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Eternal Fires

Legacy Aggro



From back in the day, when Fires decks were cool.

I quit Magic and came back to it, and this is one of two decks that survived. It has only slight modifications since then.

Notice how most cards are common or uncommon. The rare additions are non-essential. I love how decks with low card prices like this one can still be so effective.

The deck is focused on powerful and high value creatures supplemented by the haste provided by Fires of Yavimaya and the synergy from bouncing back or sacrificing creatures at the right time.

Bouncing back to the hand when appropriate happens via the Horned Kavu . The Blastoderm benefits from being returned to the hand when it's about to fade out, as well as Flametongue Kavu if played correctly.

Creature searching is covered by Pattern of Rebirth, which can be attached to a fading Blastoderm , a Wild Cantor, or really any creature that you will sac-block with.

The Fires of Yavimaya and Fling is the game-ender: attack with any/all creatures and at the right time sacrifice Fires of Yavimaya (and use a Giant Growth) to pump up the biggest creature and then Fling it. The only synergy weakness that I see is the inability to do this on the Blastoderm .

Other things to note:

Creature removal is covered by Lightning Bolts and Flametongue Kavu .

The Boartusk Liege or a Blastoderm is usually what I'd search for with Pattern of Rebirth unless I really need to remove a creature (then I'd bring a Flametongue Kavu , of course).

The Boartusk Liege is nice because it gives +2/+2 to several of the creatures.

I included more Wild Cantors and Birds of Paradise because the sac ability on the Wild Cantor is good with Pattern of Rebirth and Wild Cantor's red or green casting cost prevents any mana stalling.

I previously ran Scab-Clan Mauler and have considered running Skarrgan Skybreaker s, but I found that I was wasting time waiting to get the Bloodthirst benefits.

Go ahead and try out a playtest with this badboy.

Thanks for taking a look! Don't forget to +1 if you like what you see.


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 2.16
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