Esper Control Mill

Standard xXxBigExXx


gufymike says... #1

It depends on your local meta first and foremost, but to give you some ideas.

Other control decks, Negate does wonders.

Aggro, Blind Obedience

Reanimator, Rest in Peace (and obediance)

possibly a couple more o-rings/d-spheres.

April 10, 2013 10:16 a.m.

xXxBigExXx says... #2

Ok, for as much as I've seen Blind Obedience in the main board of Esper decks, it never dawned on me to add it to the side board, lol.

Negate is a great idea too. I just need to see where I could squeeze it in.

I would be concerned with Rest in Peace only for the fact that we have Consuming Aberration so we need the graveyard. And if we added it anyway, we would need another fat creature to replace him with, which would just stretch our sideboard a little too far.

Overall, I like your advice, and it was exactly what I was looking for, thank you.

April 10, 2013 11:09 a.m.

gufymike says... #3

You have obie on the sideboard, I would run him instead in those situations. He is a major win condition of mine. Sideout the abberations for rip and obie. You are welcome also.

April 10, 2013 11:37 a.m.

AGrimes says... #4

First I would like to say I love playing esper. I'm glad to see more esper decks in standard, non of this kill you on turn 4 crap.

First off one change to the mainboard, I would add Tamiyo, the Moon Sage . There are two reason she helps esper: 1, lockdown, vs control you can lock down a land and set them one turn behind. Vs midrange you can lock down the big guy, and in general it's just useful in a lot of situations. 2, her -2 ability is super good vs aggro/tokens/ mass creatures deck. As esper mass card draw wins games. I would replace Gideon with Tamiyo.

To the sideboard! The way to make a sideboard is to find out what you deck need help with dealing with. It's not a place for cards that got cut from your main deck. I don't know your experience but I have some trouble with reanimate, hyper aggro, in hand combo and the mirror.

So with that in mind, what do we add to help with those four problem areas.

To combat reanimator I like Purify the Grave more then Rest in Peace . In fact Rest in Peace is bad for you if you plan to use Consuming Aberration . To kill reanimator you don't need to remove the graveyard just the cards then want in it. Remember the bigger the graveyard the better for you.

Vs aggro:All you need to do is survive until you take control of the game. The best card I think is Blind Obedience . It stops hast and gives you a way to gain a little life.

Terminus / Supreme Verdict / Merciless Eviction , board wipes are good always. As a side note I would run 4 verdicts and 1 eviction in the main.

Augur of Bolas it gives you a blocker and a way to dig for a verdict.

Snapcaster Mage is not as good as augur vs aggro, not to say he is bad. Remember vs aggro you are not looking for flexibility you're looking to not die.

For Combo decks, there are two kinds the on field type, example being, Boros Reckoner lifelink, indestructibility and damage. And in hand combos, example being, ramping into Epic Experiment and then pulling out all kinds of shenanigans.

The on field combos are easy to deal with using your mainboard, just don't let them get field presents and esper does that well already.

The in hand are more tricky because Esper doesn't deal with other players hands well. So you just have to add in more counterspells. Whatever your favorites are will work. Duress gives you a way to see what their up to. The other way to troll combo decks is with Curse of Echoes , play that and they should tap tap conceded.

In the mirror, remember how esper wins, with card advantage. Also remember that esper does not interact with there hand. Once again Duress can to some good. You have two ways is play in the mirror, more board presents or better card advantage.

The card advantage way is by adding more card draw, Think Twice , Staff of Nin and what not.

The other way is to add more field presents. Sorin, Lord of Innistrad , Gideon, Champion of Justice and Obzedat, Ghost Council . Even a few Entreat the Angels will go a long way. Witchbane Orb is also good vs their mill. Once again my favorite card in the mirror is Curse of Echoes . If they go the card advantage path than you can just laugh all the way to the win.

I hope in all my rambling you learned something of use. Anyways i wish you luck and may you win all the FNM.

April 10, 2013 12:07 p.m.

xXxBigExXx says... #5

AGrimes, you have also given me a lot to think about. I think if I can get my hands on Tamiyo, the Moon Sage she may get included. I thought about her, I just don't own a copy and Gideon, Champion of Justice was my best alternative.

You even brought up Curse of Echoes and I think that may be a card I will look at as well. Most importantly, thanks for breaking down some match ups and stategies us fellow Esper players can take against different builds. It is advice I needed.

As for Esper, it fits my play style. I cannot stand aggro play styles, control intrigues me more and this deck has just been a blast to play. I was new to Esper, took a little practice but once you get your feet wet, there's no looking back.

April 10, 2013 2:17 p.m.

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