Exhuming End

Pauper Srcsqwrn


FUL says... #1

I don't understand. Can the opponent force you to draw a card in the middle of the cascade? i thought you first have to resolve the whole cascade effect

June 7, 2017 6:29 a.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #2

As I have been playing I've learnt more. I didn't fully understand Cascade. You're right.

June 7, 2017 1:07 p.m.

Stammetje91 says... #3

I love this. Probably going to steal this for a few games of MTGO.

June 28, 2017 12:16 p.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #4

I'm glad you like it! I've been playing this in MTGO and it's been quite fun! I think it's pretty quick to learn the flow of the deck, too!

June 28, 2017 12:24 p.m.

Dreager_ex says... #5

Have you tried Simian Spirit Guide? Might be good to help you ramp into it turn 2.

July 3, 2017 7:45 p.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #6

Unfortunately I don't have the cash to buy SSG. But I'm planning to try at some point. But I honestly don't this the deck needs it. I don't even k ow what I would replace to add it in.

July 3, 2017 10:25 p.m.

Kiivuhl says... #7

this deck is just so stupid... I LOVE IT!

August 5, 2017 10:41 a.m.

Kiivuhl says... #8

I playtested it. Its pretty nice, but the manabase... huh. Little junky.

In my opinion u need some GB taplands (every ability to activate and double mana cost is G or B). If you want place for Spirit Guide - cut murasa and lands. 20-21 should be enough. Ohh... and what do you think about 1-2 Reaping the Graves after cascade? For lategame. 3+ cards back (6 mana needed)

About side, I recommend:

August 5, 2017 11:55 a.m.

Kiivuhl says... #9

now I get the pyroblast is bad here -.-

(sorry for spam :> )

August 5, 2017 11:57 a.m.

DoneVida says... #10

Deck looks really fun. I am building for my stores first pauper league. How have you been doing with it so far? Also, can i ask a dumb question? Why ash barrens over evolving wilds? Is the cycling better than just the sac for the basic land fetch? Thanks for any help. I'm new to magic

January 6, 2018 10:44 p.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #11

I have to start by saying; This is a brew. It feels competitive to me, but I have not played any leagues with it. The most I do is the Tournament Practice rooms on MTGO.

Also, that's not a dumb question. Many people ask why Ash Barrens over Evolving Wilds just in general. To answer your question; I have it in the deck because; 1. Cycling is very important to the deck. Horror of the Broken Lands needs the cycling, and the land pumps him. 2. The deck is 3 colours, but getting the Exhume T2 or T3 is important. Evolving Wilds can not tap for mana T2 or T3. So if I can put it down as colourless mana, it's situationally better. If you can Cycle Horror of the Broken Lands T1 and T2 Exhume it to the battlefield, it's a big swing. The better creature is often Greater Sandwurm due to being an unblockable 7/7 T3 if you can cycle T2 and Exhume T3. 3. I prefer Ash Barrens over Evolving Wilds, just due to being able to make the land drop and immediately be able to use it the same turn, if needed.

I have made a couple changes to the deck. I will update everything so you can see what the deck is like now. not much has changed. I find that this is one of my most competitive decks to date, and is very fun and consistent. If you try this deck I think you will have fun, but it takes a lot of practice.

I'll post again once I'm finished the full update, as right now I might only edit the list and a bit of description.

January 7, 2018 1:45 a.m.

DoneVida says... #12

Thanks so much for the reply. Great points. Cards came in mail today so when i get a chance to play it ill let you know how i do. Thanks again

January 8, 2018 2:33 p.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #13

No problem. I don't get too many replies on my decks, so I'm glad you're interested. I love to brew, and this has been one of my pet decks.

I have updated the decklist and the description. If you have a chance to try it with the changes I suggest it. The Grazing Kelpies were the biggest change to the deck. I had them removed, as they were interesting, but too cute. Without them the deck is much more consistent. But they do work relatively well with the deck idea.

If you get a chance to get some games it let me know what you think, and what you change!

January 9, 2018 12:59 a.m.

DoneVida says... #14

Got to play test the deck a little todayagainst a mono red burn deck. It was really fun but could tell I need practice with to play it correctly. Never drew the nuts and it took me until turn 4-5 to actually put a creature on the board. Pulse of Murosa kept me in the games but ended up losing the three we played. I feel like some removal would be nice. Part of me wants to change out a couple of the dead shots and put in 2-3 lighting bolts or something for early game but may make deck too inconsistent. Im gonna play a few more before I change anything. Im not real sure what my stores meta is. What are your thoughts? Thanks again for the deck.

