Esper Dragons - Out of Control

Standard haysmafia1


haysmafia1 says... #1

Can I get two more upvotes so I can be in double digits?? LOL!!

June 15, 2015 11:25 a.m.

mindcrush says... #2

haysmafia1 there's one :)

June 15, 2015 11:30 a.m.

haysmafia1 says... #3

Sideboard change: replaced Drown in Sorrow with Virulent Plague, in prep for rotation. Since its a permanent, it will mess with those darn Goblins/Warriors/insert token name here decks as well as counter spawning from Rabblemaster, Elspeth, Sorin, Hornet Queen, et all.

June 15, 2015 12:18 p.m.

haysmafia1 says... #4

RochanDragonmaster I checked out your deck, nice job. I gave +1 ;-)

June 15, 2015 6:58 p.m.

haysmafia1 says... #5

Still tweaking the sideboard.

Den Protector & Deathmist Raptor are the bane of my existence, LOL.

June 15, 2015 7:08 p.m.

haysmafia1 says... #6

6/15/2015: Ranked #34 WOO HOO!!

Thanks everyone :-)

June 15, 2015 10:48 p.m.

TheHroth says... #7

Den Protector and Deathmist me about it xD

And congrats on the rank!

June 16, 2015 2:05 a.m. Edited.

haysmafia1 says... #8

Thank you TheHroth. Might have to splash more white for access to some "exile all" type spells ;-)

June 16, 2015 9:31 a.m.

haysmafia1 says... #9

10 Likes, party time!!

June 16, 2015 12:38 p.m.

haysmafia1 says... #10

1) Slight change to the creatures, will make some people happy ;-)

2) Opinions needed: I need to make a version of this deck tuned to my local meta (burn, R/W heroic). Should I create another version of this deck and label it something like "Esper Dragons (Local Meta)" or should I just have this one deck and change the playlist when I go to FNM and then change it back afterwards?

June 16, 2015 12:45 p.m.

haysmafia1 says... #11

Ranked #29 now :-)

Let's bump that up even more.

Hoping to take this to my LGS for WNS (Weds Night Standard) tomorrow. If I am able to go, will post results.

June 16, 2015 12:48 p.m.

haysmafia1 says... #12

Just an okay night tonight at WNS, I went 2-2.

Lost close matches vs. Monored goblins (0-2) and B/W tokens (1-2). I made a couple of sideboarding mistakes that cost me a couple of matches. All matches were very fast-paced, a lot of low-cost creatures, a lot of heroic, etc.

June 18, 2015 1:10 a.m.

haysmafia1 says... #13

6/18 Rank:


Results from last night are posted in comment above. Thoughts?

June 18, 2015 1:54 p.m.

downie78 says... #14

I feel like Utter End is way too clunky. Yes it can exile problematic enchantments and stuff but I would much rather be more mana efficient with Hero's Downfall.

Since all your matchups were fast matches, then Reality Shift probably isn't good (and I think it's bad in general). I would replace those in your sideboard with better cheap removal (you are in black and have the best removal there is, no need to use a mediocre blue removal spell). And maybe have more Drown in Sorrow type effects, as there seems to be a lot of aggro decks near you.

Also Perilous Vault is good as a late game sweeper vs green decks, as it exiles everything. Similar to Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (which I know is expensive). They are both "oh crap I'm way behind" cards that can stabilize the game.

June 18, 2015 3:25 p.m.

WizardLogic says... #15

Breeze Dancin'! (U/W/B Control) this is my take on a very similar esper dragons deck, take a peek to see how I run things and gather potential ideas for this deck!

Some suggestions: Thoughtseize, Duress, and Despise are all fantastic additions to almost any deck that runs black as they offer you some great early game. Valorous Stance and Center Soul offer you some protection should your opponent try some funny business. Bitter Revelation can offer additional pulling speed if you desire it. Phyrexian Revoker is a great sideboard card if your opponent has something like a Savage Knuckleblade or other cards that have activated abilities you don't want to deal with. Brain Maggot is a cheap drop to help detain a potentially hazardous card such as Goblin Rabblemaster or Siege Rhino away from an opponent.

Hope this all helps!

