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Exponential Dragons (120 6/6 fliers on T6)

Modern* Dragons RUW (Jeskai, America) UR (Izzet)




First, I play an Utvara Hellkite , then Infinite Reflection turns all of my creatures into Utvara Hellkite . Each creature starts spawning several dragon tokens per attack, increasing the number of dragon I control exponentially each turn. At that point, it should only take a maximum of 2 attack phases to kill an opponent. Warstorm Surge also lets each new dragon deal damage before it even attacks, shortening the time needed for a win. There are several cards, like Drain Power and Mana Vapors , for helping to get big cards faster while annoying opponents in the most hilarious ways possible, especially if you play them during an opponents turn through Hypersonic Dragon . In the horrible event that there isn't a hellkite in your opening hand, Consecrated Sphinx gives some serious drawing power to help cut down the time to drawing a dragon while doubling as a nice blocker.

In playtesting, this deck has almost always been able to do enough damage to kill the first opponent between the 5th and 10th turns. When the starting hand is right, I have managed to get Infinite Reflection on an attacking Utvara Hellkite on turn 4, and get a definite victory as well as over 120 6/6 flying dragon tokens by the end of turn 6. With a build-up that fast, it makes it easy to take out multiple opponents, assuming they don't team up on you and kill you before you draw some dragons.

In addition to being reasonably competitive in casual situations, this deck is lots of fun to actually play, which is the most important part to me.

I would love some suggestions and feedback to help make the deck better or just more fun. My favorite part of the deck is that all the important cards in the mainboard can be bought as singles for under $40. +1 if you like it


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I tossed in some Siege Dragon and Scourge of Valkas for extra dragon fun. Consecrated Sphinx came out because draw is less important with that many dragons and to drop the price tag.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 2 Mythic Rares

5 - 2 Rares

21 - 3 Uncommons

0 - 1 Commons

Cards 58
Avg. CMC 3.59
Tokens Dragon 6/6 R
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