Welcome to my favorite MtG archetype: Mono-Red Aggression!
I am mainly looking for sideboard suggestions and opinions on if i can get away with running less land drops, i also feel that Rift Bolt is slightly underperforming but i can't think of a good 1 drop to replace it with.
As with all Aggro-decks you want to kill your opponent before they can stabilize.
the idea is to use Monastery Swiftspear, Eidolon of the Great Revel, and Bomat Courier to soften our opponent up and then use Runaway Steam-Kin in combination with a lot of cheap burn spells and Bomat Courier' Draw ability to finish our opponent off.
Turn by Turn guide
Turn 1 we play either Bomat Courier or Monastery Swiftspear, but it can be viable to play a burn spell like Rift Bolt as well if we have neither 1 drop creatures in hand.
Turn 2 it's best to play Runaway Steam-Kin or Eidolon of the Great Revel but depending on the board state it can also be viable to play out some burn spells from hand.
Turn 3 we want to start dealing some real damage, if we have Steam-Kin, Courier or Swiftspear on the board it's now time to dump our hand, if we missed a land drop it can also be wise to play Light Up the Stage if possible.
Turn 4, 5.... is dedicated to closing out the game and playing Risk Factor
We always want to play Bomat Courier or Monastery Swiftspear on turn one but if we are on the play and have Runaway Steam-Kin in our hand it's worth keeping as well. We want to start with 2-3 Lands in hand but keeping a 1 lander can be acceptable if we already mulligan'd once or twice.
Experimental Frenzy is against control decks, it allows us to continue play after our hand is gone
Dragon's Claw is against Mirror matchups, i usually cut out 2 Lava Spike because they can't deal with the board against aggro.
Tibalt, Rakish Instigator is against lifegain decks, obviously.
Searing Blood is good agains't tokens and aggro/midrange decks it deals with small creatures but still pressures face, I tend to take out Lava Spike or Rift Bolt here.
Smash to Smithereens against Artifacts, there is no singular cut though because of the variance in Artifact decks
Tormod's Crypt for cheap graveyard hate, again what we cut out depends on the deck we're playing against.
Ox of Agonas Counters Mill decks and gives repeated value against control
Card by Card
Bomat Courier small haster that usually draws us 1-3 cards to further combo off with
Runaway Steam-Kin
Monastery Swiftspear haster that pushes damage and can quickly grow quite large in combination with our cheap spells
Runaway Steam-Kin Must Answer Mana-Engine for the opponent that can sometimes allow us to empty our entire hand on turn 3, great in combination with a Bomat Courier
Eidolon of the Great Revel Punishes the opponent for playing tempo, punishes us for playing tempo too but usually we are the aggressor so it's fine
Lava Spike Cheap burn that enables Spectacle
Skewer the Critics cheap for the spectacle cost, usually better to use as Removal to push through with our creatures but can also hit face to get lethal
Rift Bolt set-up spell for spectacle, removal threat, or sometimes expensive burn. Quite versatile but probably the weak link in the deck, i'm still not sure if Searing Blood is a better pick for the main deck but i like the versatility of the card
Light Up the Stage 1 Mana draw 2, nuff said
Lightning Bolt it's Lightning Bolt everybody!
Searing Blaze usually used on our turn to remove threats and push damage, sometimes it just pings twice though
Risk Factor the only real value Spell in our deck and our last tool to use once we run out of gas