As you may have guessed by the name of the deck, everyone gets a counter. By making use of the heroic mechanism and having bunches of cheap spells that target your guys, everyone gets a counter and you end up (most of the time) with the W.

Alright then, here's a breakdown of the deck.
Favored Hoplite
getting a +1/+1 and taking no damage till the end of turn: awesome.
Nivmagus Elemental
so this guy gets two counters anytime you exile a instant or sorcery card. So what you do is have Hidden Strings encoded on
Fabled Hero
who is also enchanted with Aqueous Form, he hits his first strike damage from his doublestrike, activates hidden strings, you target your heroic guys that are already attack, they get pumped, but before the spell resolves you exile the copied spell so that our little elemental here gets a +2/+2 counter all before the regular damage occurs.
Phalanx Leader
He's kind of like the Oprah of the deck. You either love him, or you hate him and even though his skin is black he lives like he's white... J/K, be he gives everyone counters when you target him.
Battlewise Hoplite
gets counters and lets me see what I'm going to draw before I draw it. Love this guy.
3 drops:
Fabled Hero
public enemy number 1 of this deck. Deadly when he gets out and you can get him pumping and the use of double-striking with the hidden strings cipher: RIDICULOUS!Like I said earlier, his doublestrike allows for Hidden Strings to get through and activate a copied cast before the rest of your guys do any damage.
All the other spells target my guys. ALL OF THEM.

They speak for themselves. Aqueous Form for sneaking in and slapping them in life counter.
Ordeal of Thassa
for counters and card advantage.
THE INSTANTS They almost speak for themselves. Gods Willing lets me look at what I'm going to draw whilst making my guy pro-whatever the hell your guy's color is. Triton Tactics lets me target 2 dudes and is used mostly on the D# buy occasionally I'll use it during my own combat instead of theirs. Bioshift is a fantastic little surprise that most opponents want to take a second to read and figure out what exactly it is that I'm doing.
THE SORCERIES Hidden Strings. It's gorgeous and what it does is it lets me un-tap the lands I tapped to play it, then it encodes on a dude, then it target and un-tap my guys. It's just so good.
3x Azorius Charm for obvious reasons is a powerhouse of protection, card advantage or lifelink. Good against aggro.
3x Brave the Elements the greatest offense is a great defense. And visa-versa. Good against mono color stuff.
Fiendslayer Paladin
bring him in against Black or Red.
2x Judge's Familiar I use him against both control and aggro and sometimes I just throw him in to have a flier.
this card speaks for itself...................................... (sorry I couldn't help myself.)
2x Swan Song for those pesky pro-white threats that need dealing with.
Ruling For Hidden Strings
1 when Hidden Strings is ciphered to a card and that card deals combat damage to a player, The spell triggers and a copy is cast at instant speed instead of sorcery.2 when a copy of Hidden Strings is cast, those targets are declared, but the action is not until it resolves. Nivmagus Elemental can exile the copy of Hidden Strings . It's targets are still valid from triggering heroic, but any additional effects of the copied card will not occur.3 when Hidden Strings is initially cast, you cannot exile it with Nivmagus Elemental if you want it to encode it onto a creature.4 when a copy of Hidden Strings is cast, it can un-tap your land, however this is done during your combat phase so no mana can be carried over to your second main phase via floating. If you had a creature such as Hussar Patrol for example with flash, you could play it on turn 2 because you could play it during the combat damage step, via float un-tap float. however Fabled Hero for example is not a valid card to cast during combat step.
Thanks for checking out my version of I_H8_U_M8 deck. Any advice or ideas are all welcome and anyone who leaves comments will receive comments on their decks in return. And of course, up-votes are always appreciated.
I would like to thank my wife, Victoria Meyers, [] for the idea of using Oprah gifs for the description of my deck. She is the light and the life of my world. (my wife, not Oprah.)
I'd lastly like to give a shout out to the following chaps for their assistance in figuring out HTML for the gifs, (since the last time I actually used HTML was back in high school,) and here they are:
Thanks again and please, please, PLEASE, play-test this deck and let me know how it runs for you!