Everybody Loves Hypnotoad - The Gitrog [[Primer]]
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 512 | 364 COMMENTS | 70314 VIEWS | IN 176 FOLDERS
Ender666666 says... #3
Oh, and SandorTheHound, just for future reference, using the proper coding on card suggestions makes it a lot easier to reference what the card does, PLUS, it triggers a "Card Suggestion" which, if I accept, get you a "Good Card Suggestion" rank. In case you don't know how, it's really easy. Just use double square brackets around the card name like this:
[[Underrealm Lich]]
You can also use the square brackets to link to/tag any unique item on the site, be it a Card, a Deck name, or a Username
May 1, 2019 10:56 p.m. Edited.
SandorTheHound says... #6
Hey Ender, what are your thoughts on Deathsprout and Casualties of War for the Froggy monster?
May 7, 2019 9:11 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #7
Both cards are great looking but Aren't efficient enough on their own t warrant cutting something to make room. Unless you have some suggestions?
July 26, 2019 9:30 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #8
So I've been a bit out of touch with Magic for the last few months. What's new and worthy of consideration?
July 26, 2019 1:15 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #9
Thank you for your input, I agree on all of those to one extent or another, so they're easy Maybeboard additions
July 26, 2019 4:41 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #11
sinister1234 Mostly due to there already being a lot of other stuff going on in the deck and needing room for land ramp will cut out other options. Besides, land ramp cards are one-time use and are no good to me if I happen to dredge them away. Personal choice I guess. Was there a specific omission that you think needs to be addressed?
August 2, 2019 11:51 a.m.
sinister1234 says... #12
I understand and if i had to suggest i would say the staple cultivate and kodoma reach would be nice with a bit more basic lands( helps you not be a easy blood moon and bye) and it puts lands on hand just in case you need to self trigger or for burgeoning.
August 4, 2019 4:14 a.m.
sinister1234 says... #13
Ender666666 have you thought about running amulet of vigor? Combod well with anything that makes your stuff enter tapped including splendid reclamation. Also scapeshift would be nice. Since you can tap them all for mana sac them bring all the lands from your deck into play trigger gitrog a ton then splendid reclamation to bring them all back
SandorTheHound says... #1
Oh, I also wanted your opinion on The Mending of Dominaria. Its presented the opportunity on chapter III to generate alot of 4/4's in combination with Zuran Orb and Rampaging Baloths on the field.
May 1, 2019 1:55 p.m.