Ezuri, Claw of Tokens

Commander / EDH* Skyfolk


lukashanson400 says... #1

I'm working on my own build for Ezuri, but I'm making it more elf-based. You should definitely include a Sage of Hours though, unless you're not trying to go infinite turns

November 10, 2015 3:30 p.m.

Skyfolk says... #2

Infinite turns isn't fun for anybody. And after it works once, you get hated out forever from that game forward and then you never get to actually play with the deck. SO yeah, no Sage lol

November 10, 2015 3:36 p.m.

mayberrymojo says... #3

November 10, 2015 6:15 p.m.

Skyfolk says... #4

Deranged Hermit is really overpriced. No way I'm paying over $6 for a card that I would argue isn't as good as Avenger of Zendikar in this deck.

Hornet Queen was in contention, but I prefer having a mana sink in Ant Queen.

I don't really like Hornet Nest, never have liked it really.

The Spikes don't excite me, some of them are good, but I'm not a big Weaver fan.

I seriously considered Sprouting Phytohydra in the initial building of the deck, and I may consider it again.

AEther Mutation was removed early because it just doesn't do enough for the mana. Might consider it one day again.

Feed the Pack requires a non-token sacrifice every turn, and I don't like committing that much to a card.

Bioshift is better served in a deck like Animar.

Awakening Zone is just a worse From Beyond, which I already play.

Thanks for the suggestions.

November 10, 2015 6:22 p.m.

brother1 says... #5

I have to say I really like these semi-budget builds (my commander decks are like that too)- they offer up a lot of unique card choices. Definitely going to second the suggestions on Hornet Queen and Hornet nest in particular. I'd also recommend Edric, Spymaster of Trest for card advantage as he works great with tokens. Finally, it's a bit on the expensive side but Kalonian Hydra is absolutely hilarious in any kind of counter strategy.

November 10, 2015 6:26 p.m.

Skyfolk says... #6

I don't usually like helping out my opponents, and giving them card advantage with Edric is really not good. If I wanted people attacking each other instead of me I'd use Propaganda.

Hornet Queen is a soft maybe, but Nest is a solid no. It's not really a good card, again, all it does is discourage attacking.

Kalonian Hydra isn't really in my price range right now, but if I did have one it'd probably go into Manimar Soul of the Beefcakes first.

November 10, 2015 6:32 p.m.

mayberrymojo says... #7

Is Awakening Zone really a worse From Beyond, especially since you aren't running any Eldrazi? For me, I would rather have the lower mana cost compared to the 1/1 tokens. Just me though.

Hornet Queen will help control the skies, which can come in handy. Your build does look a little weak to flying.

What are your thoughts on Dragon Throne of Tarkir or Wild Beastmaster?

November 10, 2015 6:44 p.m.

Skyfolk says... #8

Hornet Queen is okay to control the skies, but my personal favourite for that is Silklash Spider for obvious reasons.

I may not run Eldrazi, but since I don't run anthems, having 1/1s is a lot better than having 0/1s.

I really like Dragon Throne actually, I use it to great success in Deck Bent Over, Raised Up Posterior .

Wild Beastmaster would be more impressive if Pathbreaker Ibex didn't exist.

November 10, 2015 7:02 p.m.

Nightdragon779 says... #9

What's the story with Ezuri? Why does he look so screwed up now? Compare:Ezuri, Renegade LeaderEzuri, Claw of Progress

November 11, 2015 6:08 p.m.

Nice coloring of page, and nicely done deck.

November 11, 2015 6:09 p.m.

Skyfolk says... #11

Ezuri was compleated by Jin-Gitaxis. How much do you know about the Scars block story?

Also, thank you, and thank you.

November 11, 2015 6:45 p.m.

oh, that makes sense. I don't know much about the lore about the Scars block

November 11, 2015 7:58 p.m.

ManicMayhem says... #13

Why wouldn't you run Master Biomancer, but other then that great deck definitely +1. Ever since I saw Ezuri, Claw of Progress Spoiled I am like that is my new Commander I cant wait to build.

November 13, 2015 11:41 a.m.

Skyfolk says... #14

Well see, I thought Master Biomancer was in the list actually, but I guess somewhere along the way it got erased. I'll fix when I can. (Although in this deck Bloodspore Thrinax is just kinda better.)

