Guess it's a good thing I bought 4 Bioshift last night then. Never thought about rancor though. That's a very good point. My only other concern is my lack of a defined kill card. I mean Primordial Hydra is a good game counter but I fear dropping it too soon due to the heavy removal that is out right now.
May 26, 2013 9:44 a.m.
TheFanatic says... #3
Simic Charm is great against spot removal, and can also function as an Unsummon or a Giant Growth if you need it. Speaking of Giant Growth that would also be a good choice here. It works well with as a defensive spell against burn to your creatures and can also be used on the attack or with Master Biomancer for a huge creature.
As a side note, Bred for the Hunt could MAYBE work here, but in aggro you probably would just rather have a creature instead.
May 26, 2013 4:05 p.m.
See and I was considering Bred for the Hunt as a sideboard card along with Rapid Hybridization and Simic Charm . Thoughts?
May 26, 2013 5:23 p.m.
TheFanatic says... #5
Rapid Hybridization could actually be run in the main board since you have no other forms of removal. The other two though I would definitely add to the SB.
May 26, 2013 7:35 p.m.
TheFanatic says... #7
Probably Nimbus Swimmer . That card doesn't seem very aggressive to me, and neither does Gyre Sage . It all depends on how those cards are working for you, though.
May 26, 2013 11:08 p.m.
Honestly Gyre Sage was more of mana ramp but I think I'll pull those, add another Arbor Elf and side board the swimmers. They aren't very aggro but they evo bigger creatures nicely. Also thinking Devastation Tide for side board against token decks and maybe Tormod's Crypt or something similar. Maybe even Deathrite Shaman . What do u think?
May 27, 2013 9:48 a.m.
Oh speaking of deathrite. I was considering a third color for more versatility. Ptobably white or blavk. I have the dual lands to pull off black already but I'm not sure.
May 27, 2013 10:11 a.m.
Swamp_Kitten says... #10
I would definitely put in Rapid Hybridization mainboard like stated before. It can be a good kill spell, I've uses it on others before. Cloudfin Raptor is a good replacement for the Nimbus Swimmer . For the sideboard take out the Spell Rupture ...(I've seen this card flop so many times) for Dissipate . As for Bioshift I think mainboard or not at all. Your sideboard (I think) should be for modifications to what your deck is weak to. So I'd figure out what your deck is weak against and plan accordingly. I would also suggest maybe Cyclonic Rift (2x) mainboard if not sideboard it if definitely a game changerr. But the dexk looks solid so far, keep playing around with it and find you weak and strong cards.
May 28, 2013 8:27 a.m.
If your looking to splash a third color I've been thinking about splashing red into a simic deck and possibly playing Fervor with some creatures coming in with many counters on them to be able to swing the turn they come into play is pretty nasty. Also you might want to think about Simic Charm its a very versatile spell for 2mana.
Something that I feel many simic decks need to look at. Are you an undying simic? or Evolving simic? I know one can include some of the other but many decks seem to split their resources too much and the deck gets jumbled. You have all these undying cards, but your playing Renegade Krasis that drops +1/+1 counters on the whole board. You have the guildmage, which can remove single counters, but your not playing Ooze Flux to clear counters off many creatures at once. So you evolve your whole board, your opponent goes, "Oh ok, Clear the Board." See what I'm getting at?
May 28, 2013 10:10 a.m.
Oh and if your playing Cloudfin Raptor and Young Wolf , then main deck Rapid Hybridization its too sick of a combo to have 2/3 of it and not play the last card.
May 28, 2013 10:13 a.m.
I was literally just play testing and figured out that Renegade Krasis is pretty much pointless in this deck. I found myself wishing it had been something else. So he's definitely getting pulled. I pulled Vorel of the Hull Clade for the same reason.
May 28, 2013 1:22 p.m.
Oh and I'd pull out Spell Rupture either sideboard Dispel or maybe maindeck Dissipate ... Spell Rupture is only good if u have creatures in play, especially big creatures, BUT you don't need to control the board much when u have an 8/9 flyer in play. When you need the control is after or shortly after a board wipe, or when your short on mana. both of those times Spell Rupture is useless because the X resolves as 0 if you control no creatures or an unevolved Cloudfin Raptor
May 29, 2013 8:56 a.m.
You definitely took what I was saying about stream lining the deck to heart wow. Honestly the build looks sexy now I'm curious being SO creature heavy(not saying it as a bad thing just a fact) how it handles some of the more diverse aggro builds like certain Boros.
You are now missing one card from being a very nasty undying deck, Ooze Flux , especially with Master Biomancer in the deck. You have biomancer on the board you play Vorapede comes in as a 7/6 vigilence trample, opponent uses Dreadbore or Murder or any other removal for that matter, your UNDYING creature, just dies. Zameck Guildmage can remove counters but your gonna spend GU,GU mana to remove both counters EVERY time you play an undying creature with Biomancer in play (assuming you don't have a Rancor on the biomancer by that point). As opposed to, pay 1G, take these 7counters off those 5creatures and ... umm give me a 7/7 token in place of em.
