Everybody Loves Hypnotoad - The Gitrog [[Primer]]

Commander / EDH Ender666666

SCORE: 512 | 364 COMMENTS | 70384 VIEWS | IN 176 FOLDERS

Best deck description I've ever seen! +1!!!

June 17, 2016 5:35 a.m.

Spisepinden says... #2

Do you know of Zuran Orb? I'd love to know why you aren't running it :)

June 17, 2016 2:18 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #5

Thank you Jimmy_Chinchila, your compliment is much appreciated. I couldn't have done it without my buddy Guerte's encouragement to make a Primer, or the basic layout of his [[Primer]] - Daretti the Degenerate primer to build upon. I like to think I added my own flair to mine, but without him, I probably never would have fleshed this out as much as I did.

For my own reference, was there anything about this Primer you specifically liked or found useful?

Spisepinden Fixed ;) I don't run Zuran Orb, simply because I don't feel the need. Granted, lifegain is good, but I really want to close out the game well before it becomes a factor. As a sac outlet, it's great, but truthfully, I find sacrificing land is the last thing I want to do. I'd rather discard it :) It's the same reason I ended up cutting Lake of the Dead

June 17, 2016 2:31 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #6

Almighty Hypnotoad looking dapper and decked out in a Top Hat and Monocle

A doodle I doodled

July 23, 2016 6:51 a.m.

Ender666666 says... #7

Regarding Zuran Orb, I am currently testing it out, and do hope it will help the deck. Thanks for the suggestion Spisepinden

July 23, 2016 8:51 a.m.

Catgroove says... #8

I personal have not found a need for Zuran Orb. My games are normally decided before the need for life in one moment would outweigh the loss that sacking lands would do. Sure you might live for one more combat/main phase, but unless you've draw whatever instant or out to that problem in those draws you'll more likely be picked off by something else/another player. Geier Reach Sanitarium just seems bad to me. Maybe I'm missing it, but 3 mana (2 generic and the land itself) to loot while giving the rest of the table a free loot is not appealing to me. Splendid Reclamation just seems like it was made for this kind of deck so no comment there. I am curious about your cuts of Ghost Quarter and Deathrite Shaman. Both have been great assets to this deck imo. Also why include Liliana, the Last Hope? Aside from her -2, I don't see how she contributes to the deck. Slippery Karst is decent, but I can understand the cut. I have been testing Petrified Field, and it has proven to be a great utility land. Definitely would recommend giving it a try. Also you know this is coming from me so I'm going to make it short. Death Cloud.

July 24, 2016 8:04 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #9

Mail call!!!!! I got this done up just for this deck. Hope you like it as much as I do.


July 25, 2016 2:11 p.m.

Catgroove says... #10

You're getting some great art in here that I'm honestly really impressed by, but I need to press you on your choices of Liliana, the Last Hope and Geier Reach Sanitarium. They just seem like cards that don't have a home here. I'd love to be wrong though and give them a try, but I need to hear your justification of them first. All in all, keep up the great work and Glory to the Hypnotoad.

July 26, 2016 2:58 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #11

Hey Catgroove, I appreciate your passion here lol. I disagree though. I tested last night, and I didn't pull the Sanitarium, so can't comment there except to speculate, but I did play Lili. I liked her, to a degree, but found I really only wanted her -2 ability. I've decided to cut her and put Creeping Renaissance in, instead

I DID have a change to plat Splendid Reclamation though, and WHOABOY! It's better than I had anticipated, especially with Landfall... So good in fact, that I have cut Zombie Infestation, replacing it with Rampaging Baloths

So, why don't you tell me why you don't think that Geier Reach Sanitarium makes sense here? Are you simply afraid to give your opponents cards? The way I see it, at worst, it's symmetrical looting, which is politically sound when setting up. At its best, it is a way to feed your graveyard and asymmetrical card advantage once land hits the graveyard. It's also another way to Dredge at instant speed. I don't see that as bad

July 28, 2016 8:26 a.m.