June 18, 2015 7:59 p.m.

id bring in Thoughtseize and Hero's Downfall, take out silumgars scorn and murderous cut. other than that id maybe delve for a Treasure Cruise but i think your deck is good none the less. +1

June 18, 2015 8:01 p.m.

Nymphsong says... #17

Since you are asking for recommendations, I have always considered what I do to be out in left field...and somewhat unorthodox...have you considered Ajani Steadfast in place of one of your Ashiok, Nightmare Weavers? Ajani will give your Ojutai, the Vigilance it craves. In addition, it will give him lifelink...a critical component if you are expecting a heavy counter. Once again, pure suggestion...and more than likely completely unorthodox...but I find that unorthodox is what MTG is all about and happens to be a game-changer from time to time.

June 18, 2015 9:58 p.m.

justinhays says... #18

Great feedback downie78, WizardLogic, corpse_machine, and Nymphsong!!

During one of my matches, I had D.O. and S.o.W. in hand but couldn't draw a white mana source to cast them. I need to fix the mana base, having a large percentage coming in tapped is too slow. I am thinking about going to 4x Caves and bringing in Mana Confluence.

Ashiok does a lot of work for me and causes a major pain for opponents, so she'll remain a 2x. I do love the Ajani idea and I have exactly one copy already. I had experimented with Brave the Sands before, but Ajani's +1 is exactly what I need to quickly stabilize.

June 19, 2015 7:27 a.m.

haysmafia1 says... #19

Sorry, Comment #43 was me. My son logged into TappedOut on my PC and left the session open.

June 19, 2015 7:32 a.m.

haysmafia1 says... #20

6/19 Rank:


Great exposure and I have gotten a lot of useful feedback :-)

June 19, 2015 8:12 a.m.

haysmafia1 says... #21

A couple more up-votes, thanks anonymous people.

If you would like me to review your decks and possibly give you +1's, then you need to leave a comment (even if the comment is as short as "+1").

I am going out of the country for a while, so no MTG or TappedOut for me (no InterWebz) :-(

Hopefully when I get back, there will be a lot of comments on this deck for me to review ;-)

June 19, 2015 3:05 p.m.

haysmafia1 says... #22

6/19 Rank:


June 19, 2015 3:07 p.m.

TheBeans says... #23

Dissolve is not that much money. You could replace the Dissipates with them. Also, the 2 Fate Reforged versions of the dragons are really at best sideboard cards, and FRF Ojutai is unplayable. You have many cards on the high end of the mana curve, so if this is budget, I would swap out a Dismal Backwater and a Polluted Delta for two Divinations. Only Loam runs 27 lands. There is almost no synergy with Ajani Steadfast in this deck, so that slot going to another Ashiok would greatly benefit you. Although Dragonlord's Prerogative is spicy, Treasure Cruise is much more playable in this deck. Plus, in the late game, you probably have counters to protect your draw spells anyway. If you are willing to spend just as much money on the maindeck as you did on the land base, I would suggest putting in a couple of Ugin, the Spirit Dragons and ship two Drown in Sorrows to the sideboard.

June 24, 2015 9:39 a.m.

TheHroth says... #24

"Only Loam runs 27 lands"

Umm what? Standard Esper Dragons decks all run 26-27 lands.

June 24, 2015 9:47 a.m.

GrafOdin says... #25

There are a lot of multicolored and/or >3-toughness creatures running around at the moment. So you're going to have a hard time with your mainly conditional removal. There's a reason those guys you mentioned run Hero's Downfall main. It is still one of the most important cards for a control deck running black and I'm sure Origins or BFZ will bring a similar substitute for it.

Therefore I'd recommend taking out a dragon (preferrably Soul of Winter) and Anticipate and moving Drown in Sorrow to the side (unless your local meta calls for Drown main) to make room for 3 Hero's Downfall and an additional Foul-Tongue Invocation . In the side you could remove Murderous Cut and an Utter End

I'm also not convinced of Ajani in this deck. If you manage to get your hands on a Ugin instead, it would probably really help your deck. It is just -as you say- "a board controlling beast!"

Finally, you should at least test Jace's Ingenuity instead of Prerogative. I know in theory 1 mana more for 1 card more is better, but it has been working better for me to draw earlier and you still have 3 Digs!! You could also test more Anticipate but I'm not convinced of that spell. Just an idea for you.

Good luck!

June 24, 2015 10:33 a.m.

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