan. I like to have strong finishers such as Chromium and Teferi, hence why it's in there. I believe each card in here serves it's purpose and deck itself has answers to everything. I could have probably run less creatures but I just can't help myself to run a few. Intrudction of spells and why think it's sort of a toolbox deck, is explained in depth below.


25 becasue you want to put one down each turn until you get at least 7 or 8. Maybe 26 or 27 is a better call but I'll leave it at 25 for now. I haven't been getting mana screwed as much.


Some people think Chromium, the Mutable is not a strong addition because the cost is too high for its' power level. I've been testing this baby out and people usually at that point of the game either don't have answers anymore or is just too big of a threat and puts opponent on a clock as well as a decent surprise effect as Torrential Gearhulk once had. Granted, it's definitelly not as powerful as his predecessor which we would run 4 of but it paid of so far.

Sphinx of Foresight was a pleasant surprsie on how well it performed. put 4 in there since the hand fixing at the start of the game is incredible. If the opponent mulliganed and you had Sphinx in your hand, you're almost unbeatable, especially if you play BO3.

Nezahal, Primal Tide , I can't express how good this card is for this deck. This is a threat, card draw, has defense against removal, no maximum hand size. This is a bomb and will win you games.


Duress is better than Thought Erasure in this deck and gets rid of instant threats opponents might have. You can also set your gameplan ahead of time when you see their hand turn 1. Thought Erasure is better in many ways but we have other options for cards they have in hand.

Golden Demise is only good if your land base is good. This is pro/red and pro aristocrats (mainly). If you can't run what I run for a land base, you will probably have a bad time with this spell. It's better to go for Cleansing Nova instead (sideboard).


Ixalan's Binding is one of the stronger cards in this deck and get's rid of win cons against other control decks, eg. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria , Vraska, Golgari Queen , Rekindling Phoenix es and other "the" cards.

The Eldest Reborn was proven amazing even before RNA's release. It gets rid of Carnage Tyrant 's, is very nice vs Izzet Drakes as well as long as you get their Goblin Electromancer 's off the board. Also destroys planewalkers.

Search for Azcanta   is a must card. This card is insane. It get's you all the answers, it gives you "ramp", deck fixing and for only 2 mana. Insane early, good late game.


Teferi, Hero of Dominaria , this card is ~50$, so there's that.


We're not running too many counters, reason being because we want to be pro-active, not passive-defensive. I rather get things off the board than countering relevant stuff before it hits the ground. We have many more interactions to get everything off the board and get back our or their stuff via The Eldest Reborn . For heavy control decks we run 3 Negate s in the sideboard.

Absorb is relevant versus aggro decks and mid-late game to gain some life, so we have time to set our early-mid game strategy.

Chemister's Insight is arguably at the moment the best draw engine in standard. Precognitive Perception is ok, but not great. Higher cost, Addendum is the only "+" it has over Chemister's Insight, but is socery speed.

Mortify is the best removal in standard at the moment. Trumps Cast Down , Walk the Plank , etc. It disposes threats such as Ixalan's Binding , The Eldest Reborn , History of Benalia , Seal Away just to name a few.

Vraska's Contempt is a huge bomb that gets planewalkers and recurring creatures such as Arclight Phoenix es, Rekindling Phoenix es.


This deck is not fast but aims to drain opponents of answers, control the game and win with either Teferi, Hero of Dominaria , or Chromium, the Mutable .

This is a set up for BO3. It's very good vs control and enchantment heavy decks altough you just straight up lose to DIMIR CONTROL, 90% of the time.

Vs aggro, sideboard Moments of Craving, Revitalize, Cleansing Nova - sideboard out Sphinxes, 1 Chromium, counters, Eldest reborn.

Vs control, sideboard in Chromium, Deputy of Detention, Negates - sideboard out Golden Demise's , Sphinx, Vraska's Contempt or The Eldest Reborn.

Vs midrange decks only sideboard in Deputy of Detention, depends on what midrange macth up you get.

I will add more when I run into Gates decks, Bant, Temur, Jund midrange or aggro decks.

If you run something similiar or would change anything let me know.

This deck performs really well for now unless you get mana screwed but didn't happen often.


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97% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Arena legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

32 - 4 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.63
Tokens City's Blessing, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
Folders IDK
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