Etherium Perfected ~ Grixis Improvise
SCORE: 106 | 83 COMMENTS | 25986 VIEWS | IN 61 FOLDERS
SonofTheBat Hope you do well! Lili and HoK are really good cards, but so damn expensive. You will do fine regardless, but they were some of my MVP last friday. If I can get a hold on one more lili and one more HoK, I think the deck is tuned in. Not sure about disallow. Do you have a list?
February 6, 2017 4:44 a.m.
Mauriciocova says... #3
Have you considered trying the Implement of Malice? It enables revolt for fatal push while acting as a 2 for 1, works well with Herald of Anguish and Mechanized Production maybe being sorcery speed is a downside but I've been having trouble with artifacts sitting doing nothing on my board
February 7, 2017 11:16 a.m.
Smootvicious says... #4
@Mauriciocova That's why Tezzeret's Touch shines here! It turns the artifacts sitting on the board into stuff our opponent has to deal with. Plus, I think it's good to have artifacts sitting because it makes our opponent always nervous of Metallic Rebuke.
February 7, 2017 8:25 p.m.
Hi, just want to ask, how do you face some of these decks :1. B/G Energy2. Jeskai Saheeli3. Mardu Vehicle4. U/W Flash
No need Lost Legacy? Can you advise what card that you will exchange for each of them.And what use for ballista in sideboard? Please adviseThank you.
February 8, 2017 8:37 a.m.
irishmoosetard says... #6
Can you share your sideboard strategies with Walking Balista and Tezzeret's Touch? When and what for? What are you taking out for them? THANKS!@
February 9, 2017 2:01 a.m.
I played yesterday at my local gaming store, and went 1-1-1. Didn't get to play versus Saheeli Rai combo, which the Walking Ballista was there for. Tezzeret's Touch comes in generally in every game, since your opponent most likely will sideboard out creature removal, since pre board the only threat they have to deal with is Herald of Anguish. I'm still adjusting the sideboard, but it's hard atm when the meta hasn't settled. The sideboard right now is to deal with Saheeli Cat combo and mardu vehicles. I'm going to try playing Disallow or Negate in the sideboard the rest of the week, to better combat combo decks that seem to have made it's entrance. I'll do a sideboard guide in some time, but right now it's still under construction
February 9, 2017 2:45 a.m.
So what used for mechanized first? Better put 3 or 4 tez's touch?What artifact do you often ultimate with emblem or encant with tez's touch?
February 9, 2017 10:49 p.m.
Smootvicious says... #9
Chropos I don't want to speak for Jeppe, but I use mechanized as kind of a sleeper win con. Absolutely no one will have enchantment hate in their mainboard and we can grind out long enough to make it a true win condition. The Tezz Touches are better in the sideboard because after game one, our opponent will sideboard out anything that deals with aggro because we are control game 1. Bringing them in game 2 and 3 switches our deck completely and lets us win much quicker than what they are prepared for.
Typically I like to Mechanized Production clues or any artifact with an ETB so that we can abuse it every turn. Prophetic Prism will give us card draw every turn, Deadlock Trap will give us more ways to tap down planeswalkers and creatures along with energy to do so. Lastly, you can target Etherium Cell because Tezzeret can speed up getting to 8 by making an additional one each turn.
February 10, 2017 12:35 a.m.
I have nothing to add :) Perfect Smootvicious. I'm doing my third tournament today, so far the deck has gone 4-2-1 which is pretty good. Will update the sideboard again after this weekend. I'm considering taking this to the PPTQ next week. I will make a sideboard/strategy guide in the description this weekend :)
February 10, 2017 2:46 a.m.
Well, thank you very much for explanation, so just for game 1 and we will change it on next game for tez's touch.By the way on the new update can we change deadlock since you have pacrification away and the cmc was 3
February 10, 2017 4:23 a.m.
Deadlock trap helps with tapping down planeswalker which this deck has problems with (saheeli etc). There is for sure other possibilities, but this helps the tap down strategy and can help refill aether hubs as well.
February 10, 2017 4:55 a.m.
Oh ic" because i think it's too late for cmc 3 and etb tapped.At the end can you share by when you will take yaheeni exp, vs bg or mardu vehicle?What cards that very good against some deck of incoming meta (aggro) like mardu vehicle,bg counter or delirulium, and rg energy?
February 10, 2017 6:38 a.m.
Removal/board sweepers are king against aggro strategies. Im changing the sideboard a lot atm, but I would take out cards like merchanized productions and some rebukes/tezzeret/reversed engineers. Those cards are too slow
February 10, 2017 6:54 a.m.
And how many tez's touch will you put in against aggro?Now i see release the gremlin on your sb, better yaheni exp or release grelmin to against mardu vrhicle or rg energy?
February 10, 2017 12:04 p.m.
Chropos you put in all 4. Release the gremlins is for combo decks, which i see in my meta.
February 11, 2017 2:39 a.m.
Have tried for similar and get bad result in gameday#1, maybe many missplay.What card that will be good against bg energy or bg delirium?I've tried to put some servo schematic and very poor, how about woodweaver puzzleknot? Can extend life recharge energy for deadlock and hub.How many herald will you bring usually in game 2 or 3?
February 11, 2017 9:55 a.m.
xEVILPANDAx says... #18
isn't scatter the winds a bit handyer as Metallic Rebuke? i'm just think of it it cant be countered by paying that mana cost and also you can awaken it later in the game for dmg defense or sustain, or am i thinking wrong? i mean i thought of it but i dont now whats your opinion about it.Im not playing quite long but i curious about your opinion.
February 17, 2017 4:20 a.m.
Chropos I've changed the deck a lot for PPTQ. Look at the description for sideboard guide :)
xEVILPANDAx Thank you very much for the comment and suggestion. Metallic Rebuke is way better in this deck, and also one of the reasons to play it, since it lets us use our many on your turn, but still can hold up a counterspell with one blue mana open. It gets worse the longer the game goes, but this usually only is a problem against control. In control match ups we sideboard in Negate and Disallow to deal with that. Also Void Shatter is a better counterspell, since it exiles spells, which can come in handy against Torrential Gearhulk decks. Scatter to the Winds is a very good card, but you will have to play it in a draw go control deck :) And welcome to magic! It's a little complicated, since you have to have knowledge about all the decks in the standard meta
February 17, 2017 5:40 a.m.
Just anted to ask, in your notes for sideboard notes, for Mardu Vehicles, you state to remove to Mechanized Productions but have none in your listed deck-list. I am assuming this may be due to not being updated or a type O, but I would like to ask what other card should be removed for this match-up based on this current list?
February 17, 2017 5:40 p.m.
Sorry for my late reply, already tried from previous decklist and insert 2 contraband kingpin and 2 filgree familiar, result 2nd (runner up) at Gameday#2
February 20, 2017 11:43 p.m.
Dude...... you just made this deck worst..... I took my upvote back. Someone at my fnm had a deck similar to your older improvise control and he went 4-0....... so I looked this deck up and the older version was beautiful..... so I made it....... play tested against 4c cats and won.... solid deck..... but you just turned it into metalwork colossus deck and I don't like that...... please change it......
March 10, 2017 1:19 p.m.
It's also retired until Amonkhet, since it doesn't work in this meta. Too slow.
SonofTheBat says... #1
Finally plan on testing my build of this tomorrow. Can't afford Liliana, The Last Hope or Heart of Kiran so I used what I could. Tagging in Jace, Unraveled of Secrets, and Inspiring Sanctuary. Side board is missing one or two things I was able to sub in Disallow for.
February 6, 2017 12:41 a.m.