Was planning on the shock-lands. I've tried Consuming Aberrations before and they do very poorly. Too easy to get rid of. The deck was originally UB mill and while it did mill more quickly, it had absolutely no survivability. I extended to Esper for the sake of it being competitive. I've been looking for a play-set of Supreme Verdict for a few weeks now, and nobody at my local shop wants to part with them. Phenax, God of Deception completely goes against the grain of what I'm after. I play control because I don't like running creatures, and while a turn 6 54 card mill combo is hilarious, it isn't reliable. Mind Grind should never be more than a finisher, and that's why it's a 2-of. The deck can still mill out my opponents as early as t8 and snuffs out mono-black like it's nothing. Thanks for your input, though.
February 6, 2014 2:34 a.m.
Add in a third Jace, Memory Adept and cut the Tome Scour they are too passive and don't actually do anything, if you can land a Memory Adept, and keep him around, you'll auto win via mill, if you land Mill Jace, then next turn top deck a Tome Scour they are gonna kill Jace, and then kill you. Drop Tome Scour .
February 21, 2014 2 p.m.
I was actually considering the third Jace. Cutting Tome Scour would allow me to mainboard another Jace and all 3 copies of Thoughtseize . I'll give it a try. Thanks!
koth_of_the_bummer says... #1
I understand that this is a budget deck as you've said, but if you could afford, add some Watery Grave and Godless Shrine in here.
Also, you have few milling sources in here. Since you've said that your win-con is mill, I suggest you add some more mill sources like: a full-set of Breaking / Entering , Mind Grind , Consuming Aberration and perhaps Phenax, God of Deception . If you don't want to add Phenax, then you can just stick with mill spells.
Jace can't do this alone and you need some more back-up for him.
February 6, 2014 2:20 a.m.