wanted to try playing Moltensteel Dragon and Rage Extractor in a fun shell. decided to try the Urza lands to give it more explosive combo potential.
Edit: after a bit of play and changes to my paper list, i decided to switch out pain lands for shock lands and fetches. with the include of chromatic lanterns, it allows me to play fetch lands as if they are basics which over all makes the deck more consistent and safer late game.
I have also created a sideboard ive considered decent given the current meta at my LGS.
if you aren't familiar with what this deck is planning on doing allow me to explain; this is technically a combo deck, along the lines of decks like Kiln fiend aggro.
while this deck may seem at first glance to be high curve, it really doesn't take long to go off. Moltensteel dragon is a possible play on turn 3 and is capable of winning the game the following turn. with that said, this deck abuses your life as a resource.
you will find phyrexian mana quite strong alone, cutting down the cost of your spells. but in conjunction with Rage Extractor, you will find the costs even more so to your benefit.
a Short Example of the power in this deck:
with Assembled Urza lands, you can cast rage extractor and a Phyrexian metamorph, copying the rage extractor. doing so deals 4 damage and making the following turns 8 mana postmortem lunge or corrosive gale lethal damage.
with that said, the deck has downfalls. it does rely on combo pieces or simply the right cards at the start of the game. making this deck vulnerable to cards like thoughtsieze and duress.
if you have any Further input, i would love to hear some feed back on this list. thanks for reading.