[PRIMER] EsPURE Domination

Standard x12721


Argy says... #1

IMO Glimmer of Genius is far superior to Hieroglyphic Illumination. The Scry 2 is just that good. You also get extra for your Aether Hub to play with.

Put two more Glimmer of Genius in, and take out the Hieroglyphic Illumination.

Speaking of, I'd drop Aether Hub to three copies, and put an extra copy of Evolving Wilds in. Most Control deck are doing that, these days.

I would also put Sweltering Suns in the Sideboard, remove Vraska, Relic Seeker (it falls too easily to Vraska's Contempt), add another Lost Legacy or a Dispossess to your Sideboard, and move Glint-Sleeve Siphoner to your Mainboard.

If that doesn't work for you, try Metalspinner's Puzzleknot instead of Glint-Sleeve Siphoner. That's what I've done in Flame-Chained, and it's worked very well.

March 5, 2018 9:08 p.m.

nutrun says... #3

Why the old list is outdated?

May 2, 2018 12:44 p.m.

x12721 says... #4

Thanks for commenting, nutrun! The reason this Primer is outdated is because I haven't yet had the opportunity to update it. The cards in this deck are (so far) up to date, all I need to do is get the Primer up to speed. If you'd like, you can take a look at my old deck, [PRIMER] Torment From the God-Pharaoh, where the Primer is up to date.

May 3, 2018 1:45 p.m.

Argy says... #5

I'm glad to hear that your deck played well.

Just so you know, you're not actually allowed to decide to tie any FNM matches. It's against the DCI Tournament rules.

The reason is that you can actually rob another player from achieving a place they would have earnt.

One of you can concede a game or match, but you can't both agree on it being a tie.

Unless you aren't playing for DCI points, that is.

You aren't allowed to flip a coin to decide who wins a game or match, either. You have to play it out, or one of you concede.

That is, unless you run out of time and go to turns.

If you don't finish the match by Turn 5, THEN you can declare a tie.

This is particularly important when playing off in FNM finals, as you can easily rob another player of achieving 2nd place.

May 8, 2018 12:19 p.m.

x12721 says... #6

Argy thanks for letting me know, we technically conceded to each other at the same time, although I'll definitely remember that for the future. Thanks again for all your help!

May 8, 2018 3:29 p.m.

jubale says... #7

The deck clearly resembles the old UB control deck, splashing white for Teferi, Seal and Dovin. I suspect you would be further ahead switching around to a standard UW deck and splashing for Push, Scarab God (if needed), etc.

I feel the UW is generally more solid, able to deal with a lot of decks more efficiently via Settle and Fumigate, which give you breathing room to allow a few threats through and put yourself further ahead on resources. It also gives you outs to Carnage Tyrants in a deck like GW tokens which can randomly add creatures to make Vona's ineffective.

May 8, 2018 5:26 p.m.

Argy says... #8

x12721 you misunderstood what I wrote.

Only ONE person can concede.

If you "both concede at the same time", you are agreeing to a tie, and you can't do that.

If you do, you are effectively robbing someone else of coming second. One of you MUST get no points, unless your match goes to turns.

The way you did things, you both got one point.

May 8, 2018 10:31 p.m.

x12721 says... #9

Thank you for the comment, jubale! Fortunately, I have not come across any tokens decks in that regard, but I'll certainly keep your suggestion in mind! I do want to find a place for Settle, do you have any suggestions?

May 9, 2018 9:27 a.m.

Argy says... #10

I would remove the Unwind in your Sideboard for two Settle the Wreckage.

It's basically just a worse Essence Scatter, which you already have in the Mainboard.

May 9, 2018 11:13 a.m. Edited.

jubale says... #11

I would trim other removal for 2 main deck Settles. Put the fear of attacking in them.

May 9, 2018 8:40 p.m.

40fy says... #12

Pretty nice deck! I've been playing control in standard for the first time myself. I'm playing UR, however, and I'm curious to learn more about some of the black and white options, as well as control building in general. To be clear, none of this is criticism, I'm just wondering. First of all, why Moment of Craving? Aren't Cast Down and Fatal Push just always better? I guess there are a few cases where it can hit things that the others can't, but they all involve creatures attacking and I would think that in those situations Seal Away becomes the better option. In a similar vein, how does Vona's Hunger usually play out? On paper that looks super janky to me. Obviously, it looks pretty good against Hazoret the Fervent and Bristling Hydras, but if it's situational why not sideboard it?

