This is a build for a new control deck for the SDT-less meta. It's an attempt to revive a previously popular control deck in the pre-miracles era. I think it's well positioned in an uncertain meta, but it does have its troublesome matchups. IMO, one of its worst matchups is probably Elves and BUG with Leovold. It did have some issues with a turn-1 DRS, but fatal push helped simplify the manabase that I think it could be handled gracefully. Additionally, we play our own DRS with only black to give ourselves our own t1 way under standstill. This lets us fatal push + standstill t2 an opposing DRS.
For those unfamiliar with Standstill, you are playing a hard control matchup until you hit an empty board. Then you jam it into play. This deck puts its threats into play with its manabase. This will punish some of the greedier mana bases in the game. Ghost Quarter + Crucible of Worlds out of the board helps accomplish this goal even more.
By now, you're right to be concerned with the number of colorless lands, but IMO, running less than 4 Wastelands and less than 4 Mishra's Factory is incorrect. Standstill is a difficult card to play around, even for experienced players. The colorless lands let you force your opponent to pop standstill before they are ready to stay at parity, especially if you're popping their miser color. Many times I've dropped standstill onto an empty board turn 3, following it with a wasteland targeting their sole Volcanic Island only to be rewarded with my opponent's Brainstorm cracking Standstill filling my hand again. The most experienced players will probably wait until your end-step to pop it, forcing you to discard down to 7, but by that time, you should be discarding useless lands and any deck will have trouble overcoming a full grip. FoW's exile cost in this deck isn't so much of a drawback since you often will have more than 1 way to generate either virtual or actual card advantage at any point of the game.
I've included the Venser/Karakas combo MD to help deal with Lands/Sneak and Show matchup and the general utility it provides. This deck wants to win the in the mid-late game. You should be burning out your hand in an effort to find a Standstill and empty the board. You may seem some board states where your manabase can handle a single threat or so (Generally offering a Mishra's Factory in exchange for their X/3, or stonewalling if you have multiple mishra's) but it is almost always incorrect to jam a standstill as soon as you have 1U available.
Give it a playtest. I'm on Cockatrice as plum if you catch me on there.
I'm excited to see how the new meta shakes out, please provide feedback or results!