These are the text for cards which have been swapped out. They're here for general information and in case they're added back in I can just copy and past. I didn't think to do this from the beginning of this deck. Thus, cards removed early on weren't saved.
Academy Rector - Our lady is on the Reserve List and keeps creeping up in price it can do a reasonable impression of a Moat because as soon as she drop all of a sudden our opponents don't want to attack us on the ground. Our deck doesn't have any haymakers, like Omniscience so when she dies we'll most likely going for combo pieces, Sphere of Safety or a copy effect, either Copy Enchantment or Estrid's Invocation depending on the board state. If you can't find this amazing card Lost Auramancers is the best budget replacement.
Aura of Silence - Is a two-for-one card, as it taxes JUST our opponents, and can be sacrificed to remove a problem artifact or enchantment. We also have the ability to recur it with the help of our Commander, Replenish or Hall of Heliod's Generosity. This is a card that's been printed several times but if you can find it Seal of Cleansing or Seal of Primordium are decent substitutes.
Authority of the Consuls - We're trying to lock-off our opponents where we can. This card turns off any haste shenanigans and also helps to pad our life. This can also check any opponents who believes creating infinite creature tokens is a good idea.
Blind Obedience - Another way for us to stop our opponents from just running us over with hastey creatures. It also opens us up to deal chip damage with Extort. Cloudstone Curio will help with chaining those chips together.
Bountiful Promenade & Rejuvenating Springs These have pushed out our Buddy Lands (Glacial Fortress, Sunpetal Grove & Hinterland Harbor) from our deck. There are rare occasions early on where buddy lands will be coming into play tapped, but early on we'll always have multiple opponents and more often than not we win in one big push so we'll also have opponents in the late game.
Burgeoning - Works in a similar manner to Exploration except we get an extra land drop every time one of our opponents play a land. Burgeoning is at its best when it's in our opening hand along with a lot of lands or when our Life from the Loam engine is going.
Looking at the change log it becomes apparent Burgeoning goes in and out of deck like a house cat. In my opinion it's the lesser of Exploration. Without a card that gives us a larger or unlimited maximum hand size when we go through a turn of chaining enchantments and drawing cards when we go to discard lands are going to be one of the first things we discard. We can pick them up later with the afore mentioned Life from the Loam. "What about Reliquary Tower ?" can be heard on the wind. The bottom line is we're a three colour deck playing an above average number of basics. We simply cannot add a land that doesn't produce at least one of our colours. Reliquary Tower 's effect is just too narrow.
Canopy Vista & Prairie Stream - Tango lands in most decks will come into play tapped. For us it isn't unreasonable that they don't.
Drannith MagistrateGC - Oh what a gift we've been given. Locking out our opponents' Commanders and their creatures from anywhere they might be coming from. It's a bit early but this might be a new staple for white EDH decks.
Dryad Arbor - The constant companion of Green Sun's Zenith. For those not in the know on turn one we can Zenith for and search this out, becoming ramp and a blocker. This is the biggest reason this card is here. It also works with the always useful Earthcraft, tapping one land to untap one of our enchanted lands.
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove - Might be overselling this guy but it fits perfectly into our deck. It's an enchantment so we'll get a draw from our Enchantresses. When we're drawing extra cards we'll be able to play an extra land. Finally, with the higher number of basic lands we'll have perfect mana if we're missing an actual colour.
Eladamri's Call - Solid creature search. We usually want to grab an Enchantress (Argothian Enchantress is the best choice as she's the only one, to date, who protects herself. Even though this costs the ability to cast it at instant speed AND put our choice right into hand is a huge effect. This could be a Worldly Tutor though it doesn't quite work as well as Enlightened TutorGC draw trigger trick. In that case we have an Enchantress draw effect and whether we need another is situational. Also, we aren't running many utility creatures so we don't need as many creature searches.
Exploration - Whether it's early in the game or picked up while we're casting a bunch of enchantments in one turn Exploration is always a welcome sight. Early in the game it helps to accelerate us and later it helps us extend our plays and stops us from sending more lands to the graveyard. Much like Burgeoning it work well in combination with Life from the Loam.
Garruk Wildspeaker - The greatest hunter in the multiverse functions both offensively, untapping our lands and playing more cards, and defensively, creating a 3/3 beast token to protect our Planeswalkers and our life total. The ultimate isn't irrelevant but it's not factor most of the time. Unlike Estrid, the Masked
we can untap any lands we please. Remember this when Serra's SanctumGC enter the battlefield.
