cplvela0811 says... #2
Its cool Apakakuta you have been doing that, but we are budies, so it's ok.
Omeros I am looking to find that 75. AV is nice. Maybe 2 of?
Tarmogoyf is awesome at what he does and is a win con on his own. Tasigur is also a good card. I play both.
January 16, 2017 9:28 p.m.
I could see a 2 of AV working. Definitely test it first on here or XMage/Cockatrice before buying if you don't have them. I don't know if you have room for 4 without making a very different list, but 2 seems good. It'd probably push you into a heavy control role of the type Apakakuta may be thinking of, one where 'Goyf isn't necessary.
The two of AV also sides out smoothly against aggro decks where you might not have time for it to come off suspend, even if it does mean enough gas to win if you're alive when it resolves.
January 16, 2017 9:56 p.m.
cplvela0811 says... #4
I think I need them regardless, but I should check them out online.
January 16, 2017 9:59 p.m.
If I have time this week I could try testing your deck out against the typical gauntlet I use (Burn, Jund, Abzan CoCo, Tron, Affinity, Bant Eldrazi, and Infect). I'd like to see more BUG decks thriving.
January 16, 2017 10:08 p.m.
cplvela0811 says... #6
As would I. For me and my Meta it works pretty well. Hopefully it does at yours.
January 16, 2017 10:22 p.m. Edited.
cplvela0811 says... #8
Omeros are you Cockatrice? If so, maybe we could play sometime.
January 17, 2017 1:37 p.m.
I'm not. I did try installing XMage once and it got through downloading 99.8% of all the card images before losing connection... and didn't have any way to recover the partial download. I was so pissed - it's slow server speed meant that took about 10 hours - that I uninstalled it right then.
January 17, 2017 2:06 p.m.
I'm on cock at rice so perhaps we could a play sometime as well cplvela0811
January 17, 2017 4:54 p.m.
cplvela0811 says... #13
Apakakuta, my name on there is cplvela0811. We should play and chat it up. we can deck test.
January 17, 2017 5:03 p.m.
Should we link up on skype or Facebook to ensure we are both on cockatrice at the same time? We can pm each other the info.
January 17, 2017 10:54 p.m.
cplvela0811 says... #17
Thoughtseize hurts me too much. There are too many Burn players in my Meta. IoK is another story. I initially tested it out in place of Serum Visions. I rotate back & forth between the two. I like Visions because it keeps my hand packed, but IoK gives me intel and discards. It's all relevant really, but felt I also missed out on critical draws.
January 21, 2017 1:24 p.m. Edited.
Different deck, but I recently went with a playset of IoK main and TS only in the board as well. If I'm going to be surprised by having the wrong type of discard I'd rather not also take 2 to do it. Even if Tron makes a big comeback there are still far more matchups where IoK hits everything I want to hit than vice-versa.
I actually got XMage to properly install and download card images the other day. I've been procrastinating on doing anything with it, though, out of nervousness from looking like an idiot in case I get confused with the UI and misplay/misclick.
January 21, 2017 1:31 p.m.
cplvela0811 says... #19
Omeros nice to hear from you again!
I pretty much agree with you. Tron is just one of those matches that I will accept the suffering. In my experience there are fewer Tron players than what you generally come up against at LGS's or friendly play. I rather do good against the field and have one bad match up--as opposed to one good match up and the rest be horrible.
I have tied using Xmage and it is decent. I prefer cockatrice, but MTGO gives incentives. Cockatrice is awesome in the sense that it is the ultimate "card tester." It is free and lets you practice in theory instead of wasting cash. Some people online are just crap and treat you lame at times, but the majority of them are decent guys/gals.
January 21, 2017 1:40 p.m. Edited.
I'm also trying to find the right mix of "keep a bunch of matches fair to very good" while not letting too many become hopeless. Tron, Valakut, Tasigur/Angler-heavy matches vs Grixis Delver or Control, and Bant Eldrazi are my worst, in that order.
I'm trying to find the right mix of pre-boarding vs. several matchups, including Burn, but using generic answers. This way I can skimp on sideboard cards for some decks and practically have a transformative sideboard for the rest. Collective Brutality is, I hope, a lynchpin of this strategy with 1 main, 1 board and after cutting them for a bit I'm probably bringing back 2-3 LotV.
January 21, 2017 3:58 p.m.
cplvela0811 says... #21
It can be a tough thing to do. Sometimes I want to play certain cards, but realize that they just are not What's needed, for what's being used at the moment. This game is all about adapting and coming back to see if your 75 Can withstand certain environments. Every place has different brewers & likes.
Liliana of the Veil is something that I have been considering using. I would probably remove Mana Leak entirely, for her and a few other things. I have also considered going back to the more "Delver" style, but Dredge makes it hurt due to the hate out for it.
January 21, 2017 4:16 p.m.
If you bring LotV in I'd find room for a 4th Snapcaster as well. Maximize your potential to get full value from anything you discard.
January 21, 2017 4:38 p.m.
I've been shying away from Liliana of the Veil in lately.
To me Liliana, the Last Hope just is much more impactful.
January 21, 2017 5:15 p.m.
The deck looks amazing! Big improvement from when I first saw it!
My only question is do you have Ratchet Bomb instead of Engineered Explosives because of your budget or is there a reason that I am not seeing.
Seriously though, excellent work!
Apakakuta says... #1
Omeros I've been playing for years now in modern at Modern Mondays,FNM's various tournaments even GP's. Yet I've never needed nor had the wanting of Tarmogoyf.
Now are there versions of BUG(Sultai) that mayou want goyf sure.
Does that mean you NEED it not in my opinion cards like Tasigur, the Golden Fang have been stronger for me.
For reference check my player page or my most popular deck pre AER changes Sultai's Hope (Competitive Homebrew)
Sorry to sort of hijack your thread cplvela0811 just had to voice my opinion here.
January 16, 2017 7:53 p.m.