2/28 Overall 2 wins 2 losses FNM
Match 1: 1-2 against a Green/Blue Kiora Deck.
Game 1: lost without a sweeper.
Game 2: Won with a combination of Jace Milling and AEtherling damage.
Game 3: dealt with everything he threw at me early and mid game. finally he dropped a mistcutter hydra for 6. Couldn't draw into anything to deal with it.
Match 2: 2-0 against Blue/White weenies + counterspells + daxos
Game 1: took some damage from soldier of the pantheon and other random white weenies. stabilized and got an Elspeth online. Took the game with 3/3 flying tokens.
Game 2: he didn't draw much land, but i knew he had a syncopate in his hand from an early thoughtsieze. waited till i had 10 land to play AEtherling because he kept not playing anything to tap out.
Match 3: 1-2 against RDW
Game 1: got punched in the face by every red haste creature in standard.
Game 2: turn 4 dropped a Supreme verdict, Turn 5 had do play another one bc there were 3 creatures looking at me again. got an Obzedat online turn 6 to stabilize and win the game.
Game 3: After a long battle I finally got an Obzedat online around turn 8. Swung once only to die to double burn spells.
Match 4: 2-0 against White/Green Angel Mega Healing combo.
Game 1: 3 detention spheres on all the combo pieces. never got much healing off. Elspeth Did lots of damage being minused on drop to deal with 3 creatures, then ticked up 4 times making trades with soldier tokens. finally got an AEtherling online for the win.
Game 2: Total lock down. Countered/killed almost everything they dropped pre turn 4. On turn 4 dropped Jace 4 for a -2. Turn 5, minused Jace4 again, then played Jace5 to start milling. Hit some pretty crutial parts of their deck with the first mill. Got Elspeth online turn 6 and started making tokens. They hit a pretty hefty land pocket and I got to ultimate Elspeth and swing for game with 9 3/3 flyers.