My current EDH deck, it's an Esper control deck with several planeswalkers and more to be added in when I get the chance. This deck is not in its final form and at some point may have Sen Triplets as the commander instead. Normally I would explain all the cards in my deck in an organized way but I'm too lazy and I'll instead just explain the cards in a random order. As always I won't be explaining any lands unless I feel like they need to be explained.

Merieke Ri Berit - My current commander who I picked mainly for the color combination. She does a great job though allowing you to scab creatures that could be beneficial to you or by making your opponent's wait to play down threats because they don't want them to be taken. Bonus points because she kills the creatures she takes.

Sphinx of the Steel Wind - A possible win-con for this deck. Very hard to deal with once she's on the field and allows us to gain some life in the process. Bonus points for being vigilant.

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails - One of my all time favorite white creatures. He allows us to protect anything we want from, well anything. Bonus points if the spell or permanent is already white.

Fated Retribution - As you go through the deck you'll notice several board sweeps and this is one of them. I put it in the deck for two reasons. The first of course being that it deals with planeswalkers. I run a decent amount of them but so do other players and I don't want to have to deal with them. The other reason is because no one expects and instant speed board sweep which can shut down infinite combos, haste creatures, or whatever other forms of stupidity happen to be going on. Bonus points for the possibility of scry.

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - This lovely gal is in here for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, she allows us to stall a bit which is beneficial for many reasons i.e stopping commander damage. She also has the potential to let us draw several cards at once especially if we have Sir Gideon Jura on the field. Then you have her ultimate ability, which will most likely perturb our enemies. Almost every card in this deck is a problem, even better when they get recycled nonstop. No one wants to deal with a Debt to the Deathless or Mind Grind every turn. The last reason, like every planeswalker in here is that since they are a threat in their own nature they divert attacks from my life total to themselves which in turn allows me to stay in the game longer.

Omenspeaker - A great early game card in my opinion. Plus I love scry.

Sudden Spoiling - It's kind of like fog, except better because it can't be countered, makes creatures lose their abilities and if you have an Elesh Norn, Grand Cenboite on the field you've just effectively board swept.

Kokusho, the Evening Star - One of my favorite cards in my deck mainly because I love the Kamigawa block and his art. Anyway, he's a decent threat by himself and if he does die, whether it be by my own hands or another, I'm gaining life and making all of my enemies lose life. Who doesn't love things that affect all players?

Supreme Verdict - One of the best board sweeps ever printed in my opinion. A guaranteed board sweep for the most part that will save one's ass every time.

Medomai the Ageless - At first glance this sphinx may seem kind of just thrown in for no apparent reason. Sure he gives you extra turns and everyone likes extra turns, but you can run other cards. Well here's the thing, Mr. Medomai has the potential to be more effective than sorceries that do the same thing espically when combined with things such as Fated Return, Eight-and-a-Half-Tails, or Venser, the Sojourner. Which brings me to my next point, the main reason Medomai is in the deck is for the extra turns which in turn allow me to set up my combos more efficiently and to also give any planeswalkers I control an additional loyalty counter(s) than if I only had one turn which in turn means the potential to fire off an ultimate ability.

Sin Collector - One of my favorite Orzhov cards ever printed. I love this guy because he's early game and gets rid of problematic instant and sorceries that I'd rather not deal with. In a format like EDH where people run ridiculous instant and sorceries this guy is a necessity.

Ashen Rider - Late game removal with a flying body. What's not to love? Bonus points for the fact that whatever you target gets exiled and that it can be anything you want.

Solemn Simulacrum - Or as I like to call him Sad Sam because I have the original Mirrodin print (and it's foil too!) An EDH staple really allowing you to ramp a land and draw a card. There's never a bad time to play him.

Sol Ring - Talking about EDH staples... Sol Ring is always helpful. Whether it's to help pay for the additional mana for Merieke Ri Berit, the many X spells, or for any of my late game/mid-game spells it always will have a place in my heart.

Temple of the False God - I don't need to explain this EDH staple but I put it in here because it's Sol Ring (see above) and I less than three Sol Ring.

Darksteel Mutation - What's worse than having your commander die, exiled, bounced, or tucked? How about having it sit as a pathetic 0/1 with nothing to do. It can't even be destroyed. This little enchantment is guaranteed to make any of your opponents have a bad day, especially if their deck is built around their commander.

Akroma's Vengeance - A powerful board sweep when it needs to be, or a draw engine. This card is never a dead draw and is always helping out when you need it.

Stormtide Leviathan - My friends always joke that if I make a blue deck this card will be in it. That's because if I make a blue deck he's the first card I put in. Words barely describe the adoration I have for this card. He gives us protection by being a less powerful Moat and is a guaranteed 8 damage every turn. If we need Islands he gives it to us. He doesn't even hurt me when it comes to combat since most of my good creatures have flying.