January 10, 2018 5:54 p.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #15

The problem with any removal under 3 mana is that your Demonic Dread and Violent Outburst will hit thise spells and make the deck inconsistant. With removal it needs to be cmc 3 to avoid that, which is unfortunate.

With durdling till T4 or T5 it is a risk, and something that happens now and again. Especially racing against Burn.

Aggressively mulliganing is key, and cycling till you can Exhume is pretty key.

That's all I can really say at the moment.

January 10, 2018 6:45 p.m.

DoneVida says... #16

Yeah, that's true. Its gonna take me some more time to learn how to mulligan against certain decks. I plan on playing this a lot more before I make any changes. I would think aggro is the worst matchup for this deck. Either way though it was still really fun to pilot.

January 11, 2018 12:34 a.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #17

I agree that Aggro is definitely this deck's weak point. I would like to fix that, but the cards are pretty tight at the moment. I'm really glad you're enjoying it! Let me know down the line how things are! :D

January 11, 2018 12:41 a.m.

eyes2sky says... #18

+1 Great build...esp since you are using Pulse of Murasa!...one of my fav green utility cards that I think is highly underrated.

January 20, 2018 8:19 p.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #19

Pulse is useful in many situations. The lifegain to pad the life total alone is absolutely necessary if the game goes late.

January 20, 2018 8:39 p.m.

ozzyfish19 says... #20

Love the mainboard!

I would however make some changes to your sideboard

Because of the high level creatures in your deck, you don't necessarily need spot removal like Eyeblight's Ending. Your biggest threat is a control deck or red-burn so I would replace Eyeblight's Ending with either Duress or Feed the Clan. Duress can handle any sort of counter/bounce spell and would be nice against possible graveyard hate cards. Feed the Clan is excellent for your deck since you run multiple big creatures.

I'm not sure why you like Appetite for the Unnatural, I think there are more efficient cards for artifact/enchantment removal. Ancient Grudge, Tranquility or Natural State would be better in my opinion.

Cower in Fear can be replaced for a lower mana cost Electrickery.

There is nothing wrong with Choking Sands, with your mana leaned more towards black than red, but Molten Rain can hit any land including swamps. You could go either or, or simply run Stone Rain.

Thanks for posting the deck!

January 31, 2018 2 p.m.

Srcsqwrn says... #21

I definitely like that people want to make some changes, but I definitely would like to comment on your changes.

Starting with spot removal, I feel this is just my preference because there are often creatures in which I just want out of the way for my big creatures to get through. To be honest, if we're going late game, there is a creature or two that is definitely going to come up that's trouble. Example; Elves with a single large creature, or Affinity/Tron with their big green that gains life for graveyarded artifacts, or Ulamog's Crusher, which might cmoe up during a reanimation of mine or theirs. I just want to note that a long while back I replaced Eyeblight's for Rend Flesh. It's a lot better in the format.

If you were to switch out any card in the sideboard, you do need to remember that it needs to be 3 cmc or more. Anything less than that will obstruct the deck idea/efficiency. We don't want our cascade cards hitting them. So the listed cards; Duress, Feed the Clan, Ancient Grudge, Natural State, and Electrickery would not be supported by the deck. Choking sands is just mainly against Tron, but I definitely will consider Stone Rain as it's a bit easier to cast. I'd been on the fence about it for a while, but it might be time to test Stone Rain.

When going against burn we do use Pulse of Murasa. If we can hit this card, we're usually able to win in the long run. Aggressive mulliganing/cycling through the game is what wins us against burn. As for control, you are right. We do have a couple hiccoughs there.

The only discard like Duress that we would have access to would be Coercion, Dark Inquiry, and Nightsnare, if you think any of these might be useful I would consider them, and test them.

I do want to note that I have often contemplated adding in Tranquility to fight against Bogles, but in most other situations it's been useful to have Appetite at Instant speed. With this deck you usually keep mana up on the opponent's turn, and it's more efficient to use your mana on their turn, most times. Being able to remove an artifact/enchantment on their turn can be huge. Plus the life gain is some nice padding on top of that. It's also useful against burn decks who run enchantments, just as a couple nice side bonuses. I am still on the fence for Tranquility, though.

January 31, 2018 2:32 p.m.

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