Catgroove says... #12

What's your reasoning for Creeping Renaissance? Like what would you normally get back with it? I haven't found the need for a mass Regrowth effect but always love to hear new ideas.

One of the things that I don't like about Geier Reach Sanitarium is that it's not symmetrical looting. You are the one that has to pay 3 mana for it. Most games I've played I will be very tight on mana really only keeping open when I either know something will be coming at me, or if I have some kind of effect to interrupt a play from my opponent. So leaving up 3 mana to loot and all the possibilities that come with it (dredge, discarding a land, ect.) is not appealing when there are a lot of other effects that will let me basically do the same thing for free (Zombie Infestation, Putrid Imp, Wild Mongrel, ect.). And like you mentioned this effect is for the whole table, letting your opponents for free fix their hands and dig a bit deeper into the deck for a possible answer. Which is something that I think is probably the last thing we want to do as a combo deck.

Also if you really enjoy your landfall triggers, what is your reasoning for Rampaging Baloths over Titania, Protector of Argoth? The way I see it, Titania is cheaper, has an amazing ETB effect, and makes better token bodies. With the exception of Anger of the Gods and other red mass burn spells. So is it just your meta call?

July 28, 2016 2:23 p.m.

Gfdbobthe3 says... #13

Hey Ender! Could you go into more detail about what happened last night, and why you cut Zombie Infestation for Rampaging Baloths? You were very brief. :(

Also, if I understand you correctly, you took out Liliana and put in Creeping Renaissance because you wanted to be able to put all creatures (or lands possibly) into your hand?

July 28, 2016 2:48 p.m.

Catgroove says... #14

Gfdbobthe3: Ender666666 most likely made room for Rampaging Baloths after seeing the potential for numerous landfall triggers that a mass land revival from Splendid Reclamation would provide. With either Rampaging Baloths or Titania, Protector of Argoth on field, Splendid Reclamation basically reads: Put X lands from your graveyard onto the field tapped and X tokens. Personally though, I think that Zombie Infestation is too good in the deck for all the utility that it provides to cut right now.

July 28, 2016 4:02 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #15

Catgroove: My reasoning for Creeping Renaissance doesn't come from a need for mass regrowth, so much as a regrowth effect. I always like having access to abilities like that whenever possible. I find when we start going nuts with dredge, a lot of good, key spells and permananets can end up in the bin. I don't mind that if I have a way to get the ones I need back somehow. Creeping Renaissance can allow you to get what you need back, and mask WHAT you're after through the mass regrowth effect (in case being sneaky matters). The fact that CR has Flashback makes it even better because I can use it twice if I draw it, or can use it at all if Dredged. It's just good utility.

Concerning Geier Reach Sanitarium, you do make some good points and what you say does make sense, but I can't ignore my gut telling me if is good here. I'll just have to experience it in play and see for myself.

Gfdbobthe3: Sure I don't mind. I was only really drawn to Lili for her -2 ability, thinking that dredging 2 cards and then bringing back a creature could be (and is) helpful, especially when the Hypnotoad is in play and you end up drawing off of the effect. In practise, I found that when I played Liliana, I didn't have much of a way to defend her, and that there wasn't much guarantee of really getting more than one card back off of her (expecting she'll be killed before I get to use her a second time). So with that in mind, the question became "Why not just run a Regrowth effect?", and to me Creeping Renaissance Made the most sense, due to the reasons stated above.

Catgroove: The reason I chose Rampaging Baloths over Titania, Protector of Argoth is that her ability is for when lands die, which is going to be less often than when they enter the battlefield. Sure, you can find ways to sac lands to make instant blockers, and there are times when she would be better, but really, I just like the Rampaging Baloths a bit better, even when I take Titania's ETB in account too.

July 28, 2016 4:15 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #16

You're correct Catgroove in your reasoning. Funny thing is, I have YET to ever draw Zombie Infestation, so in my mind, it hasn't proven itself.

But hey, take my design as suggestion, test your own theories, and discuss. That's what I love here!