November 13, 2015 2:20 p.m.

kengiczar says... #15

My god I love the layout of this page. The colors, the background, the perfect level of translucence. It's perfect.

November 14, 2015 7:54 a.m.

Skyfolk says... #16

Thanks friend, you might also enjoy the page I made for my Phenax deck.

November 14, 2015 9:03 a.m.

asidos says... #17

It looks good. I stole a few great ideas from you, but I had a quick question. How often do you find Thopter Spy network works for you? It seems your artifact count is pretty low and I didn't see any artifact creatures to benefit.

November 15, 2015 11:31 a.m.

kengiczar says... #18

Now that I actually looking at the deck where are Deadeye Navigator and Time Warp to make infinite turns?

Typically people play Deadeye Navigator + Eternal Witness + Time Warp in decks with Edric, Spymaster of Trest as the commander. With your commander instead of (or better yet, WITH Edric in the 99) you can take as many turns as you have cards to draw. Dickish? Maybe depends on who you ask. Does it win games? Yes.

It's the job of everybody who isn't to kill before can combo because that's what does best. Think of it like this: What is mono best at? Burn. So why would you get mad at mono players for playing burn? Or in commander speak, why get mad at mono players for running Purphoros, God of the Forge or Daretti, Scrap Savant? Without doing what you're colors are best at you're just being sub-par compared to somebody else.

November 15, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Skyfolk says... #19

Why would I want to make infinite turns? I've been over that already, not only is it not fun, it only works once. You will be constantly focused down and stopped the moment people know you run those cards. That's why I refuse to run rude, stupid and boring combos.

I've also already stated I play decks on theme, meaning goodstuff crap isn't in my deckbox.

In the future please try to comment reasonably and not with junk, thanks.

November 15, 2015 5:26 p.m.

Skyfolk says... #20

@asidos Thopter Spy Network has been okay actually, but I do want to add a couple more artifacts anyway to support it and other cards. Things like Sol Ring just don't have a place yet.

November 15, 2015 5:29 p.m.

jball30 says... #21

It's great to see someone else who has gone for the non-elf take on the deck! Found a few nifty things that I might put into my Ezuri deck. Anyways +1!

November 16, 2015 7:53 a.m.

Skyfolk says... #22

Thanks. The first thing I thought of with this deck was a token/counters deck, since there's plenty of cool cards to run with the theme. Glad you like it.

November 16, 2015 8 a.m.

Mitrian says... #23

Hey Skyfolk, just saw your deck, and I love it. I'm in progress of building one very similar(Simic Weenies), but with a smaller mana curve and less tokens, but more creatures. I can see that your build has the potential to build a ton of experience; awesome!

I went a slightly different direction though, for two reasons. First, the more experience you build from Ezuri, the higher target will be on him, and you'll end up recasting him a lot (potentially). Second, with many cheap creatures (and tokens), I wanted a more balanced attack style, and with cards like Pathbreaker Ibex, Wild Beastmaster, Master Biomancer, and Bloodspore Thrinax to spread the threat, I was able to exclude a lot of the token producers in favor of a bit more draw, control and removal (on legs whenever possible). I don't know if I hit that balance yet, as I have yet to really playtest, and I'm still tweaking. But that's my hope.

I'm also looking at an infect package to further benefit the proliferate already in the deck. Phyrexian Hydra, Phyrexian Swarmlord, Triumph of the Hordes, along with Viral Drake, Viridian Corrupter, and another 4-6 others could be fairly devastating depending on your group's perspective on Infect in EDH.

Don't know if my card choices are better (probably not!) but figured I'd share a slightly different perspective on this deck (I'm still composing my deck write-up) and maybe it'll give you a few more ideas. If not, have fun with this build, it looks great! +1

November 16, 2015 7:41 p.m.

Hydrax says... #24

Have you considered Murkfiend Liege? Might be worth a try.

+1 by the way, love this deck!

November 17, 2015 12:16 a.m.

Skyfolk says... #25

No, because I'm specifically avoiding most things that can make my creatures greater than 2 power as they enter the battlefield.

November 17, 2015 6:39 a.m.

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