Why Esper Mentore?
Honestly, this deck type has some of my favorite cards in it, and it seems like a veyr fun control deck to play, and Ive started leaning more toward control or at least slower midrange the longer I play Magic
Card Explanations
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
Force of Will
Do I really need to explain these three?
Karakas is pure utility, there to bounce any legendary creatures I dont like seeing my opponents bring out.
Shock Lands in place of Duals. The one real budget call this deck makes. having to buy duals like Underground Sea for this deck would make it financially impossible for me to every build. I dont have the job or the existing collection to get these things anytime soon, especially since the prices will only increase. That beign said, there's only 5 of them, and I have ways to offset the life loss, so I dont imagine it will hurt me too much
Breeding Pool Off color? Yup. Lets me use Deathrite Shaman to its full potential.
Cabal Therapy besides being an amazing control card in general, casting this with Mentor out will let me use it twice, once from my hand, once from flashback by sacrificing a Monk
Council's Judgement
It hits everything, from Jace, the Mind Sculptor to
True-Name Nemesis
to Sensei's Divining Top. If I cast this and point at it, it's dying
Gitaxian Probe Peek at my oppents hand, and a free Prowess trigger.
Painful Truths Draw power. Sweet sweet draw power
Ponder See above. Closest I can get to 4 Brainstorm
Liliana of the Veil is a choice I only saw in one other decklist, and I included it when I realized Dig Through Time was banned. I dont see why it would be bad, besides maybe being a bit on the expensive side for Legacy. Also it adds to the fanservice element of this dekc including favorite after favorite for me.
All of these kinda are self-explanatory too. Should I maybe work Counterspell into this deck's lineup of Instants?
Monastery Mentor is the deck's focus. Make a Monk with prowess whenever I cast anything that isnt a creature. Cabal Therapy is two Monks, Probe is a free Monk. Force of Will is a free Monk. exile an opponents creature, make a Monk. So many Monks
Snapcaster Mage recurs my stuff and lets me re-use any instant or sorcery in my graveyard for two extra mana.
Deathrite Shaman my favorite creature of all time. Want ramp? Deathrite Shaman. Want a 2 damage per turn clokc? Deathrite Shaman. Wanna offswet the loss of life from yout shocklands and prevent an opponent from recurring a countered creature later? Deathrite Shaman