

Instant (1)

This is my Esper list that I've been using since rotation, it doesn't have the best win ratio due to the shaky mana-base, but when it goes off, it does so beautifully. You have to pick your battles and know when to dissolve and when to let it stick to get better value out of your sweepers and Detention Sphere . Part of playing Esper is taking hits and you get a few more chances with cards like Sphinx's Revelation and Blood Baron of Vizkopa. The side board is tuned for the control mirror and vs Devotion. Vs GR monsters, you just can't let Ruric Thar resolve. Everything else can be dealt with, even Mistcutter Hydra. As always comments are appreciated.


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Right before this FNM last night I took out a plains and an Island and added two swamps. I went 1-2 and dropped my last round. I lost to Maze's End and Mono Black devotion. I absolutely wrecked Mono U 2-0 thanks to Drown in Sorrow in game one and Gainsay for game two. He scooped once AEtherling and Elspeth, Sun's Champion both hit the board each game.

The Maze's End loss came as a total surprise since I've played that player before but totally underestimated his sideboard plan. He basically ran every Standard legal Fog available as well as Crackling Perimeter To take games one and three. He Verdicted my Elspeth tokens on game one long enough to perimeter me for the kill. Game two I just happened to draw up all my counters and cancel out his Fogs to let AEtherling do work. Game 3 I hit a huge mana pocket and was forgetting to up Jaces' loyalty, which ultimately cost me game 3 as I got to Ultimate Jace in game 2 and was hoping to do the same in 3,unfortunately, he was drawing Negate every time I tried to drop him. I was able to Detention Sphere his Crackling Perimeter, but he was able to build his Maze's Endfoil in the third game before I ran him out of Fog.

The mono black game ended super quick, mostly because I hate the matchup and feel I have some mental block about it. Both games were wrapped up pretty quickly due to my inability to counter Thoughtseize where every time time he'd discard Blood Baron of Vizkopa or my Elspeth, Sun's Champion. Game two I boarded in the Thoughtseize and Duress, but he just ran me over with Gray Merchant of Asphodel after a turn four Supreme Verdict while having an Underworld Connections out hitting me for four and then six the following turn. I might be cutting the Divination in favor of one more Dissolve or maybe even Nullify to hit incoming creatures or Gods. I didn't play the big boogeyman that is RG or Jund monsters, but I did see an Azorius Control deck not do that well against it. I'm going back to the drawing board to see what I need to do to beat Mono black and RG monsters especially since I can beat every other deck consistently except for what I lost to. More practice for me.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 4 Mythic Rares

29 - 4 Rares

7 - 6 Uncommons

10 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.41
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Standard Decks
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