Commander / EDH davidsays1


Panas says... #1

Hello! :)

I took a look at the deck and it seems quite solid. I do have a few questions/suggestions concerning the elf sub-theme of creatures in the deck. Specifically, Elvish Archdruid cares about the number of elves while costing substantial amounts of mana for early acceleration. And you don't have too many elves. Same with Priest of Titania, although she is cheaper and cares for all elves which can be bonkers if an opponent is playing an elf tribal (lots of "if's" there)... They do have a pretty interesting interaction with the Mirror Entity, but I would prefer other options. I assume that the main reason you are including them over, let's say Yavimaya Elder, is that they are elves that synergize with the Wirewood Symbiote. If so, an Elvish Visionary would translate to extra card draw, on top of the draw from Selvala, and a Fierce Empath could fetch all of your win conditions (a very sexy aid next to Eladamri's Call).

A last thing, which you probably know and I understand that budget can be an issue sometimes, but a Gaea's Cradle can be a lovely addition if you can get your hands on one.

+1 from me _May you always have 3 lands in your opening hand!

November 9, 2016 12:30 p.m.

davidsays1 says... #2

Panas you hit it right on the dot like my description says i used to play this deck elf tribal so all the cards you named were in my previous build. Now i specifically have enough elves needed for the infinite combo win which i find myself needing almost every game in my playgroup.I do want the cradle eventually for now i cam live without it!Thank you for the comment this deck is my pride and joy!

November 9, 2016 12:51 p.m.

davidsays1 says... #3

Panas for this deck budget is not an issue i just havent gorten around to it you shouldve seen this deck before it was $53 now its over $300

November 9, 2016 12:53 p.m.

chubba says... #4

this is great build! i would have never though about untaping her and milling peoples libraries. genius! i think its very under the radar and doesnt seem threatening. ive played against her only one time and it was nothing of this sort so i must not given must credit. +1 from me

November 9, 2016 2:39 p.m.

davidsays1 says... #5

chubba its not exactly milling, but i can make everyone draw their entire deck, and pass my turn so they can't draw anything and automatically lose.Thank you though!

November 9, 2016 2:46 p.m.

Wolfrage76 says... #6

With the ETB effects, Panharmonicon could be fun.

November 18, 2016 2:33 p.m.

Razulghul says... #7

Hey I'm curious if you considered Aura of Silence? You have a lot of single target artifact/enchantment hate but Aura of Silence can really hurt every opponent and it's easy to recur with Sun Titan. I've had games where it's kept a blue combo deck from going off and kept a prosh player in check. Only suggestion I could think of, deck looks great.

November 19, 2016 2:19 a.m.

davidsays1 says... #8

Wolfrage76 Panharmonicon is a nice card, but i have issues with it for one, what could be removed for it?

dlamars i ran Aura of Silence in my Doran, the Siege Tower deck, and it was very ineffective in my playgroup so i didn't both with it in this deck.

November 19, 2016 4:03 a.m.

wavesport001 says... #9

You could add Spike Feeder to get infinite life with Archangel of Thune!

November 20, 2016 8:47 p.m.

davidsays1 says... #10

wavesport001 thats actually a nice idea, i think the only problem i see with it is a majority of my playgroup ends games in commander damage so the life would mean almost nothing. Outside of thst its something i might toy with thanks for the idea!

November 20, 2016 10:06 p.m.

wavesport001 says... #11

Cool! Also, when the combo goes off all your creatures except spike feeder become infinitely large! It's also easy to pull off with Tooth and Nail or Defense of the Heart.

November 21, 2016 1:03 p.m.

Jestrix says... #12

Looks like an awesome deck, but why is it flagged as a group hug?

December 1, 2016 6:38 p.m.

davidsays1 says... #13

Jestrix apparently giving people the 1 card draw qualifies her as a group hug commander

December 1, 2016 8:03 p.m.

Jestrix says... #14

davidsays1 Erm, well yes I guess the commander is all for group hugs, but I thought that the deck was supposed to be "group-huggy" in general for the tag to be valid? Besides from Selvala it's like Flourishing Rites that 's a hug card, the rest is just nasty stuff :P

That being said, I'd still play the crap out of this deck, looks like fun :D

December 1, 2016 8:33 p.m.

davidsays1 says... #15

Thank you i love hearing people would play my deck! Its my all time favorite deck that i own, and stands toe to toe with my friends prossh deck. I dont play it as much anymore, because its either too strong, or im testing out new decks i made like Norin the Wary or Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis this deck was my 3rd ever deck, and my first step out of tribal building.

