Esper Mentor - Please Help :)

Modern PerrinAlbear


PerrinAlbear says... #1

Hey guys,

I recently decided to get back in Modern. I know that Mentor isn't a thing around here but since i love this card: here is my take on Esper Mentor. Any help, thoughts and ideas are appreciated!

Main Wincons: Monastery Mentor

June 10, 2019 2:13 p.m.

metall6010 says... #2

My main concern is your two stated win-cons are at odds with each other. What happens when you land a T2 TiTI, T3 Mentor, then T4 play a bunch of spells? You get a bunch of tokens and pump Mentor..... then they all go away when you flip TiTI. #nombo

I would go -2 TiTI, and +2 Souls..... just me though.

June 10, 2019 8:55 p.m.

PerrinAlbear says... #3

metall6010 Thanks for the feedback! My thought was to always just drop one wincon at a time and then cast a bunch of spells to get it online as fast as possible. Also having the 4 Mentors and 2 TiTis draws us at least 1 of them reliable und dodges Surgical Extraction .

June 11, 2019 5:37 a.m.

JKRice says... #4

I’ve always loved mentor, but I’ve always tried mardu pyromancer builds that didn’t work out too well.

I think this deck style is perfect for mentor, but I think you are trying to do too much in the creature section of the deck. I like mentor, I like TiTi, and I like snapcaster. But it seems to me as though you would want a deck with as many spells and as few creatures as possible. Honestly I would cut both the tasigurs and the jace, and maybe go up to three TiTi. I know it is tempting to have a big creature like tasigur, but mentor becomes a bigger threat than tasigur very quickly, and TiTi does more damage and has more utility. I think loading your deck with more interaction and one mana spells would probably be better for mentor. I also think you can cut one land, even if you keep tasigur in, since all of your spells can be cast for three or less, and snap will usually cost three or four. I might also cut lingering souls. Since you have lots of cantrips, and you play Unearth , you are probably going to have a mentor on the field as a finisher for most games. Those extra two tokens won’t matter very much when you have a board full of prowess creatures. I only say this because when you compare the value you get out of mentor to the value you get out of souls for the same mana, it doesn’t come close, so it might be better to just run more cantrips so you can dig for mentor.

On the landbase. If you have the necessary funds, switch out Shambling Vent for Creeping Tar Pit , since it is much better Late Game to have ensured damage than to have a little bit of life gain. If you don’t have the necessary funds, don’t run shambling vent. I would go down one flooded strand, to seven total fetchlands, and I would also cut the minamo (only if you are also cutting jace). If you keep jace, also keep minamo. I think you just need some more basics, so I would also cut drowned catacomb. Your fetchlands can fix enough that you probably don’t need a catacomb, especially since you need manafixing turn one for your one drops, and catacomb can’t come down on turn one. If you want to play a non-shock dual, I would just run more fastlands like Darkslick Shores .

I would add serum visions as a four-of and also up the count of brutality, push, and path. Or ou could just not run serum visions and have a heck ton of interaction.

June 21, 2019 12:29 p.m.

JKRice says... #5

Dovin's Veto . Forgot about that one. Amazing card, maybe split 2/2 with remand?

For the sideboard, here are some random suggestions that might be good.

2x Surgical Extraction . you have a lot of destroy and discard, so in bad matchups a turn one discard into extraction is crazy good. You can also hit fetches, so that’s fun.

1x Detention Sphere . This would hit things like Rule of Law or Damping Sphere that make it hard to turn your creatures into big threats by spamming spells.

1x Thoughtseize, 1x inquisition of kozilek, 1x collective brutality. Into combo matchups these do some serious work. Actually, in to any matchup except graveyard stuff they aren’t good.

1x Supreme Verdict in case they are out-boarding you with threats.

2x Nihil Spellbomb (and maybe 1x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet ?) for some graveyard hate. Kalitas is especially good into decks like dredgevine that want lots of creature deaths. Ashiok, Dream Render would also work here.

2-3x Timely Reinforcements . This card is just mega broken.

1-2x Kaya's Guile just because it’s a good card. You probably don’t want more than four or five graveyard hate cards though.

I think Stony Silence is your best option into artifact decks, but I’m not sure.

June 21, 2019 12:43 p.m.

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