BlatantLizard says... #2
Also keep in mind that you cannot use just Jalira, Master Polymorphist to grab Chromanticore since she is a legendary and requires you to sac ANOTHER creature
January 21, 2015 11:07 p.m.
Chromanticore is kind of a second win con so im not overly concerned with casting it from my hand, and I use the zombies to sac =) Thanks for your input!
January 21, 2015 11:19 p.m.
I'm not sure i like the Jalira/Chromanticore combo as it draws from the consistency of the deck, but otherwise I like it. +1 from me :)
January 22, 2015 5:14 p.m.
Thanks for viewing Krakshot im not entirely sold on Jalira and Chromanticore either but i feel like i need some alternative field presence. Im strongly debating adding Clever Impersonator or Doomwake Giant for token hate.. still unsure though. lol
January 22, 2015 5:19 p.m.
Siren and Doomwake were nice additions. Silumgar, the Drifting Death is always an option here too (the Hexproof is nice).
January 22, 2015 6:07 p.m.
Thanks Krakshot i just remembered siren lol. I think i'll be happier overall with doomwake and siren XD i just removed silumgar for impersonator lol i could do so much with impersonator XD
January 22, 2015 6:12 p.m.
i like the premise what do you think about Dark Deal
Whelming Wave
I'm not that big a fan of Doomwake Giant as he only has 8 triggers even though multiple copies can be devastating to your opponent Archfiend of Depravity. Whelming Wave guarantees that sadness and followed up by Dark Deal, its cruel and op with Waste Not on the field. if your playing i think Hero's Downfall could be main board worthy.
January 22, 2015 6:38 p.m.
I think Whelming Wave kinda clashes with Waste Not in a way, because it would kill all my zombie tokens. Hero's Downfall definitely gets MB against creature heavy decks. Thanks for viewing and your input hateindigital Archfiend of Depravity is definitely a maybe!! Thanks lol
January 23, 2015 3:03 a.m.
I like this deck, how well does the murk lurker work. I might suggest Dakra Mystic. The cruise is a great idea in this deck, I will add it to mine.
January 25, 2015 2:19 p.m.
magiceli Thanks for viewing =] ive found the lurker works best if you gain alot of extra mana from waste not triggers. We control swamps so its a 2/4 thats very difficult to deal with mid to late game. Dakra mystic is a great card but im not sure how well it would synergize with everything else... Thanks again
January 25, 2015 2:26 p.m.
Cairnstorm says... #12
I have been trying to build a Deck based on waste Not as i have loved discard since 8th edition.
I am still trying to finalise the deck for this coming Friday. you do not have a lot of creature removal, do you find that to be a problem?
January 28, 2015 6:22 a.m.
I find my biggest problem is against U/W control match ups because of their lack of creatures. i need Waste Not to produce Zombies for me to really be successful. My only other problems is my opponents end up top decking and im left with useless discard spells in my hand. I haven't ran into a problem yet as to where im facing against a big field presence. If i encounter that problem, i will mainboard Whelming Wave and start fresh. Ive only lost 1 game at fnm so far because i lacked draw power. Ive added some draw spells since then. Thanks for commenting and viewing. I love dimir lol. Good luck! XD
January 28, 2015 6:59 a.m.
malfeischylde says... #14
I like the concept, and I like the use of the deall in here mcuhly, but you've got to do better than Siren of the Silent Song. I mean, it dies to everything (IE, Bile Blight, Drown in Sorrow, your own dragon, one Doomwake Giant etc.) all used against you. You should consider some tougher creatures, and go that route, instead of worrying about discard from the siren. Honestly, there is so much discard in this deck, I am not sure that you need them. I might suggest having some more main board removal in its place. I don't know your Meta, but perhaps the aforementioned Bile Blight or Drown in Sorrow. Maybe even some counterspells. You already have the Negate on the SB, perhaps some MB Dissolve would be good? Otherwise, I really like this concept. I've always liked this kind of control deck.
January 28, 2015 7:11 a.m.
malfeischylde says... #15
Also, why Whelming Wave and not AEtherspouts, which wouldn't hit your own tokens?
January 28, 2015 7:11 a.m.
malfeischylde those are very good points. The Siren isnt crucial to the deck but i like its abilities. I use to mb dissolve but i liked negate better because this deck hasnt had problems with agro match ups yet. AEtherspouts is a good suggestion but id rather bounce creatures to their hand and follow with a Dark Deal. Thanks for commenting and viewing, i have alot to consider now lol
January 28, 2015 7:21 a.m.
