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Esper CMDR

Commander / EDH


TL;DR: It's Doomsday with an infinite walking ballista and storm combo as backup plans.

I wanted a deck that feels fun and challenging to play at the same time. This is a deck that would probably be just as fun to goldfish as it is to play in game. To think of it as an exercise in finding "lethal", weather alone or playing with others.

I also love turbo xerox.

Perfect world:

Turn 2-4 wins, that are not easily predicted by the opponent, with relatively consistent success.

What will likely happen:

I'll draw a bunch of cards that are essentially dead because I never reach the other parts of their combo and have to hard cast shit like murderous redcap and attack for 2 every turn until removal smashes it and someone shits on my face in with commander damage.

How to Succeed:

Doomsday gives us a lot of options. The most basic ones, and what you'll commonly find, are Laboratory Maniac combos. I think these are boring, and susceptible to removal, but they are for the most part, the most efficient in terms of time, mana, and level of effort.

I won't re-write the work other people have done on the subject, because its exhaustive. This guy's primer is wonderful for that:


In addition to the LabMan win cons, we have some storm combos that use Lion's Eye Diamond Conjurer's Bauble and Second Sunrise . Currently it's through the use of Tendrils of Agnoy, but there's also Bitter Ordeal , which I personally think looks sexier.

For more of a creature based wincon, say someone takes our doomsday out of our library, or something else dickish, we have some cute stuff we can do with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Walking Ballista .


Updates Add

Played 4p FFA. 1 Sliver, 1 G/R Landfall, 1 Bant Stax. G1 Lost to R/G Landfall, but the loss was due to Stax lock. Artifacts had +3 to their mana cost by turn 3, so I was pretty much boned from the start.

G2, First actual Win! Drew into a decent hand that included enlightened tutor, Conjurers Bauble and some draw cantrips. T1 Cantrip picked up Auriok Salvagers, so I built the game plan on that. T2 Dropped a talismin of dominance, and tutored walking ballista with mystical. T3 I drew demonic consultation. I had all the pieces I needed for bomber man with the exception of Lion's Eye Diamond, so I played consultation on that. LED was about halfway through the deck. Played a mana rock and passed. T4 Played Auriok Salvagers and Lions Eye Diamond. - Sac LED to Auriok Salvagers (discarded hand that had Walking Ballista) and demonstrate the infinite combo to the table. Created 20,000 White mana. - Sac Conjurers Bauble, and Choose not to put anything back into the library. I do this to draw the rest of my deck down to the last 2 cards. Once the library is low enough, I put walking ballista back on the bottom of the library. I put a windfall on the bottom under walking ballista just in case walking ballista was dealt with. -I play a walking ballista with 2000 counters on it, and kill everyone with it.

Game 2 felt right. The other players knew I played doomsday so they were expecting the win to use it. In this case, demonic consultation and a tutor were all I needed to create a win on turn 4, that probably could have happened earlier if I tried hard enough to come up with something.



98% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.26
Tokens Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
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