Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh

SCORE: 203 | 126 COMMENTS | 22353 VIEWS | IN 56 FOLDERS

Last_Laugh says... #3

Out: Graveborn Muse and Reflecting Pool

In: Boseiju, Who Shelters All and Blasphemous Act

June 4, 2017 1:19 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #4

July 2, 2017 3:08 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #5

Out: Clever Impersonator

In: Vindictive Lich (this going to be fun to abuse lol)

August 29, 2017 12:32 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #7

Ok so I cut Living Death awhile back due to a surge in graveyard hate in my meta. The grave hate seems to have died down and I would like to re-add Living Death... any suggestions for cuts anyone?

October 1, 2017 11:19 p.m.

slim_chanc3 says... #8

I really like your set up. I may have to get myself a Dimir House Guard, Fleshwrither and Jokulhaups. I have a slightly different take on it: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/big-turns-engine/ ... Anywho, Living Death... That's a tough one. You may have to much life gain to ensure you keep getting your dethrone triggers. My knee-jerk response is Kokusho, the Evening Star. It contributes straight damage to all players and gains you life, sweet. However it doesn't have a lot to contribute to swinging... You have a good lineup for turning things sideways and loading up +1/+1 counters (Marton Stromgald, Drana, Liberator of Malakir, Ogre Battledriver, and Urabrask the Hidden). Then creatures with those counters matter (Herald of Secret Streams and Oona's Blackguard). It's not that Kokusho isn't good in your lineup. Without Graft or something to help you throw silly amounts of counters on it without Dethrone, you need to swing and Kokusho doesn't do that for you. I can hear you already: "What about Unspeakable Symbol?" The three card combo is nice, but that's what I would do.

October 12, 2017 12:44 p.m.

slim_chanc3 says... #9

Arcbond is a kinda janky field wipe. Living Death can be much more devastation to your enemies than that. Potentially... How much do you rely on swinging usually? You seem really close to just not caring. Pull out the Haste set, and a couple swinging matters, then add Graft creatures (Vigean Graftmage and Novijen Sages for example) and you can run your stalling mechanics every players turn. Your mana curve remains mostly the same, just shifts slightly more blue than red. Kokusho, the Evening Star gets to stay because he doesn't care about swinging at all, you just abuse his death effect.

October 12, 2017 1:20 p.m.

slim_chanc3 says... #11

Sorry, not caring about needing to swing.

October 12, 2017 4:24 p.m.

slim_chanc3 says... #14

Vigean Graftmage is the best in my opinion. Most importantly you can field it before you ever cast Marchesa, then just have her protected so long as you have sac outlets. Novijen Sages is nice because you can draw a card and graft 1 or just graft 3 if you don't need the draw. His 6CMC is rough, I would not run him if you still want to rely on swinging. Helium Squirter gets a lot of hate because you have to pay 1 to use his ability and you cannot cast him before Marchesa. I like him though when I know my turn 3/turn 4 Marchesa would get hated off the field: I wait till I have the 5 mana for it, then cast Marchesa the following turn. If, somehow she has haste, I can spend that 1 extra I have to give her flying and she swings for 5 (assuming dethrone) and flying. Cytoplast Manipulator is what gets a lot of people excited. I don't like that I need lots of blue mana at the ready to use him an he needs haste to be really effective against your enemies. Also, if his 1 counter is always being used to steal creatures then he's not putting counters on your things. With you Metallic Mimic, Sage of Fables, and Unspeakable Symbol you're already halfway there in my opinion. It just depends on how you want to try to win.

October 13, 2017 9:28 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #15

Ok, huge upgrade. I traded for Imperial Recruiter and it's going in. My cut tentative so far is Erebos, God of the Dead but if anyone has any other suggestions, please speak up.

March 23, 2018 11:52 p.m.

ravhin9027 says... #16

I like Miren, the Moaning Well as a sac engine that fits into a land slot. Mer-Ek Nightblade can help deter aggression from being directed at you; he's been surprisingly effective in my version of this deck. Graft seems super important, but I won't suggest them specifically, as they've already been mentioned. Triskelion with Mephidross Vampire could be a fun combo to work in as well. Overall, I like a lot of the card choices you've made for this deck.

April 4, 2018 10:17 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #17

I'll try to squeeze in Miren, I like sac outlets and emergency lifegain here. I'll look at my lands and see if I can figure out a cut.

As far as Mer-Ek goes, he's a good card but he doesn't make the cut as a 4 drop, I'm already very flooded at 4 drops (20 lol) including Marchesa.

Also, this is an aggro deck first and foremost but with a definite emphasis on combo as an alternate way to win. Due to the aggro nature of the deck, I try to keep the avg cmc of the deck low and your combo costs a lot.

I am however considering dropping a few cards to make room to test suggestions you guys have made. I'm considering dropping:

Razaketh, the Foulblooded - cute but not needed, also my highest cmc card by far.

Sidisi, Undead Vizier - exploit can be very awkward when Marchesa brings her back.

Fleshwrither - I love this card, but it's activation cost is prohibitive. It does amazing things or sits in my hand doing nothing. This is the card I'm most tentative to cut.

Thoughts on these cuts or any other suggestions? I know Kokusho has been suggested but he's part of my 'plan b' of win without combat or worrying about the throne.

Thinking I'll replace 1 cut with Vigean Graftmage. Any suggestions to test in the other 1-2 possible slots anyone?

April 6, 2018 10:44 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #18

April 6, 2018 11:46 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #20

Battlebond Update - Holy shit this set looks killer. Got quite a few cards I'm wanting to try in several of my decks and 2 here.

Spellseeker 2U 1/1 EBT- Search your library for instant or sorcery cmc 2 or less to hand. This looks up Cyclonic Rift, Reanimate, or the 3 best tutors in magic in this list... definitely worth considering.

Last One Standing - I always consider 3 mana boardwipes and this one's downside is pretty small.

May 24, 2018 1:33 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #23

July 1, 2018 1:22 p.m.

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