Etherium Perfected ~ Grixis Improvise
SCORE: 106 | 83 COMMENTS | 25986 VIEWS | IN 61 FOLDERS
Pure_Insanity says... #2
I was wondering why you don't run Void Shatter over Spell Shrivel, it seems like you would hit double blue pretty easily?
December 11, 2016 12:09 p.m.
iwhft it could be good as a early blocker, but it draws removal and dosn't synergies with the tokens from Metallurgic Summonings. It's a good card, but don't feel that synergistic with this deck! Thanks for the suggestion though!
Pure_Insanity I'm considering making Spell Shrivel and Void Shatter a 2/2 split, but the reason behind Spell Shrivel is that we need to hit BB first real fast for removal, and then have one U for turn 4 gideon. Therefore it's really important to have the counterspell's mana cost more light on blue for safety.
December 11, 2016 3 p.m.
_Budgetlover says... #4
Have you tried maybe adding one more copy of Tezzeret the Schemer or Noxious Gearhulk ?
December 22, 2016 4:22 p.m.
thegourmet89 says... #5
I was thinking of a list like this, what would you think is a good substitute for Anticipate when it rotates out? I was thinking maybe Live fast, but that's just an idea
December 24, 2016 2:26 p.m.
_Budgetlover: I'm considering adding one more Tezzeret the Schemer or perhaps 1x Tezzeret, Master of Metal. Noxious Gearhulk is a great card, but it dosn't synergies with Metallurgic Summonings, Trail of Evidence or Dynavolt Tower. I'd rather have one more Torrential Gearhulk. The deck changes a lot atm, so stay tuned :)
thegourmet89: Hm... Anticipate rotates out in Q4 2017, so we got a lot of time before it rotates. If something better gets released before that, it will get replaced, but atm it's the best 2 cmc draw spell. Take Inventory could work. Live Fast is good since it refills Aether Hub in the early game if we got a low land hand. The only letdown is that it's a sorcery so dosn't synergies with Torrential Gearhulk. I'm gonna evaluate the inevitable draw spells when they get spoiled. Something that perhaps gives some sort of artifact would be nice!
December 25, 2016 7:58 p.m.
Transgress the mind is great and tezzeret ambition or pore over the pages instead of succumb to temptation and heart of kiran how u going to crew it??? But yeah looks nice
January 2, 2017 7:53 a.m.
InfuriatedBrute says... #8
Isn't Tezzeret after Metallurgic "win more" i.e. doesn't actually help you win since you've already won. If you already have an army of tokens I guess you could use Tez's -2 for a little removal but you've probably already won and it's not better removal than Ajani's -2 (obviously it's 2 mana cheaper). I'm not seeing the synergy here.
January 4, 2017 3:49 a.m.
jacoby0813 says... #9
I love this! Such a good take on, Baral, Chief of Compliance and Yahenni, Undying Partisan could be good too but idk what you would take out
January 5, 2017 1:45 a.m.
Luffy1369 Thank you very much for the comment and suggestion. Since the banning of Smuggler's Copter and Emrakul, the Promised End, the deck can now play a little slower. That makes room for Transgress the Mind.Heart of Kiran gets crewed by Liliana, the Last Hope or Tezzeret the Schemer.
InfuriatedBrute Thanks for the comment. Yeah I was testing to see if Tezzeret would fit into the generic Metallurgic Summonings I have been running. Now I use Trail of Evidence instead.
jacoby0813 Thanks man! Baral, Chief of Compliance dosn't really work in the deck after i've been testing it :( Yahenni, Undying Partisan looks better in a aggro midrange strategy
January 10, 2017 4:12 p.m.
Idk where youd fit it in but metallic rebuke is a card i have been super impressed with upon inspection. It is a worse spell shrivel but but i believe that the improvise makes it awesome especially in a controlley artifact deck like this. Ideally i see swings with heart of kiran(which has vigilance) and then can be tapped during the opponents turn to fuel improvise. But very cool! I tried brewing a control deck with tezzeret like this but in grixis colors. Unliscenced disintegration is a hard card to pass up. Upvote from me
January 10, 2017 5:28 p.m.
Jakoruz Thanks for the comment and the upvote my man!
Regarding Metallic Rebuke: I like it a lot, but in a different shell. This deck generates artifacts a little too slow for the card to excel, but in a more aggresive strategy with Ornithopter perhaps. If this deck takes a more artifact based form, I will for sure add it to the mainboard :)
Splashing red could work if you needed more removal like Harnessed Lightning or the really good Unlicensed Disintegration. I decided not to go Grixis since Fatal Push and Grasp of Darkness are really efficient removal now.
Thanks for the feedback and your suggestions! The deck will be adjusted a lot in the coming month. So check back regularly if you want to be updated :)
January 12, 2017 2:31 a.m.
I really like this deck!
Thoughts on Tezzeret's Touch?You have a lot of artifacts that turns into a blocker/attacker, and it bounces itself when it dies, so you can get extra value from prophetic prism etc.
January 16, 2017 4:32 a.m.
thegourmet89 says... #14
I can say Tezzeret's Touch worked really well in sealed, getting extra use out of of pretty much your whole deck, I really like the changes! This deck is totally different than it was, and I totally agree that Improvise is super strong and your deck makes really good use of it I had thumbs upped it before but I will say the thumbs up is equally well deserved here as well!
January 16, 2017 4:58 a.m.
iwhft and thegourmet89 thanks for the comments and the upvote!
Regarding Tezzeret's Touch: I like it more as a sideboard card than a mainboard card. It's a really good card for applying pressure or playing defensively, but I feel it slots in better in a vehicle deck, taking advantage of Heart of Kiran and Aethersphere Harvester. That way you get a lot more value out of it.
