Esperfect Control

Standard* Tom2401


JoeyBeachum says... #1

Urborg lets you gain access to double black for Hero's Downfall and Bile Blight. There are some circumstances where you'll only have one black land on turns 2 and 3 when you need to cast those spells.

January 8, 2015 1:28 p.m.

Tom2401 says... #2

JoeyBeachum Thanks for pointing that out. I had actually forgotten I initially had written it as a rejected was meaning to put on main after a bit more playtesting.

January 9, 2015 1:22 a.m.

Aelifre says... #3

Personally, If you're looking for card draw, Divination would probably fare better than Font of Fortunes

January 14, 2015 1:15 p.m.

Tom2401 says... #4

fertileorphan The original list had Divination, actually. I found it too slow to be used effectively. Since I deal with a lot of midrange it usually becomes tap out for Divination, Opponent plays a threat, I have to respond before things get too out of hand. Font of Fortunes is something I can play T2, save mana for a Dissolve or Disdainful Stroke, and use at the end of my Opponent's Turn if nothing big is played.

January 14, 2015 9:35 p.m.

conn1012 says... #5

You should probably have less black mana and more blue mana

January 25, 2015 5:44 a.m.

TheGreatLiar says... #6

I wouldn't call Narset Transcendent a wincon.

Also, while hero's downfall is probably the best unconditional removal in the game right now, it might be tough on your mana without pain lands. Radiant purge -> hero's downfall/dissolve -> end hostilities might be too greedy without Caves of Koilos

March 12, 2015 10:25 p.m.

Tom2401 says... #7

TheGreatLiar You bring up a good point, Narset Transcendent is more utility than a win con. As for the Caves of Koilos, I really dislike pain lands but I can't disagree that I am playing a bit greedy with my mana base... I'll definitely get around to reworking it

March 13, 2015 1:49 p.m.

ManiacMike0643 says... #8

I prefer Disdainful Stroke over Negate in your mainboard, there are too many things you want to not have on the board, it covers whip, rhino, stormbreath, elspeth and the new planeswalkers and dragonlords, all in one, you just got so much more out of it

March 15, 2015 6:27 a.m.

Tom2401 says... #9

ManiacMike0643 You bring up a valid point. Disdainful Stroke does hit a wide variety, but chats between rounds at FNM have made me put Negate over D. Stroke because a lot of people were planning on switching to aggro variants so D. Stroke's effectiveness is curbed badly.

It is still a sideboard worthy as a few stubborn mid range players are sticking mid range, so there will be match ups where it will work. Plus I could always side out some removal for it against mirror matches.

Speaking of which, I should probably work on my side board.

March 15, 2015 11:32 p.m.

FatherTime says... #10

Not a huge fan of Ojutai's Command to begin with, but that's a different story. Here, it works fairly well, but I do like having the Bile Blights as a mainboard since they deal with all the mobs that swarm you.

I would also recommend the Neutralizing Blasts over the Radiant Purges. Personally, I'd rather not have to deal with the multicolored spell at all vs having to deal with it on the board.

March 16, 2015 2:26 p.m.

Tom2401 says... #11

FatherTime I don't know how or why I missed it, hell it's even in my maybe board, but thank you for bringing up Neutralizing Blast. Will make that switch and possibly move Radiant Purge to the side.

March 16, 2015 6:46 p.m.

PlattBonnay says... #12

I feel like you might be a little bit heavy on wincons, 5 seems like a lot for a control deck. I would suggest moving some to the sideboard and bringing more removal into the mainboard.

March 24, 2015 12:58 a.m.

Tom2401 says... #13

PlattBonnay I don't really see an issue there. My current Esper list actually runs six, a single Prognostic Sphinx, and I've played quite a few games where I've gotten all but one of my win cons killed off and narrowly won.

In short, it works in my opinion (a little shaky since its been reduced) but to each their own

March 24, 2015 2:08 a.m.

Why is Neutralizing Blast in the mainboard? I suppose it's good against Abzan, but is there enough Abzan/Jeskai in your meta to warrant 3 in the main?

April 13, 2015 10:43 a.m.

Tom2401 says... #15

Short answer, yes alexthegreat38 though I'm beginning to notice a steady shift. Will probably replace it should any big shifts happen

April 14, 2015 1:19 a.m.

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