
Enchantment (3)

Instant (4)


Creature (4)

This deck is made to have opponents discard their hand using Jace's Archivist , Dark Deal, Wistful Thinking, or Whispering Madness in the presence of Waste Not, Liliana's Caress, Megrim or Abyssal Nocturnus. Mass discarding in the presence of Waste Not gives you an advantage in drawn cards, creatures and mana. Having your opponent discard when Liliana's Caress or Megrim is in play deals massive direct damage. When your opponents discard Abyssal Nocturnus gains massive power boost and fear. Control and tempo is achieved with Thoughtseize and Remand. Removal is achieved by sideboarding and bouncing cards back to your opponents hand with compelling deturance and Unsubstantiate then having the player discard their entire hand.

Main Combos

Jace's Archivist + Waste Not

Jace's Archivist + Liliana's Caress

Jace's Archivist + Megrim

Abyssal Nocturnus + Jace's Archivist

Dark Deal + Waste Not

Dark Deal + Liliana's Caress

Dark Deal + Megrim

Abyssal Nocturnus + Dark Deal

Wistful Thinking + Waste Not

Wistful Thinking + Liliana's Caress

Megrim + Wistful Thinking

Abyssal Nocturnus + Wistful Thinking

Waste Not + Whispering Madness

Liliana's Caress + Whispering Madness

Megrim + Whispering Madness

Abyssal Nocturnus + Whispering Madness


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