Esper Reboot

Standard Paragon_19


Aquafier says... #2

I would consider running dig through time as your draw and run Pearl Lake Ancient instead of empty the pits as a win-con

October 19, 2014 7:08 p.m.

Paragon_19 says... #3

I like the Pearl Lake Ancient idea, because its one that i used when i tried this deck the first time. If i do decide to change it before FNM then i would probably also drop the Jace's Ingenuity for either two more Dig Through Time , two Treasure Cruise , or one of each since i wont need cards to delve if Empty the Pits is gone and i only use delve to draw. Seems like an idea?

October 21, 2014 1:03 p.m.

matto89 says... #4

Congrats on trying to make an off shard deck! Hopefully we will both figure them out. I just have a few suggestions to your list.

I am down on Empty the Pits as well. I think that spot would be better utilized on a 3rd Despise .

I would think about possibly moving the Nyx-Fleece Ram s to the board in favor of another End Hostilities , Land, or Bile Blight . Early testing of a deck like this showed that your Angel was the only creature needed, especially since you're running so many planes walkers...although I understand wanting to run more creatures.

Overall the deck looks killer. Good luck on putting the finishing touches on it.

October 21, 2014 1:29 p.m.

Paragon_19 says... #5

Thanks much matto89! I'll be working on it today and tonight and will have an updated list, so check back and tell me what you think then.

October 21, 2014 2:46 p.m.

TheHroth says... #6

I think your list could use Last Breath somewhere. +1 for trying to make Esper control work in standard. I'm trying too, here's my list: The Rogue Shard of Tarkir

October 21, 2014 6:52 p.m.

HARDsofty says... #7

+1 for the Archangel being in the deck.

October 22, 2014 2:15 a.m.

Ne0Wolf7 says... #8

It's a grate deck, but it needs more blue mana.

October 22, 2014 3:46 p.m.

Zed16 says... #9

Something like Wall of Frost could play a similar role to Nyx-Fleece Ram

October 27, 2014 5:34 p.m.

This was fun to playtest with. It seems pretty solid. My only suggestion is Prognostic Sphinx . It's a win condition, it immensely improves your draws, and you can use your late game land draws to give it hexproof.

October 27, 2014 7:56 p.m.

shepherdofire says... #11

You want to cut down on 1 of each temple. It will play to slow. Pain lands are fine. But try swapping for a few basics, one of each color. See how it plays.

October 28, 2014 8 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #12

I think Pearl Lake Ancient and Prognostic Sphinx both could be good finishers. The ancient saw play in pro tour play of khans and from i watched it has a lot of potential since you can flash him in on your opponents end step he cant be countered and he has a sort of evasion. Also allowing you to re drop scrye lands for more depth. I am going to test a bit with this since i love the feel of a control build but its not what i am playing this go around.

October 28, 2014 8:54 a.m.

Paragon_19 says... #13

During my first bout of an esper control i found that the pearl lake actually didnt do too much for me as a win con, instead he usually had to sit back as a blocker, and that is usually also when he got flashed in. It dd feel nice to surprise my opponent with a rather large blocker, however as a game ender he did not show he was usually able to do that unless i was able to get lotto hands and keep my opponent from even having creatures hit, which of course proved to be impossible against any aggro match-up. I will rethink him however and see where he takes me.

October 28, 2014 12:04 p.m.

I would say put in 1-2 more Utter End . The fact that you can play an exile spell as an instant...Beast Mode!

October 28, 2014 3:18 p.m.

A nice late game combo would be Bident of Thassa and AEtherspouts to allow Pearl Lake Ancient to get through as a finisher on your next turn, although the first clause would do little to nothing I think the bident could be the answer to your problem with getting the ancient through for the kill.

October 28, 2014 4:12 p.m.

Tilwin says... #16

I would drop Jace, the Living Guildpact in favor of another Elspeth. Having 3 copies is of utmost importance to ensure you can maintain a defense or clean the board lategame. I am also inclined to avoid AEtherspouts because of all the powerful creatures like Siege Rhino that really hurt when they make it back on the board, and Mantis Rider that simply has haste and strikes again and is unaffected by the direct bounce that bad. End Hostilities is much better in all these situations.

For sideboard options I am not so sure about Gainsay either, as blue is not such a well pronounced color in the format. Instead, a third Bile Blight would really help against aggro decks that run pesky early creatures like Mantis Rider , Goblin Rabblemaster and Seeker of the Way .
Banishing Light is also risky to play because of the enchantment removal running around. Instead up the count of Drown in Sorrow to 4 just in case you have to deal with heavy aggro decks

Ultimately esper has little chance against jeskai burn as it is now. With few and slow lifegain options it will destroy you with all the burn at its disposal. Four Negate s are preferable if you really want to deal with all that madness, but watch out for they can easily switch from a heavy burn build to a more aggro creature-oriented build.
From what I can tell, Khans standard is dominated by flexible decks capable of adjusting from either aggro builds to more burn builds, or midrange builds towards a control approach. Your best test opponents are Abzan midrange and Jeskai burn/aggro.

October 29, 2014 7:44 a.m.

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