Ghostly Prison - Who stays there's nothing good in Kamigawa block. A colour shift of the classic pillow fort card Propaganda its job is to make make attacks just inconvenient enough not to attack us and send quite a few attackers our opponent's way. We only want either Ghostly Prison or Propaganda as it will only protect us from attacks. Not our Commander and not our other Planeswalkers.
Green Sun's Zenith - Another way for us to find our green creatures. The priority like with our instant speed spells we're looking for one of our enablers. Argothian Enchantress is a good first get because its built in shroud. If we're ready for Words of Wind we should go for Eidolon of Blossoms or Setessan Champion.
Humility - Another card to help us fumble around and slow down the amount of damage that we and our Planeswalkers take. Combined with any of our attack-taxing cards make the combat step all but fruitless for our opponents. We should be aiming to play this card when we're going for an card:Earthcraft(TMP) infinite token win as we'll only have one untapped squirrel or Pegasus to block. We can also play it to help preserve our life from an opponent whose gotten off to a very fast start or is threatening to kill us with an attack on their next turn. card:Humility(TMP) has the added benefit of stopping ETB effects and any blinking decks dead in their tracks. Of course if there's any Voltron players at the table they may just shake your hand. Humility doesn't do anything about +1/+1 counters, auras or equipment.
Horizon Canopy - When enchantresses aren't enough this land will replace itself. Not sure if the new Canopy lands will be added. Green and white are our primary colours and we really don't need that much more draw. For that reason Waterlogged Grove won't be coming into the deck and Horizon Canopy is likely the next land on the chopping block when something better comes along.
Idyllic Tutor - Search for any enchantment needed and place it in to hand. Some give and take compared with Enlightened TutorGC but should be played in any enchantment based deck. It was thankfully re-printed in Theros Beyond Death. So if this has out of your budget your wait is over. If you still can't get one, or you feel that you need more search, Plea for Guidance is the best option. It may also just be better overall depending on how greedy you are. That being said more mana for one more enchantment might be just too much depending on your meta.
Imprisoned in the Moon - One of the great things about Commander/EDH is building a strategy around a single card in a 100 card deck and the death of our Commander/General doesn't mean that strategy isn't dead in the water. With Imprisoned in the Moon we're removing a creature's abilities and the body AND keeping it in play. In some decks, if not most, getting rid of a commander puts the brakes on the deck. They also don't have the option of putting the card back in the Command Zone. card:Imprisoned in the Moon(EMN) also gets rid of other problem creatures and Planeswalkers and bleaches the text off problem lands. Enchantment removal is a little light in Commander so the card may just be stuck. If card:Imprisoned in the Moon(EMN) is targeted for removal we can Strip Mine or Wasteland our opponent's Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh.
Land Tax - Just don't call it ramp, because its not. As we pull out the basic land(s) from our deck so we're more likely to get the cards we need. It'll also give us lands which can be untapped when Back to Basics in play and allow us to cast On Thin Ice. Finally, we can only combo with Earthcraft with basic lands. Get aggressive with this card. There are plenty of ways to play multiple lands in a turn. Many of our opponents will be ramping. Should we have to discard a few Life from the Loam will put them back in our hand. In super corner cases it also balances out the bad luck of a bad mulligan.
Life from the Loam - Helping our Commander's ultimate and gathering our used fetchlands for re-use, lands turned over and sacrificed by Lotus Field. Life from the Loam keeps our hand full, dropping lands and even accelerating us with the help of either [[card:]Dryad of the Ilysian Grove]] or Exploration.
Lotus Field - With the addition of Life from the Loam to our deck and the single word 'hexproof' on this card Lotus Field has the potential to add a lot of mana with the addition of an aura and our Commander.
Karmic Justice - Solid rattlesnake card which should dissuade our opponents from destroying our non-creature permanents (which is most of our deck). A couple of things. Karmic Justice doesn't work against effects that make us sacrifice or exile. It will trigger when it's destroyed, so long as an opponent destroys it.
It will also destroy permanents equal to the number destroyed even if it was a single spell. For example if Tranquility destroys eight of our enchantments we'll get to destroy eight of the casters permanents.