As far as the Breeding Pool and Hinterland Harbor go on eBay you can get them reasonably. I picked up 4 hinterland harbors on eBay last week for $24. In a 2 color deck they are not AS crucial as in a 3 color deck, but still if you can find the extra $50-60 to drop on em, I think they are worth it, especially the Breeding Pool (Arbor Elf can untap them, meaning with them in play he can untap an island if you need the blue mana) which allows you a nice
turn 1: pay 2 life Breeding Pool , Arbor Elf
turn 2: Forest, Cloudfin Raptor , Young Wolf , untap breeding pool Rapid Hybridization
June 6, 2013 7:41 a.m.
I play tested with the duals and then ran at fnm without them a lit of my games went like this.Turn 1: island, Cloudfin Raptor
Turn 2: forest, Young Wolf , swing with raptor for one
End of opponents turn 2: Rapid Hybridization the wolf
Turn 3: land, swing for 8, 3/3 lizard frog, 2/2 wolf and 3/4 raptor
I even locked down this wierd black green deck that ran Desecration Demon . I just kept sacing a wolf and removing the counter with Zameck Guildmage . He had a ton of removal but being so creature heavy made it irrelevant. He killed my guildmage I played another one. The Ooze Flux is an interesting idea. I usually have only played the vorapede for another body on the field. By that time I was usually already controlling the board. It was kind of funny when I killed him with a 6/6 double Rancor (so 10/6) Young Wolf on turn 5
June 6, 2013 7:59 a.m.
Very nice. My friend (who plays a particularly nasty Jund deck) keeps telling me to "stop playing Simic it sucks", but stuff like what your saying just makes me smile and laugh. Early game turns 1-5 Ooze Flux would be borderline useless. It's a later game survivability card, to keep up against decks that drag your game out, wipe your whole board, spam the board with tokens etc. (and I was just using the Vorapede as an example, any post turn 4-5 undying creature would fall under the same principle obviously). So far the stuff that has kicked my Simic decks ass is primarily Esper and what ever deck(I honestly can't even remember the color combo) vomits spirit tokens constantly, I think it might have been Aristocrats.
June 6, 2013 8:51 a.m.
Oh and how is Think Twice working for you? I'm thinking of adding Bred for the Hunt into mine. You prefer the instant over the constantly working enchantment?
June 6, 2013 8:53 a.m.
I'm actually messing around with the sideboard right now and 3x Bred for the Hunt are in it. As are Simic Charm x3 (maybe going up to 4) 3 Negate and 3 Cancel but am at a loss for anything else. My idea is to from wierd aggro to green blue control in game two. Reason is very simple. If I look like an aggro deck game one the person I'm pkaying will side against aggro so if I switch to control his side ins will be useless. At least that's my hope. Think Twice has actually done well for the early game but I rarely have to flash it back because by then I'm normally card drawing with Zameck Guildmage . Did u see my comment in response to yours about how the deck plays thus far?
June 6, 2013 10:30 p.m.
I have seen a spirit deck that is probably what ur talking about. Ran like Intangible Virtue and similar cheap token buffs? And probably any blue or white spirit maker u can think of?
June 6, 2013 10:42 p.m.
Yeah that sounds familiar. Yes I saw you comment about how its playing. That's great. It just depends on what decks you play against. I put in 3x Skylasher so I can deal with tokens, 3x Sundering Growth to clear out enchants (and populate your frog). I also have Ground Seal to slow down reanimator decks. And Pithing Needle to lock down Planeswalkers and cards like Olivia Val Darin
June 7, 2013 9:46 a.m.
I have 3 Tormod's Crypt for reanimator but the Sundering Growth is a good idea. Call me an idiot for nit getting this but how does Skylasher deal with tokens? The only tokens I've seen are green or white or both
June 7, 2013 10:18 a.m.
The flyer spirit 1/1 tokens, 2/2 flash w/ reach uncounterable, playing into the evolve format thought Crocanura could be nice though just wish it was a 2 drop not a 3 drop.
June 7, 2013 1:15 p.m.
It's funny that you mentioned your friend telling to stop playing cuz it sucks cuz when I first started building this a buddy of mine said the same thing. I told him that he had to play against me when I was done. He plays a particularly nasty version of jund. We played 5 games and after his 5th loss he actually said "okay I was wrong now play a different deck." Lol
June 7, 2013 11:46 p.m.
NIce, ya I'm still building up to that. I Think I just finished 99% there are 2 cards I have in now that I may trade out but, I'm pretty happy with it, at FNM last night I went 2-0. 2-1, 1-2 and I didn't actually lose game 3, but I mulled down to 5 then didn't see a mana till turn 3 and my second mana wasn't till turn 7. I side boarded in those Skylasher , needed em once and worked like a charm. Also Pithing Needle played well locking out Garruk in a Selesnya deck.
TheFanatic says... #1
Bioshift may be a better option than Cancel since you will have a lot of counters going on and you'll want to be able to move them from creature to creature either as a combat trick or as a way to save the counters from a creature that is going to die. Dryad Militant could probably find a home in this deck in the sideboard against decks that reuse spells in their graveyard, such as reanimator. Also, Rancor would be great here. It can be used as a way to get in damage or as a way to pump up Master Biomancer 's ability.
May 26, 2013 2:17 a.m.