December 2, 2016 12:19 a.m.

davidsays1 says... #16

December 2, 2016 12:20 a.m.

PookandPie says... #17

This deck needs Paradox Engine. That makes Selvala worth it by itself, since any green spell means you get to untap Selvala and draw more cards. Personally, I've seen a guy draw his whole deck with just Selvala, Engine, and a white producing mana dork, then swing all out with Craterhoof and kill the whole table after casting everything he wanted, lol.

In my experience, controlling your commander and landing Paradox Engine means you win that turn unless your Commander or Engine is destroyed/exiled.

February 11, 2017 6:31 p.m.

Megalomania says... #18

Seems like a solid deck. Have you considered using Winter Orb or maybe some MLD to mitigate the benefit your opponents get from drawing cards. I'd also add cards like Noxious Revival or Regrowth.

And lastly, you need to get rid of the tap lands. They slow you down unnecessarily. Since you're gaining life a lot, maybe City of Brass and Mana Confluence are justifiable replacements. Reflecting Pool too.

March 13, 2017 9:10 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #19

Is 25 lands really enough? If your deck is slow, then that could be the problem.

May 27, 2019 7:24 p.m.

davidsays1 says... #20

bushido_man96 the deck was a lot slower when i had a lot of stax in it, once i started taking the stax out it started speeding back up again. Since i have so many mana dorks, and intend to add fast mana rocks like Mana Crypt i felt 25 was a safe/sweet spot, and usually get the amount of lands i need to win 3-5. I would increase the land count, but then i have to find out what to remove, right now i feel like Archangel of Thune Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Praetor's Council Rest in Peace and maybe Mirari's Wake are the closest to leaving the deck.

May 27, 2019 8:45 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #21

Have you considered Magewright's Stone ? I'm also surprised by the lack of Instill Energy and similar effects, and I'd add them over some of the less good finishers you're running (such as Kindred Summons ). I'd personally run something like Natural Order to grab Craterhoof Behemoth if you really need to go off without Selvala...

I also really think you should go higher than 25 lands, doubly so without ramp like Chrome Mox , Mox Diamond , Mana Crypt , etc. Even with this many dorks, I wouldn't go below 29; you're liable to get VERY screwed over by any board wipe (or any method of harming dorks).

Finally, I'd run some things like City of Solitude / Dosan the Falling Leaf to protect from counterspells when you go off (since your opponents will also draw their decks as your combo goes, and you have almost no counter protection).

May 28, 2019 8:53 p.m.

davidsays1 says... #22

Daedalus19876 i originally had both cards in my very first variation of the deck, but removed them as i made it less about selvala untapping, and more about the mana dorks to win a game. I agree i should also increase my land base, but intend to add the good mana rocks and amazing lands down the road, so am already not sure what to remove as is, as many cards have found a home. I'm honestly not even sure of craterhoof anymore. I do intend to add the white counterspell can't remember the name right now, but am not worried about people countering my stuff as a added Staff of Domination so i could go off without people drawing, now selvala is mainly needed so i have a higher life total then everybody when i do go for the insta kill.

I do appreciate your comments, and will keep your suggestions written down, and consider them, thank you for helping!

May 29, 2019 11:28 p.m.

Demarge says... #23

oh man the downscroll (maybe monthly clear up comments or make clears after conversations die down) but for cuts for those 3 lands you got I'd suggest Mind's Eye (really slow draw engine) Archangel of Thune (you don't seem to be abusing her power which would be more than up to 1 trigger a turn) and Kindred Summons (because if you have enough elves to make it good you likely have plenty of elves already).

your previous opinions on what to cut might be a bit important to getting you ahead enough vs some of the stronger decks or just being your biggest payoff to win.

June 21, 2019 midnight

davidsays1 says... #24

Demarge i have no idea how to delete comments lol. I do appreciate your comments though, Mind's Eye is in the deck for the sole reason of being able to Parley, and use any mana i receive to draw extra cards due to my opponents drawing. I have considered taking it out for awhile. Archangel of Thune should definitely leave the deck! Thank you for reminding me of that! Lastly Kindred Summons is sort of a game ender, if i have 5 dorks in play and none of them are my infinite dorks i have a chance at finding 1 or all of them, but it is also filler thank you for the comments!

June 21, 2019 1:49 a.m.

Demarge says... #25

to delete (hide) comments you go into the deck edit and it's in the last options at the bottom, the comments still exist, but if the conversation on them is of stuff no longer for the current version of the deck new people won't feel they have to read comments or scroll down (before the hide comment feature some decks had the scroll bar become unclickable it was so small).

June 21, 2019 4:16 a.m.

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