Impulse - I recently got my hands on this pretty gem from the From the Vault 20. It replaced Sleight of Hand seeing as it's basically the better version of the card and allows me to find answers to problems at instant speed. Zoom.

Fact or Fiction - Who doesn't love a good FoF? This card is great and for good reason. You'll normally get a decent supplement of cards to your hand and if some go the grave it's okay. We have some graveyard retrieval so they might be coming back. It basically allows us to find the cards we need faster. Also, it's an instant. Zoom Zoom.

Fated Return - One of the stars of this deck. I run several board sweeps and this guy makes sure I get a problematic creature like Stormtide Leviathan, Medomai the Ageless, or whatever else you heart desires and make it immune to almost everything. Bonus points for possibly scrying.

Venser, the Sojourner - A great planeswalker in my opinion. Whether he makes creatures unblockable, or bounces a permanent he always helps us. If you manage to get him to use his ultimate the game is basically over as you can exile all the lands on the field, any threats, whatever you want. Can you feel the power?

Brilliant Ultimatum - I love fact of fiction. I love it even more when I get to play a decent amount of cards from it without paying their mana costs. Things get really funny when you get three really OP creatures and your enemies start sweating.

Mortify - I like this card because for three mana it has a decent amount of options, and I like options. I can get rid of problematic enchantments or destroy a creature. Awesome.

Obzedat's Aid - Another one of my favorite cards in this deck. I like it because it allows you to get planeswalkers back of all things. No one wants to deal with Jace, Memory Adept doing Glimpse the Unthinkable every turn, so you can bet they won't want to deal with it TWICE. Even if you don't want a planeswalker it's helpful because you can take almost anything from the grave which will normally make your enemies irate.

Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver - One of my favorite planeswalkers ever printed. Why? Because he's early game, exiles cards, essentially mills, and you can possibly scab a really awesome creature. Better than anything else is the ability to make your opponent top deck while also shutting down any graveyard strategy, and after you do that he's still alive normally. Which means you can build him back up and take whatever creature you fancy.

Psychic Intrusion- One of my favorite Theros cards. Let your friends realize how dicky they're being when they use certain cards by using them against them. Bonus points for letting everyone see someone's hand and possibly making them a new enemy depending on those contents. Politics!

Burnished Hart - If it's EDH you can guarantee I will have this guy in my deck. One of my favorite creatures because he's affordable and allows you to ramp two lands. He's just so pretty.

Chromatic Lantern - Having one additional mana to cast a spell is very helpful because this deck has very expensive spells. Of course, the real reason it's in here is to fix my mana. It's just one of the best feelings when you don't have to carefully decide what lands you need to use to cast spells.

Nephalia Drownyard - Dare I say one of my favorite lands of all time. This is an annoying card for any person to deal with because no one likes being milled. If you don't have anything better to do, why not?

Wrath of God - One of the earliest game board sweeps in MTG's existence. Bonus points for no regeneration.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite - Or as my playgroup likes to call her, THE raging asshole. She's the queen of them. She shuts down any weenie decks while putting an astonishing 4 P/T gap between all creatures. She's hard to get rid of and makes sure that you take less damage while dealing more. Bonus points for her amazing artwork.

New Benalia - SCRY!!!

Halimar Depths - A minor index that we can use to set up our draws according to the field.

Eiganjo Castle - Allows the small amount of legendary creatures we have in the deck to be more resilient to death. Also allows us to play politically since we can prevent damage to any legend on the field. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Sphinx Ambassador - I love sphinxes, I think they all have decent to amazing artwork and for the most part they have great abilities. Ambassador proves this point with her massive mammaries (like seriously it's ridiculous) and the ability to scab creatures....from the deck. The only way you can stop it is to guess the card correctly which always ends up being a fun little mind game.

Preordain - One of the best draw cards. One mana, and you get to see what's coming first? There's a reason this card is banned in Modern you know.

Jace, Architect of Thought - Thank you Jace VS Vraska! I wanted this card for a while but for the longest time I either couldn't find one or the prices were too high. He's a great card though and can kind of survive on his own. Mainly in here for the minor FoF he can do, but if we ultimate, well that's cool too.

Ancient Craving - Draw power my friends, at any cost. But seriously it's a decent draw card and the life loss is negligible in a format where you star with 40 life.

Sphinx's Revelation - One of the best cards ever printed when it comes to Azorious (W/U). The mana cost is very low for this wonderful card making it even more powerful than it already is. The fact that you both gain life and draw cards is made even better by the fact that it's an instant.

Archon of the Triumvirate - In here for two reasons, detaining planeswalkers and detaining combat oriented commanders. Besides that this guy will probably be taken out at some point in time for something better.

Reflecting Pool - The potential of a second Command Tower makes this a staple in all of my EDH decks.

