Esper Control

Modern* Shaitan


Tickles1929 says... #1

Village Bell-Ringer is something to consider.

October 23, 2011 9:20 p.m.

skittles says... #2

Contagion Engine is a good card to do a one sided board sweep. and if you can get/fit Inkmoth Nexus , the card becomes even better. Then of course there's the fancy Sundial of the Infinite +Venser, the Sojourner +Oblivion Ring /Glimmerpoint Stag combo for really tricky/controversial but fun stuff providing you don't make any mistakes. Hope these ideas help =D

October 25, 2011 7:40 p.m.

Shaitan says... #3

Thanks for the suggestions!

Might consider Village Bell-Ringer , but I don't know what to take out for it.

I might consider a single Contagion Engine for a DoJ, but Inkmoth Nexus is a bit hard to get (also very expensive).

I've always wanted to do something with the Sundial, so I might include one or two of it to try the trick. I'm guessing you exile things forever with it?

I might include Glimmerpoint Stag too, I forgot about it earlier.

October 26, 2011 5:33 a.m.

Shaitan says... #4

October 26, 2011 1:51 p.m.

Shaitan says... #5

Revamped it a bit.

Got an Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite makes it easier to finish the job.

Put in a couple of Dissipate for more control and counters which I felt the deck was lacking.

Removed the Ponder for Forbidden Alchemy , it's another thing that has cmc 3, like almost half the deck has, so there's only 3 of it. I wanted to try it out cause it digs deeper, puts targets in the graveyard for Sun Titan and can be flashbacked.

Trying to fit in a Glimmerpoint Stag or two in there somewhere but don't know what to take out, a Fiend Hunter might have to go...

October 30, 2011 7:23 p.m.

Shaitan says... #6

Revamped some.

The bad thing about the deck now is that it contains very little draw engines, think Think Twice and Ponder . Just don't know if I want to remove anything for more Think Twice and/or some Ponders...

November 9, 2011 7:10 p.m.

KorApprentice says... #7

This is just an opinion, feel free to take or leave any of my suggestions.

-2 Gideon Jura

-1 Karn Liberated

-1 Batterskull

-1 Plains

+3 Sundial of the Infinite

+2 Glimmerpoint Stag

Once again, this is just an opinion. I know all of the arguments for not making this change, the difference is only a playstyle preference. I thought I might put it out there in case you found that you preferred this playstyle of venser (with sundial). This is already a pretty solid build and I'm not saying that going the sundial direction is better, just different. +1 from me.

November 20, 2011 5:05 p.m.

Shaitan says... #8

Thanks for the feedback!

I might try the Sundial combo route cause I do enjoy combos, but it will be later in that case. First of all I want to try this out at our local Standard Tournaments.

Thanks for the +1! Greatly appreciated :)

November 23, 2011 7:15 p.m.

rothchild10284 says... #9

i think Ratchet Bomb could be a good addition to this deck, you won't lose a ton from blowing it up plus the sun titan constantly brings it back

November 27, 2011 10:46 p.m.

Shaitan says... #10

I have thought about it, and I actually went as far as ordering a couple with some other cards I needed to finish up the deck, but the main problem with it is as always what to take out for it.

November 28, 2011 12:15 a.m.

-1 splicer and -1 mana leak for +2 bombs

November 28, 2011 1:05 a.m.

Shaitan says... #12

I'll test it out. Thanks for the suggestions! :)

November 28, 2011 1:43 a.m.

yeah no problem, hope it benefits you

November 28, 2011 2:27 a.m.

CAO says... #14

Love the deck. Plays off really well and it's fun :3


November 30, 2011 1:31 p.m.

minzart says... #15

Here's a fun combo: Any board sweeper+Sun Titan +Fiend Hunter .

Attack with the Sun Titan to bring back Fiend Hunter and exile Sun Titan (the Sun Titan won't deal damage). Then, board sweep, getting back Sun Titan and anything Sun Titan can pull.

Just something to consider.

Also, you might want one more Sun Titan and one more Phantasmal Image . As you like combos, making that change will allow you to do that trick more often.

Nice deck! +1

November 30, 2011 2:02 p.m.

Shaitan says... #16

@CAO: Thanks :)

@minzart: Nice combo, might think about implementing it! :)

I have been thinking about adding another Sun Titan or a single Wurmcoil Engine if I could get a hold of either, but I'm not sure. There's the old problem with what to take out, I might configure the sideboard more and make room for some of those things in the future.

Taking this to the local Standard Tournament tomorrow, running the -1 Mana Leak , -1 Blade Splicer for +2 Ratchet Bomb .

November 30, 2011 9:59 p.m.

Always a good addition to a venser deck is Phyrexian Metamorph annoying for the opponents to have to face because you can make him a sword or titan or anything else they might think gives them a 1-up on you... good luck w/the tourny

November 30, 2011 10:08 p.m.

Shaitan says... #18

True. So much to test out, looks like I'll have to been on the lookout for a couple of Metamorphs as well.

Thank you :)

December 1, 2011 1:18 a.m.

Shaitan says... #19

Tournament didn't go all too well. Went 1-2.

Won against a Geist-Aggro deck, but the guy who played it was just borrowing the deck and didn't really know how to play it. Won 2-0.

Second match was against the World Championship deck. I played like shit a deserved the loss I got. Lost 0-2.