July 28, 2016 4:18 p.m.

Catgroove says... #17

Faceplam... I have no idea why I was thinking Titania, Protector of Argoth was a landfall effect. I guess that's just what happens when you go off of memory of a card you haven't used in a LONG time. Ignore my comments on it then as they are now null and void.

I've won a surprisingly decent percentage of my games from Zombie Infestation as it not only acts as a combo enabler but also a win con given enough fuel. So talking from experience, I would definitely keep it.

Creeping Renaissance would be the mass Regrowth this deck would run because of our ability to use it both in hand and grave, but I'm not sold on it as of now. If we are at the point where we are able to dredge like no tomorrow and cycle through our deck, I would assume that we probably are in the position of having a free discard outlet. And if we are at that point we could instead of paying the 5/7 mana just annoy everyone that's playing against us and keep going till we hit Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, restack the deck, and continue on until we get what we need. Yes it takes a while, and yes people will get annoyed after your 4th cycle of the deck trying to get X card, but it won't cost us mana to do it. Just fiends.

July 28, 2016 4:51 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #18

That's fair. I'll test it and see. I am loathe to cut ZI, it's a personal favourite card, so much like the Dead, it may come crawling back

July 28, 2016 6:22 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #19

Catgroove, what would you cut from the current list to include ZI?

July 28, 2016 8:57 p.m.

Catgroove says... #20

I personally cut the Quillspike and Devoted Druid combo a while back as I found it to not be that impactful. This would open up an additional slot to bring Deathrite Shaman back into the list.

If you want to keep the combo though, my first pick cut would be Zuran Orb followed by Lord of Extinction. I've already written about Zuran Orb so I won't go into detail there. Lord of Extinction, while a great card, is really only useful in your list with the Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord route since you took out Filth. And in this route I feel like Centaur Vinecrasher is a better choice. Not only is it easier to summon (1 CMC less and mono green), it has trample to get around chump blocks, and most importantly is able to bring itself back. I wrote about cutting one a while ago, and since then have stuck with Centaur Vinecrasher for the reasons written before. Short version: better against removal/stax and better against life gain decks.

July 28, 2016 9:42 p.m.

Catgroove says... #21

Have you tried out Noose Constrictor over, and or alongside Wild Mongrel yet? It seems like you would come across flyers more then you will color specific situations. IDK if you would even want to block with it 7/10 times, but it would be a good way for this deck to handle them.

Have you had a chance to test out Geier Reach Sanitarium? If it or any of your other utility lands are not performing as much as you want, I'm still going to push for Petrified Field. It has really proven itself in the games I've gotten to play with it. Being able to act as a pseudo copy of any land in our grave while getting a draw from Hypnotoad has been great. Someone Strip Mine your Bazaar of Baghdad? Hope they better have Sinkhole as well.

Now that you've got Rampaging Baloths back into the deck are you playing the deck more in the combat step, or are you mostly using them as blockers? If you are perhaps you could bring Filth back into the deck.

July 31, 2016 11:39 a.m.

RupertPhd says... #22

someone already said Mesmeric Orb + Basalt Monolith = infinite self mill?

August 8, 2016 3:24 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #23

Infinite self mill is a thing, but those cards do nothing good for me separately. Thanks for the suggestion though.

August 8, 2016 3:35 p.m.

Catgroove says... #24

RupertPhd I have not tested out Basalt Monolith, but Mesmeric Orb was in one of my first few iterations of the deck. Yes the self mill is nice, but the problem I had with it that led to it's cut was that it never really impacted the board or led to comboing off sooner. Until The Glorious One, praise be upon him, entered the field it was just kinda there. And by the time he was on the field, I would normally have either a discard outlet or another means of draw/dredge to get me going. All in all, thought it was a good card, just not great with how my deck was built.

Ender666666 Would you consider running both Noose Constrictor and Wild Mongrel?

August 8, 2016 4:03 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #25

Yup, if I find I need it or a good cut, I'd run both.

August 8, 2016 4:32 p.m.

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