Merciless Eviction - A very versatile board sweep. No matter what's on the field it will get around it. I'm looking at you Avacyn, Angel of Hope. Bonus points for one of the most badass flavor texts on a card.

Debt to the Deathless - One of my win-cons in the deck. I usually only play this card very late game when it becomes a major problem. I've always loved Exsanguinate and then they made this. I will gladly pay two more mana to have all of my enemies lose twice as much life and for me to gain that much more. Bonus points for the creepy yet awesome artwork.

Mind Grind - Another win condition in the deck. This card will make any enemy cringe as they lose card after card while depleting their mana base. This card becomes very dumb when combined with Sadistic Sacrament. Take out 15 lands and then kill them by mill.

Hero's Downfall - Probably one of the best black removal spells ever printed. Killing a creature is always helpful, but the fact that you can waste a planeswalker for a mere 3 mana? That's just absurd.

Nevermore - An EDH staple if you're running white. When this hits the field everyone holds their breath. You become a savior, a target, and the doombringer all at one time. Politics!

Planar Cleansing - 6 mana is a lot to pay for a board sweep, even more so when you need 3 plains. But it's worth it since this only leaves lands left. Weep in joy as all threats are removed from the field.

Ponder - Another, dare I say, broken draw card. One mana to draw a card is great, better yet when you get to stack your deck first. Like I said with Preordain, there's a reason this card is banned in Modern.

Sphinx of Uthuun - This guy is one of my favorite rares. Why? Well I love sphinxes, I love his art, and I love Fact or Fiction. He's all three of these in a 5/6 Flying body for 7 mana, which is a steal.

Sadistic Sacrament - My friends don't like playing EDH with me because of this card. Whether I kick it or not, your main combos will be taken apart and any new cards you wanted to try out will not be used. Like previously stated this card combined with Mind Grind will spell death for anyone you want.

Remand - I decided it wouldn't hurt to have at least one counterspell in the deck. Remand fits perfectly because I love to draw cards and this allows me to do so. It also allows us to postpone any plans one of our opponents may have for a turn, which is really political. If everyone sees that some guy is about to drop a Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, odds are he's going to be a target for the next couple of turns. Bonus points for making them technically waste a turn.

Diabolic Revelation - I had to limit myself to one tutor so I could put other things in my deck. So I decided to go with this lovely card since it allows me to search for multiple cards. I always try to get X to equal 4 so I can grab a win-con, a board sweep, Mind Grind, and Sadistic Sacrament.

Faith's Reward - This card goes HAM in this deck. In a format with a multitude of board sweeps and especially when my deck runs a great deal, you never have to be afraid of losing your field.

Austere Command - I love this cards because it gives me so many options. Every option is helpful and can make for some interesting situations.

Jace, Memory Adept - In my opinion, the best Jace. There I said it, I think he's better than Mind Sculptor. Sure Mind Scupltor is great for control decks and all but come on Glimpse the Unthinkable every turn? Now that's just absurd. If you can protect him you'll be able to make your enemies lose several cards in their decks and shut down many combos. If you want to you can draw some cards too.

Void Stalker - Another staple for me to put into an EDH deck. Tucking a commander will result in loss of friendship but improve the possibilities of winning the game.

Erebos, God of the Dead - In here for two reasons. I usually win in some other way that's not combat damage but sometimes that is how I win and I would prefer if my opponents didn't gain life during that process, especially when they're trying to kill each other. The other reason is for the draw ability. Kind of pricey for one card but helpful.

Xathrid Gorgon - Another EDH staple for me. Why? Because she shuts down any commander that's combat based any any EDH deck revolving around and activated ability of a creature. She also shuts down threats and can kill creatures if they're foolish enough to attack or block.

Jace Beleren - In here just for the draw power. If you manage to ultimate him good for you.

Gideon Jura - One of the best planeswalkers ever printed in my opinion. He makes sure that your other walkers are protected or makes sure that you don't lose the game by combat damage for one turn. He also allows you to destroy tapped creatures with most commanders at one time or another will be tapped. Bonus points for his amazing combo with Tamiyo, the Moon Sage.

Vesuva - When I play this card I normally copy one of two things, either Command Tower (with Reflecting Pool that's three of the same card) or Temple of the False God which means the possibility of three Sol Rings.

Renounce the Guilds - In a format where almost every commander is multicolored this card will do work.

Oblivion Ring - Just a basic threat removal card that is always helpful.

Illusionist's Gambit - One of the funniest cards I've seen for the format. It allows you to not take damage while giving the possibility of someone else taking it. That's funny I don't care who you are.

Anyway that's the deck, I might put the cards I still want/need in the acquireboard but for right now I'm not going to. Let me know what you think of my deck and if you have any suggestions.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 4.31
Tokens Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Emblem Venser, the Sojourner
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