Ive decided to replace Siren of the Silent Song with Soul of Innistrad
January 28, 2015 7:33 a.m.
I'd drop at least 2 Ashioks. It seems like having more than 2 of a legend/planeswalker in a deck just ends up wasting card slots. A couple of Read the Bones would be good replacements I think. Or maybe drop a couple more creatures in the deck to get more out of Whip of Erebos as well as popping off Erebos more consistently.
January 28, 2015 1:02 p.m.
i have been considering dropping 1 ashiok, but im hesitant to because he is like a 2nd win con for this deck. If it wasnt for the fact of me running Dark Deal id drop the count on ashiok to 2 or 3. Thanks for commenting and viewing.XD
January 28, 2015 2:17 p.m.
Danco93 hmm it would synergize well with Whelming Wave wouldn't it? i really like the 6/6 deathtouch with return 3 creatures to my hand though. Pearl Lake Ancient is good but im thinking Soul of Innistrad brings more value to this deck right now. XD Thank you very much for your time =)
January 28, 2015 2:33 p.m.
reverendvile777 says... #22
Interesting list!!! If I were to make any suggestions:
I have never liked having 8 maindeck 1 mana discard spells in anything that wasn't Modern The Rack decks or Legacy Pox decks (and one of those is Cabal Therapy in this case which is by far the best discard spell ever) -here, they're amazing turn 1 and 2 but drawing them turn 5 is a horrible feeling. 6 I've found to be the sweet spot for me in similar decks. I'd slim down on the 2 Despise since it will sometimes be dead against certain decks like Jeskai and UB.
No removal maindeck is a really risky proposition, especially with the metagame holding an aggressive outlook. With the cheap spells and Dark Deal, Murderous Cut feels great. I would consider trying -2 Despise, -1 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver -1 Liliana Vess for a set of cuts. If you include this, Rakshasa's Secret is strictly better than Mind Rot.
Erebos, God of the Dead feels like a sideboard card. You most often won't have devotion to make him a creature which only makes him useful in corner cases. He's dead weight against aggressive strategies, and significant lifegain only exists in the form of Sorin, Solemn Visitor which only tends to see play in 2 decks, and Whip decks. In both of these situations it's a much better strategy to deal with the source of the lifegain - both Sorin and Whip will still easily kill you, even with their lifegain shutdown. Siege Rhino's lifegain is pretty negligible against this deck, and you will have most likely Thoughtseized or Despised it away by turn 3. The real place Erebos shines is the control matchups where you need to maintain card advantage and can handle the life payments to do so. There will probably never exist a situation where paying 2 life to draw a card will feel good when you're playing against Mono Red or Temur Aggro.
Finally, I agree about Pearl Lake Ancient over Soul of Innistrad. First of all, Deathtouch on a 6/6 has never been relevant in this standard. They either just chump it or just take it, like all other 6/6's that swing in lol. Second, the ability does nothing for your deck really - you only run 6 creatures. To begin with, it will literally do nothing more often than it will get you one creature back, let alone 3. Second, since you run virtually no creatures, all the previously dead removal spells in an opponent's hand get turned on immediately. The Soul will eat a removal spell before you untap with it to actually be able to use the ability 60-70% of the time. Pearl Lake Ancient can dodge the said removal, making it an inevitable threat.
Very interesting list! I shall be playing with an altered version of this. +1
January 28, 2015 4:46 p.m.
because you're only running a few creatures, is Soul of Innistrad really necessary? also, Archfiend of Depravity is amazing, and you might want to run Torrent Elemental for whippy goodness
January 28, 2015 5:58 p.m.
what would you take out Sttmccln ? I also like archfiend and torrent elemental
January 28, 2015 8:19 p.m.
i might want to pull Soul of Innistrad as I said, you aren't running very many creatures, so the ability is not that good. You might also want to run Palace Siege if you choose khans, you get soul's ability, but nerfed, every turn. I might pull out Treasure Cruise. It's good, but if you want to focus on being able to return stuff, you will not really want to exile your graveyard (unless it contains Torrent Elemental)
BlatantLizard says... #1
cool idea with the chromat and jalira and ashiok but if you draw Chromanticore you have no way to cast it. Try adding one mountain, one forest, and one plains to grab with Evolving Wilds and/or some temples with one of your main colors and one of your splashes.
January 21, 2015 11:04 p.m.