fidelacchius117 says... #2
The 5x card was a typo on my part >_<.
I love the idea of Quicken
to make my sorcery draw instant.
I also think you are correct about mind grind. I like it alot against control but with aggro i think removal would be better.
The Gates will come out as soon as i can replace them with the shock lands i want
Even though i agree that mill in Esper is not the best. I really wanted to play a different deck. Originally i was running Damir but i couldn't touch any fast aggro without a field wipe. If i could handle the field i would take out white in a heart beat. I had to add white for Verdict/Sphere/Sphinx (so expensive only own one)
October 6, 2013 2:04 a.m.
thataddkid says... #3
Yeah, good control decks need the full suite of shocks, supreme and sphinx's. It's a bit ridiculous and it's the reason most people play creature-based decks. I've been trying to make a Grixis deck that can match Esper's ability in fieldwipes and lifegain and card draw, but there is no way Grixis can do it. Esper is the best control option but the most expensive :c.
October 6, 2013 10:28 a.m.
In Esper I honestly prefer Blood Baron of Vizkopa to AEtherling as a finisher. Dodges virtually all removal and in my oppinion can race aggro decks better than AEtherling . I dont really see much of a point to Pilfered Plans or Psychic Strike . I think you could easily take some out and put in some Thoughtseize . I also feel that 1 Sphinx's Revelation is not nearly enough, I run 3 myself, and from what I've seen most decks are running 3-4. Unless you're trying to go heavy on the mill then I would recommend Jace, Architect of Thought over Jace, Memory Adept . Im still playing around with my deck to work some kinks out, all around though I do think its a fairly solid looking deck. Check out mine if you want to see a slightly different take Esper Blood Baron
October 7, 2013 5:38 a.m.
thataddkid says... #5
acky12489, AEtherling can't be chump blocked by 60% of the color wheel, and also dodges ALL forms of removal, so you can blink him and drop verdict, and he doesn't get Mizzium Mortars 'd. Baron's lifelink is useful but his second ability is the only evasion he's got. If you're down life and an aggro deck topdecks a burn spell, you're done. Drop an Azorius Charm and swing with an unblockable AEtherling for 8 life, you're already ahead of an aggro deck and you can dodge all forms of removal in the control mirror. I'm not saying Blood Baron of Vizkopa is a bad creature. I'm just saying compared to AEtherling , it's a hell of alot weaker.
October 7, 2013 6:37 a.m.
fidelacchius117 says... #6
The Pilfered Plans will be comming out as soon as i can find another Spinx or three to throw in.
As for the Psychic Strike i may leave it in to break up Skry but i might replace it with dissolve and syncopate for the side deck.
The blood baron is prolly the best card after aetherling but its weak to 3 colors and field wipes :/ But i could run 4 and just drop another one. Plus the lifelink would be nice.
Good idea's Thanks. I like your deck.
thataddkid says... #1
First off, you have absolutely no counterspells mainboard. You also have guildgates, a horrible option for any deck, and much worse in control. You need to get shocklands and add basic lands over scrylands. One to three scrylands should be good, control needs to hit it's land drops perfectly. Add in counterspells over Mind Grind and Pilfered Plans , and cut Psychic Strike for Dissolve . I'm going to say right now that mill is an awful route for esper, if you want to mill go Dimir. Esper needs to have a win-con as well, so cut 2x Omenspeaker for 2x AEtherling . You need card draw, so add in Quicken and Divination . Divination is better than Pilfered Plans in a non-mill deck because it is less color intensive. Here's what I think you should cut:
5x Azorius Guildgate (5 of one card other than basic lands is illegal anyways)
2x Orzhov Guildgate
1x Temple of Deceit
3x Temple of Silence
3x Mind Grind
1x Pilfered Plans
3x Crypt Incursion
4x Psychic Strike
2x Jace, Memory Adept
Leaving you with 24 open slots. With those I suggest you add in:
3x Dissolve
1x Syncopate
3x Doom Blade
2x AEtherling
3x Divination
5x Island
3x Swamp
4x Plains
If you are on a budget, that is what I would suggest. I know Esper is a very expensive build, but if you can shell out the cash for it I would add:
2x Jace, Architect of Thought
2x AEtherling
3x Dissolve
3x Doom Blade
3x Sphinx's Revelation
1x Hallowed Fountain
1x Watery Grave
3x Godless Shrine
2x Plains
2x Swamp
2x Island
Sphinx's Revelation replaces Divination because you gain life and draw at instant speed, giving card advantage and fuel to keep controlling. Shocklands are also a must, adding those is obvious. Jace, Architect of Thought is superior to memory adept for control due to shutting down aggro and card advantage. This deck is a good build but it isn't focused. You need to mill them to death with this, there is no current wincon. If they take out Jace and Ashiok and counter your mind grind, you're done, not to mention you only have 2 removal spells other than supreme if they resolve their creatures. You need to stay controlling until you sphinx's into aetherling and blink to avoid removal and beat them to death. I haven't gotten into the sideboard, but I might to that later :). Good luck with this deck.
October 5, 2013 10:34 a.m.