Nexus of Fate *list* - The price of the card finally came down enough to be affordable. It serves a duel function of giving us an extra turn every now and then. It also combos with our The Chain Veil to stop us from milling out (and with a little planning we may also end up with infinite turns when we do this). It's also not as dead a card when we draw it, like with Kozilek, Butcher of Truth or Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre. It also doesn't shuffle our entire graveyard back into the deck which may not sound like a big improvement except consider when we're just using Estrid, the Masked
's ultimate ability on its and we turn over one of the Eldrazi Titans or even a card like Gaea's Blessing we lose all of the value currently in the graveyard and all the effort and resources we may've spent getting her to that point.
Oath of Teferi - Another piece to help us close out the game. Allowing us to untap lands multiple times with Garruk Wildspeaker, Estrid, the Masked
& Teferi, Temporal Archmage. It's also quicker to set off our Commander's ultimate, and potentially sticking around. Like with Estrid's Invocation it combos well with Eidolon of Blossoms if we flicker out one of our enchantments we can get an extra card at the end of turn. All of that being said Oath of Teferi is a win more and pulls our curve up. This would be an easy cut at some point in the future.
pro-tip when I get Oath of Teferi on the battlefield with multiple Planeswalkers I turn them to the tapped position when I've used them once and upside down when they've been used twice. We can take long turns at this point of the game and we want everything to be clear and fair to our opponents.
Norn's Annex - Another layer to the pillow fort which helps protect Estrid, the Masked
and our other Planeswalkers. This one makes our opponents pay in blood not mana. It is easier to beat than Ghostly Prison, especially if we're playing opponents with laying around. AND most players will have some spare life to pay. On the other hand we can play this as early as turn 2. Plus, a tax is still a tax. This card plays well with Mirrormade when the need arises.
Obscuring Haze - The new surprise fog from Commander 2020 gives us a way to protect ourselves and our Planeswalkers. If Estrid is in play it costs nothing. If Teferi's Protection is out of your price range this might be the next best thing.
Replenish - Sometimes the game doesn't go our way and we need to pull everything back at once. A slightly riskier strategy with the number of card draws is to discard enchantments after a big turn and pull them back with this, or an Estrid, the Masked
ultimate. There was an Open the Vaults in the deck but with the additions of Spark Double and Tamiyo, Collector of Tales it just cost too much and was redundant. Replenish is on the Reserve List and will continue to creep up in value so if price is an issue Open the Vaults is a more than acceptable substitute. Stay away from
Resurgent Belief! It sends up a great big flare to our opponents to either exile our graveyard or get a Counterspell ready in two turns.
Rising Waters - The "fair" version of Winter Orb. With Estrid, the Masked
and our other planeswalker's ability to untap lands, preferably ones with auras, Rising Waters helps lock out our opponents without interrupting our play too much.
Root Maze - Playing very few artifacts pays off again! Played early it will stifle the development of our opponents who are playing greedy mana bases that expect to chain mana rocks together. Later on it combos well Winter Orb, Static Orb and Stasis.
Smothering TitheGC - Another way to tax our opponents and hard. Don't underestimate the ability to generate extra bits of mana every turn, especially in the early game. Our opponents can also help us out with their Rhystic StudyGC and Consecrated Sphinx like cards. It may also give them second thoughts on casting Windfall or Winds of Change and anything that makes our opponents second guess themselves is a good thing.
Swords to Plowshares - When it positively, absolutely has to go. The life gain isn't important as when we're winning in combat we're doing by a mile and not an inch.
Tamiyo, Collector of Tales - The static ability is a solid bonus. The no discard is nice in the face of wheels. The no sacrifice clause is also nice but doesn't come up quite as much. The -3 is nice to recover something in the graveyard. The +1 isn't there to search for something (though we should be naming something we ACTUALLY need) it's to help fill our graveyard and make bigger ultimates for our Commander. Use with discretion.
Teferi's Protection - Oh, what an addition this has been! The ability to literally phase-out for a turn gives us the opportunity to miss a game winning play and give us one last chance to win, most likely against only one person. Since we play mostly at sorcery speed this will most likely come as a surprise. There's no real substitute for this card.
Teferi, Temporal Archmage - Like with our Commander and Garruk Wildspeaker Teferi, Temporal Archmage is primarily here to untap our lands, up to four at a time, with with his down tick. Sometimes we just need another card and we'll +1 in combination with Enlightened TutorGC or Hall of Heliod's Generosity. His ultimate may as well not be there as it doesn't really advance our strategy.
Verdant Haven - The life gain is nice and we're able to produce a mana of any colour. In reality it works just like Gift of Paradise but with the option of adding more auras on that land at a later time.