Jimmy_Chinchila you gave this deck +1 ... without actually giving it +1.
I have six Non-Exert Creature in this deck already. Not sure if I want to add another one, with Odric, Lunarch Marshal.
Any Creatures that can be Exerted let me filter cards through Battlefield Scavenger.
May 26, 2017 12:05 a.m.
Garchomp98 says... #3
As my standard deck is with the same mechanic i have some things to say...
When I playtested it several times I saw that without untap spells or Always Watching on the field I am utterly defenceless during my opponent's turn.That's why I made my exert deck .
The exert decks I've encountered played with less exert creatures... you have 20/26. And most of them high cost. Chances are that half the times you play you won't have anything 2-drop in your opening hand. Besides, all my losses were more or less because I had crap hands...
You should consider altering this deck a little so as to have some spells and less exert creatures such as 16/26.
But that's just my opinion
Good job btw!
May 26, 2017 9:02 a.m.
Garchomp98 is the worst colour in the world and I only ever use it in a deck if there are absolutely no other options.
You are discounting Declaration in Stone as one of my 2 drops. I'm happy to play that instead of a Creature, to disrupt my Opponent's tempo.
I also have Battlefield Scavenger and Bygone Bishop to help me draw into Always Watching
I don't HAVE to Exert my Flying Creatures. I can choose to do it only as needed.
You can play a deck without any 1 drops. I do it all the time.
I couldn't care less if I have more Exert Creature than other decks do.
You might make some good points but you need to illustrate them with better examples e.g. WHY can't I have a lot of Exert Creatures, exactly WHAT does (bleurgh) bring to the mix?
May 26, 2017 10:37 a.m. Edited.
Garchomp98 says... #7
Argeaux well first of all I didnt say you have to play ... is a good combination for this deck.
I didnt talk about Declaration in Stone because I was referring to 2-drops except Battlefield Scavenger and Glory-Bound Initiate (which is one of my favourites) that can actually have an impact on the game by being casted during your 2nd turn. If you can cast Declaration in Stone in your 2nd turn you'd exile 1 or 2 creatures at best... except if your opponent runs a token deck.
You could also put Gust Walker in there if you want to.
May 26, 2017 10:57 a.m.
Garchomp98 just so you know, you don't say "casted". You say, "by being CAST".
You didn't check my list of "Cards Already Considered". Gust Walker is there.
I also have Thalia, Heretic Cathar to slow down my Opponent's tempo.
I think we may have different play styles. I like to be fairly aggressive with my attacks, and get rid of Opponent Creatures in order to do that.
May 26, 2017 11:25 a.m.
bigdaddy9468 says... #9
Tah-Crop Elite for Trueheart Twins, and i'd put a few combat celebrants back in, either 4 trueheart or 2 trueheart and 2 celebrants. would make you more of a threat on the battlefield i think
May 26, 2017 1:30 p.m.
bigdaddy9468 says... #10
oh and in regards to one drops, i would only play a one drop creature in this deck, possibly built to smash (probably not), but, thalia, cast out and declaration in stone give this deck the perfect amount of control. there are no one drops who exert in W or R but I would definitely consider cutting 2 Bygone Bishop for 2 Bloodlust Inciter. The inciter can always be discarded off in the mid to late game if it's top decked, but it really depends on the meta, hard to tell if its worth cutting a flyer, but i would argue it'd be more effective to just charge and make the guy/girl with the army of flyers respond to you rather than you trying to block him/her; With cast out, declaration in stone and thalia I think your all set with board control.
May 26, 2017 1:42 p.m.
I will not be getting rid of Bygone Bishop as it allows me to draw into Always Watching , as I explained above.
A lot of the cards you have suggested have already been considered by me.
May 26, 2017 1:48 p.m.
What about Honored Crop-Captain? Gives other creatures +1/0 when she attacks as well and she is a 2 drop at 3/2.
Every time I linked the card it errors so sorry for that.
May 28, 2017 7:23 a.m.
Zman995 with some of the Amonkhet cards you have to write (AKH) before the final brackets to get them to link.
I did think about Honored Crop-Captain but I prefered what the other two drops had to offer.
May 28, 2017 7:29 a.m.
It can probably do with some tweaking.
I might give in and add Bloodlust Inciter, but it would have to be instead of Battlefield Scavenger, and I do think the filtering on that is important to dig for Always Watching
This was the deck I was going to make for this season ... until I saw my first Minotaur. It's a tie between them and Dragons for my favourite tribe.
May 28, 2017 1:09 p.m.
Combat Celebrant a bit fragile but if you can exert it even once it's so much value
May 28, 2017 1:20 p.m.
pickelchu the 1 toughness makes me very nervous.
What would suggest that I take out for it?
May 28, 2017 2:21 p.m.
BioProfDude says... #20
I think that Selfless Spirit should at least be in the sideboard, maybe in place of Nahiri, the Harbinger, or maybe Forsake the Worldly. You already have artifact/enchantment hate in the deck and side, maybe to a point of a bit of overkill. Thus, you could probably make some room for 3x Selfless Spirit.
Sandstone Bridge seems terrible, but in an exert deck it works like a 1 turn Always Watching ! I tried it this weekend and it works pretty well. Yeah, I know, it comes in tapped, but it also gives a creature vigilance and +1/+1, so quite good for a turn 3 attack with a creature with exert (if Always Watching hasn't yet made an appearance). I would suggest 3x given your mana base.
Also, I have found Djeru's Resolve to be very, very effective. Giving a creature indestructible is pretty nice!
Cool deck! +1 from me!
May 28, 2017 3:13 p.m. Edited.
FINALLY some excellent suggestions.
I like Archangel Avacyn Flip better than Selfless Spirit but the point is well-taken and Nahiri, the Harbinger is out. Should save me a pretty penny.
LOVE the Sandstone Bridge suggestion. Good to hear that it's worked for you.
I did think about Djeru's Resolve but I think I'd rather remove one of their Creatures than save one of mine, and Archangel Avacyn Flip can save more than one Creature in the late game, anyway.
Thanks BioProfDude
May 28, 2017 7:52 p.m.
Just wanted to add that some of the Zendikar lands are great in certain builds.
I used Skyline Cascade and Mortuary Mire to great effect in an Ingest/Process deck.
May 28, 2017 7:59 p.m.
BioProfDude says... #23
Ya, I get what you mean with Archangel Avacyn Flip, but that's a 5 drop (with double white, no less), while Selfless Spirit is a 2 drop. This could be especially important if you do indeed add Sweltering Suns as you might be able to cast both in the same turn. Just a thought.
For Sandstone Bridge, thank Craig Wescoe at TCGPlayer.com as that's where I got the idea. Just giving credit where credit is due. :-D
May 28, 2017 8:28 p.m.
BioProfDude says... #24
I should add that Djeru's Resolve is a FANTASTIC answer to Fatal Push! Makes my opponent sad, which provides me with a bit of glee. Of course, my deck has more 1 and 2 drops, so it's more of an issue there. You only have 7 viable targets (without revolt) in this deck.
May 28, 2017 8:34 p.m.
Argy i don't think you need 4 Tah-Crop Elite being as it's 4 mana and not a complete bomb, so you can probably take some out
Jimmy_Chinchila says... #1
Odric, Lunarch Marshal could be solid here
Nice deck, will think on it some more. +1
May 25, 2017 2:08 p.m.