May 11, 2018 10:48 a.m.

x12721 says... #13

Thank you for your time, 40fy! I'll address your comment one by one.

Moment of Craving does, at its surface, seem like a worse version of Cast Down. However, what it offers is a clean answer to Adanto Vanguard or Ahn-Crop Crasher, without making me rely on a Seal Away (I would much rather hit a Hazoret or similar with that). Also, it gives me life, which is vitally important against aggro decks or other beatdown decks. That being said, I do usually side them out if it doesn't do anything for me.

Vona's Hunger kills Carnage Tyrant. It is one of the only ways to reliably do that too, not counting deathtouch creatures. Not only that, as you said, it gets around hexproof and indestructible. In addition, it flashes back with my Gearhulks, which is always nice, and casting it with Ascend active is valuable against heavy board states. That's why it's good enough to be in the mainboard, although I do take it out against control mirrors. And with a single creature on the board, it is truly unconditional removal, no matter what protections are on it.

As mentioned in the Primer, the mainboard of this deck is focused against creature decks, although I have been able to steal game ones from control decks before as well. Post-board, I switch out everything for a nasty control mirror. My goal with building a control deck is to have answers for everything in the format, and after Dominaria came out I decided that the best answers were in these colors (the previous build was Grixis). The main parts of the deck are answers, draw, and threats. If you would like further advice about the current Standard control, just drop me a line here or on your deck, I'd be happy to help out!

May 11, 2018 11:26 a.m.

eragon795 says... #14

Argy What did you mean about not being allowed to ID at FNM level? Don't the MtG Tournament Rules allow you to draw at any sanctioned tournament (which any FNM should be)?

x12721 I had to think for a bit before I worked out what seemed off about your deck. Then I realised that you have no sweepers in the mainboard. I highly reccomend some number of sweepers. Probably 3-4 main and then none side (2 Fumigate and 1-2 Settle the Wreckage ). The reason for this is that control decks which go 1-for-1 with opponents (as your deck does) fold to decks which make lots of creatures. That's why I played grixis instead of UB last season - it had a better matchup against the aggro and token decks.

If you add sweepers to the main, I would probably move at least 1, maybe both Vona's Hunger to the side, or maybe cut one altogether because 2 seems a little clunky to me. I also think that Dovin Baan is poor in general, and isn't particularly strong in this deck more than otherwise.

I also think that you have one too many Supreme Will and would suggest you trade it out either for another Disallow or another Hieroglyphic Illumination.

Finally, I think your sideboard is a little sub-par. You should definitely have 2 Authority of the Consuls and some number of either Regal Caracal or Lyra Dawnbringer. Given that the meta has adjusted to Lyra, I would suggest Caracals. I don't think you really need 2 Nezahal, Primal Tide. They are a house against control, but you also need to run enough denial still.

Unwind is a cool spell, but I don't think you need it as well as the 3 Negate. Probably play another copy of Duress though, because it's arguably the most impactful card against control. I would also recommend a Sorcerous Spyglass because it is amazing. You also probably need some number of disenchant effects, so either Invoke the Divine or Forsake the Worldly.

Finally, other sideboard cards include Doomfall, Gonti, Lord of Luxury, Lost Legacy if you are worried about Approach (although I think it is less necessary at the moment), and Arguel's Blood Fast which is great.

I know that I have suggested a lot of sideboard cards (more than you have room for), so sorry for that. I basically took the most impactful cards from my UW and Grixis sideboards and suggested them.

Also, sorry for the really long post, I didn't originally intend it to be this long. Also sorry if it sounds like I don't think your deck is good, that isn't the case. I just think it needs a little tweaking.

May 14, 2018 5:45 p.m.

x12721 says... #15

Thank you for your comment and advice, eragon795! I will be looking into your suggestions!

May 16, 2018 9:03 a.m.

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