Exalted Wings of Crimson

Modern Cast


Toothpayste says... #1

Exalted always has issues with chump blocking. The implementation of flying is a good idea for evading chumping from your foe(s). While Dogpile is a good way of getting around the oppositions creatures, making your own creatures unblockable would be even sweeter! I would recommend adding Bedlam . With so many early drops, I have confidence that your opponent will have a much worse time than you will once this hits the field. Adding Fury Charm for trample might be a good alternative if you don't like the idea of Bedlam consuming your 4 drop, or just think you'd rather have somewhat direct route to your opponent before turn 4.

May 28, 2013 12:22 a.m.

QUIGIB0 says... #2

cool deck, but have you every thought of midnight haunting?

May 28, 2013 2:33 a.m.

dyl_o_ville says... #3

maybe Aven Squire to go with the flying theme

May 28, 2013 3:32 a.m.

Slycne says... #4

The first thing that needs to be addressed is the mana base, 20 lands even with a pair of signets is just not enough for the curve. 30% of your deck is over 4 CMC and 20 lands doesn't even reliably get to that amount. Either the curve needs to be shifted cheaper or the deck needs more lands. Better dual lands could certainly be used, depending on the budget.

On the topic, Infernal Plunge is a poor substitute for mana acceleration. If your opponent interacts with you at all you're getting 2-3 for 1'ed. Let's say best case you Infernal Plunge a Doomed Traveler with Field of Souls on the board. A simple Unsummon means you've just essentially used up 2 cards and now one is likely stuck in your hand for 2 1/1 spirits. It's even worse if they have proper removal. I'd start by replacing them with 3 more white sources of mana, you generally want around 12 untapped mana sources to be able to reliably play your 1 CMC guys on T1.

I would drop the Angelic Benediction s for another set of exalted creatures. Enchantments can't attack or block, can't carry extra triggers from Sublime Archangel (that card only gets stronger the more creatures you are running, where as Angelic Benediction is always the same) and most of your creature are flyers so the tapping is pretty moot. Legacy Exalted is all the legacy creatures in W or R with exalted. It also might be a good idea to look for creatures that carry exalted triggers well, like those with double strike - a few examples in color Boros Swiftblade , Mirran Crusader , Silverblade Paladin or Skyhunter Skirmisher .

Glaring Spotlight is also not doing much for you. Most of the card is basically not getting used since you have no removal, so hexproof or not you're not interacting with them. If you want a combat trick to force your guys through there are better out there. Personally, for an exalted deck I'd much rather have a more versatile Brave the Elements or Faith's Shield . Exalted is prone to getting time walked because they can deal with your entire attack so easily each turn. You want some kind of protection for your creatures that's cheap enough to keep up, and these can double up as a means of unblockable in most board states.

Some removal of your own would not be a bad idea either. In legacy, Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares are some of the best removal in all of magic because their cheap and exile instead of destroy, getting around a lot of abilities and other cards.

May 29, 2013 9:35 p.m.

eienkizu says... #5

Knight of Glory and Aven Squire seem like they would fit nicely in here and maybe some token generation that doesn't require something to happen first like Midnight Haunting or Spectral Procession they give 1/1 flying "duders" without having to dance through hoops.

May 30, 2013 5:39 p.m.

Protester says... #6

Assemble the Legion would be a good addition due to its interaction with sublime archangel.

May 31, 2013 1:48 a.m.

Weikarczaena says... #7

I was going to say a bunch of stuff about this deck and then I read Slycne's comment and they took the words right out of my mouth. I second everything that was said there.

May 31, 2013 3:39 p.m.

arrakis180 says... #8

There are a few things that could be changed. I see you have 20 lands and that 8 of them come in tapped and return a land back to your hand. I undrstand that they count as both mountain and plains but if you just put in regular lands and about 2-6 more lands you probably could get more creatures out. As for the creature part i see you have quadruplets of creatures costing 4 and up. Thats going to take turns to get the lands necessary. I would put in creatures that cost 1-3 and are about 1/2- 3/3 if you wanted to play4-6 creatures out in about 4-5 turns. Also if you added more different creatures you could probably find ones with boss abilties that add to your decks power (battalion - exalted). Also you dont need 4 of the same enchantment. Most likely that a player rocking a 60 card deck isnt going to have destroy target artifact or enchantment. Also different enchantments wouls be a good idea. Ex if you found one that gave creatures protectionfrom other colors.But as the description says you wanf creatures out fast, you gotta drop the quadruplets and add lower costing cards. But im sure youll find your balance that you like.

May 31, 2013 8:26 p.m.

paperhead says... #9

Angelic Benediction works pretty well for evasion when you are attacking with flyers, since you tap their one reach guy and get through, but you don't need 4. If this were my deck, I'd sideboard a few Luminarch Ascension for multiplayer games, and Rest in Peace to stop graveyard manipulation. Other than what has been said about removal, I would consider the following for various situations (I'm sure you can figure it out) : 4x Lightning Helix , 2-3x Lightning Bolt , 2x Blaze Commando , 4x Legion's Initiative .

June 1, 2013 2:33 a.m.

Slycne says... #10

Oh actually, can't believe I forgot about one of my favorite magic cards of all time. Instead of giving one creature +1/+1 when they attack with Angelic Benediction , just give your whole team a constant boost with Honor of the Pure .

June 1, 2013 4:25 p.m.

ScionLocke says... #11

June 6, 2013 12:51 p.m.

vishnarg says... #12

Try fixing up some of those land issues with Sacred Foundry , Arid Mesa , Rugged Prairie , and Clifftop Retreat . Another great utility land here could be Slayers' Stronghold .

June 6, 2013 10:37 p.m.

cptmacawesome says... #13

i would replace the doomed travels with more exalted creatures like Sigiled Paladin i know they're good chumps that replace themselves but i feel more exalted would help and the first strike doesn't hurt

June 9, 2013 6 p.m.

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