Third match up was against my girlfriend, playing her Birthing of Hell deck. I won game 1 and we both forgot to sideboard game 2, which lost me the game as I didn't pull the Oblivion Ring I needed to answer the Birthing Pod. In the third game I kept a not too good hand, did a bad counter and got all my lands blown to pieces by recurring Acidic Slimes. Lost 1-2.

Despite the that it didn't go too well in the tournament (I don't have the Inkmoth Nexus' yet, so I was playing Ghost Quarters) I think the deck works okay. I did have some troubles against GR Wolf Run Ramp, but I did some bad sideboarding choices and played like shit. Though I changed the sideboard some. I added 2 Frost Titans for the Wolf Run Ramp match-up, my train of thought being that my Frost Titans would be better than their Titans(and it's able to tap their Inkmoths/Wolf Runs), but I'm considering changing them for Spellskites instead. Thoughts on that?

December 4, 2011 3:52 a.m.
  • 1 Plains -1 Day of Judgment +2 card:Tezzeret's Gambit the proliferation and draw cards could work wonders for you especially in a werewolf/vampire face off where you need ratchet bomb to blow up quickly
December 4, 2011 3:58 p.m.

masterpeez says... #21

Treasure Mage into Wurmcoil Engine and, awfully brutal with venser, Spine of Ish Sah .

December 20, 2011 10:03 a.m.

Geekachu says... #22

Might want to look into Myr Battlesphere as a singleton. 20 unblockable damage flat if he hits and stays on the board with Venser out the turn after he is cast. Blink him after you cast, then use Venser's -1 next.

January 16, 2012 1:09 p.m.

jkarnes says... #23

I'm not really sure why the Grafdigger's CageMTG Card: Grafdigger's Cage is in your deck. Upon reading your comments it seems like its sole purpose is to shut down Solar Flare... but it also turns off your Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mage game two AND your Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice. I guess that's when you would sideboard those cards out but then you're a much less flexible deck.

I believe that if you have no answers to Solar Flare that you need to more closely think about why and how Solar Flare wins its games. Mainly, the Flare deck wants to hit a turn 3 Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil and then make both players discard. The Flare deck will choose to discard a fat creature like Sun Titan to feed to the Unburial Rites. That card advantage is just too powerful... so how do you shut it off?

Well, the Grafdigger's CageMTG Card: Grafdigger's Cage isn't a bad decision, but there has to be a better choice.

Nihil SpellbombMTG Card: Nihil Spellbomb isn't too bad because it can be held in reserve until they play the Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil (or get something dangerous in the GY) and it ends up replenishing itself if you have the black mana available; however, it can also be used as a deterrent force, saying 'Don't go for it, because I'll respond and mess you up.'

Graveyard ShovelMTG Card: Graveyard Shovel comes into play on turn two but it only hits one card per turn & it's opponent's choice & it costs mana to activate. Abysmal.

Gruesome EncoreMTG Card: Gruesome Encore: Ahhhh, now we're getting somewhere. This card will literally come out of far left field in the matchup. Odds are that they will set up the Sun TitanMTG Card: Sun Titan shenanigans through either Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil or Forbidden AlchemyMTG Card: Forbidden Alchemy. Both of those spells cost three, and you should be clear to simply steal their titan, return two permanents to play, AND deal 6 or kill Liliana. Not bad.

MemoricideMTG Card: Memoricide: Could be worse. Costs 4 and might come out late. Very likely to set up card disadvantage. I don't personally like it

Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction: requires that they have the card in their graveyard, BUT is instant speed and can really mess up their plans if you respond to the Unburial rights. Sets up card disadvantage most of the time... but the speed makes up for the restriction. In the SF matchup, this is probably better than MemoricideMTG Card: Memoricide.

Memory's JourneyMTG Card: Memory's Journey isn't too terrible as you can control the number of cards shuffled, is an instant, and could potentially be flashed back if you run a singleton Shimmering GrottoMTG Card: Shimmering Grotto. Not a terrible option, but it doesn't remove the card(s) in question from the game. More or less this is a major color solution so you don't have to dip deeper into black. It also could be used on yourself to reshuffle value spells like DissipateMTG Card: Dissipate.

Purify the GraveMTG Card: Purify the Grave: This isn't limited. Do not use this.

That wraps up almost every option to replace the Grafdigger's CageMTG Card: Grafdigger's Cage. My personal favorites are Gruesome EncoreMTG Card: Gruesome Encore, Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction, and Nihil SpellbombMTG Card: Nihil Spellbomb.

Best of luck in your construction.

February 7, 2012 5:08 p.m.

Shaitan says... #24

Thank you for your comment :)

I have actually thought about having Nihil SpellbombMTG Card: Nihil Spellbomb instead of the Cage, the paper version of the deck actually currently runs this, but I'm not sure. While you make a good point about Cage it also has the ability to almost completely shut down Birthing Pod, which is a deck I play against a lot.I think I prefer the Spellbomb to the Encore though.

February 7, 2012 5:31 p.m.

shawning says... #25

I'd say drop 2x Sun TitanMTG Card: Sun Titan and add 2x Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mage.

Also drop 1x Pristine TalismanMTG Card: Pristine Talisman and add 1x Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine.

LOVE the Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb in the MB :)))

I would maybe try to sneak in a Consecrated SphinxMTG Card: Consecrated Sphinx although I don't have any recommendation as to where.

February 17, 2012 10:22 a.m.

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