I'm gonna test it in the sideboard against aggro oriented decks!
January 16, 2017 7:03 a.m.
Mauriciocova says... #16
I really like this deck (to my folder it goes)...have been working on a version of my own, just wondering with all the artifacts haven't you considered scrap trawler? Wrong case scenario it nets you back an ornithopter, also I would like to hear your opinion on walking ballista (being xx can be recurred with trawler) he seems like an answer to the saheeli combo, anyways great deck, a well deserved thumbs up!!!
January 16, 2017 2:54 p.m.
Mauriciocova Thank you very much for the upvote and comment.
I've been testing Scrap Trawler in this deck, and I don't feel like it earns its place. It's a good card when you got Herald of Anguish out, but I don't feel like it synergies well with the artifacts in this deck. If you were to run Metalspinner's Puzzleknot or Hope of Girapur, I could see it mainboard. This deck runs Tezzeret's Touch in the sideboard, which works similar to Scrap Trawler.
An earlier version of this deck actually used Walking Ballista! It's really good in all stages of the game, but it was a little clunky and I decided to go faster with cards like Ornithopter instead. It also works better with Scrap Trawler like you said.
January 17, 2017 9:28 a.m.
Toxic5pikes says... #18
I've been trying to construct something similar to this. Herald of Anguish is my favorite card from Aether Revolt. This deck does a good job of consistently playing him though not as quickly as possible. I found this version Improvise One's Anguish a little faster but it "puts your eggs in one basket" with cards like Cathar's Shield. There's still a lot of experimenting everyone will have to do and I really want this deck to work well. Scrap Trawler and Herald of Anguish seem like a must together though. I'm probably going to work out a version with them together and Tezzeret's Touch main board for the combos.
January 17, 2017 4:13 p.m.
I checked up the deck, and it does go a little faster. I think there is two directions you can go with UB Improvise. Either you go full on storm and play Cathar's Shield, Bone Saw and Ornithopter to get improvise online as fast as possible. Or you take another direction with artifact that excel in the longer matches like my deck. It's yet to be confirmed which version will be the most efficient when it comes to UB Improvise, but I like this version since it feels more consistent. Either way, thanks for the comment :)
January 18, 2017 2:42 a.m.
irishmoosetard says... #21
Hope of Ghirapur and Heart of Kiran are better 1 and 2 drop slots especially with tezzeret
January 19, 2017 6:30 p.m.
Galactic_Legend says... #22
So I played this deck a bit to get a feel for the stile and I'll honestly say it feels too slow. Renegade Map and Terrarion concern me the most because they enter tapped and that hinders your ability to get your better Improvise spells out faster.
Your previous build allowed Herald of Anguish to be played turn 4, almost every game. This time I was only getting him out turn 6 or latter.
My other concern is the lack of a board wipe to deal with agro. So really, why the artifacts that enter tapped and why remove Yahenni's Expertise?
Lastly, what would you put in place of Walking Ballista if you don't have them? Currently I ran Metalwork Colossus, just to utilize the abundance of non-creature artifacts. Is there a better choice though?
January 23, 2017 6:43 p.m.
Galactic_Legend says... #23
Scratch that nonsense about Yahenni's Expertise lol. I just saw your list update to include it.
January 23, 2017 6:50 p.m.
irishmoosetard: The Mechanized Production was an alternative win-con that could target Prophetic Prism for value :) Heart of Kiran could maybe work as a sideboard card. Not feeling it as an mainboard card. I dont want artifacts that can get removed.
Galactic_Legend Thanks for the constructive comment :) I tinker a lot with the deck atm before FNM. I didn't really expect all these views and up-votes. It's mainly for my own play testing, so sorry if I confuse a lot of people with a lot of changes :)
So I recently changed the deck and took out Ornithopter and other faster artifacts. It allowed me to play Herald of Anguish faster, and you could even add more 0 cmc cards, but I found myself empty of cards fast. Looking at the meta game from SCG, you need to be play more controlling. That's why I added Renegade Map. It enters tapped which is of course bad, but I never miss a land drop with it. Works great with Choked Estuary. It also filters out lands from the deck, so you only draw into gas! Regarding Terrarion, I removed it. Wasn't feeling that it did enough. It was nice with a previous version which played Scrap Trawler, and it had nice synergy with Herald of Anguish.
Pacification Array, and after game one Yahenni's Expertise sideboarded in, this deck should be able to control aggro. There is also extra removal for that in the sideboard.
Earlier today I had 4 x Walking Ballista in the mainboard, but it was mainly to playtest against Saheeli Cat Combo deck. I moved them to the sideboard instead. You could definitely play Metalwork Colossus in this deck! I would up the count of Inventors' Fair and add Cultivator's Caravan. You can even scratch Walking Ballista and add Unlicensed Disintegration for Saheeli instead :)
The deck is by far complete yet. I will wait and see what happens after the Pro Tour, in which I suspect some U/B improvise decks will show up.
Feel free to give me more critic and suggestions :)
January 23, 2017 7:13 p.m.
Galactic_Legend says... #25
Honestly I don't see the need to keep a super big hand when you have Merchant's Dockhand and Diabolic Tutor. Both being amazing cards.
I'm working on a list that runs Cogworker's Puzzleknot + Servo Schematic. As an added wincon, Ob Nixilis Reignited would be fun.
I defiantly like your list though. Up vote for you. I've got this list in my faves so I'm defiantly going to keep up with you and see where this goes :)
iwhft says... #1
Looks pretty smooth. Thoughts about adding Thing in the Ice Flip?
December 9, 2016 9:06 p.m.