Ezuri's Harvesting Wave

Modern* thejadejedi


NiceGuyEddy says... #1

Looks like a thought out deck which I appreciate. I am not however, a fan of green or mono colored decks. With that being said, I think Melira, Sylvok OutcastMTG Card: Melira, Sylvok Outcast could find a place in your sideboard. One weakness I see is Black Sun's ZenithMTG Card: Black Sun's Zenith which she stops as well as infect decks. I also don't see any artifact or enchantment hate in the board, you might want to consider NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize

Another idea I have for you if you can afford it would be to splash black. One weakness of mono green is creature control which black is the king of. Another reason is Glissa, the TraitorMTG Card: Glissa, the Traitor one of my favorite creatures in the format. She beats any creature she fights due to first strike and death touch combination as well as working great with LureMTG Card: Lure (she is also an elf!). You could even throw in some artifacts to get back like Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine and/or Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb. Additonally, she works well with Nihil SpellbombMTG Card: Nihil Spellbomb and splashing black would allow you to draw. You could also throw in a Grim BackwoodsMTG Card: Grim Backwoods.

April 17, 2012 3:42 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #2

Yes, she would be GREAT for my deck. I'm kinda considering removing Nihil SpellbombMTG Card: Nihil Spellbomb for Melira, Sylvok OutcastMTG Card: Melira, Sylvok Outcast, because only one person at my meta runs zombies and he doesn't use much graveyard stuff. However, at the moment I don't actually HAVE any Meliras. But I will start looking for her becuase I do know someone at my meta runs a heavy infect deck. I think that'd also keep my Oozes in play because their two weaknesses are either Oblivion RingMTG Card: Oblivion Ring or Infect type damage.

My Artifact and Enchantment hate in the side board is Slice in TwainMTG Card: Slice in Twain. I kinda like it over NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize because mid game, I'm less worried about mana and more about getting a few extra cards in my hand.

Wow, that is a good idea. I've been using my Steel HellkiteMTG Card: Steel Hellkite and/or Predator OozeMTG Card: Predator Ooze+LureMTG Card: Lure (and maybe even Increasing SavageryMTG Card: Increasing Savagery) to control creatures.

I'm not too sure how much black I'd have to splash and I knida don't want to have to work around the Genesis WaveMTG Card: Genesis Wave because all the black creature control would be either an instant or sorcery, right? So that wouldn't work too well with a G-Wave. But I will see if it'll be worth taking out the G-Wave for a touch of black.

April 17, 2012 4:38 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #3

Also, does anyone have an idea what I should sideboard in and out? Like, I know that if they don't have any fliers, I might just side out my Ezuri's ArchersMTG Card: Ezuri's Archers. I'm also thinking about if I'm facing a RDW or Heavy Control, I might take out my G-Wave just to speed up things a bit.

If anyone has any ideas on what I can do to improve, I'd appreciate it :)

April 18, 2012 1:22 p.m.

OnDiet says... #4

If you're up against RDW, get Witchbane OrbMTG Card: Witchbane Orb. Don't side out Ezuri's ArchersMTG Card: Ezuri's Archers, that will slow your mana dork down. If you can get your hands on Ezuri, Renegade LeaderMTG Card: Ezuri, Renegade Leader to replace 2x Adaptive AutomatonMTG Card: Adaptive Automaton that would be nice. Oh and if you're playing Horizon SpellbombMTG Card: Horizon Spellbomb and SwampMTG Card: Swamp, I'd suggest you rather play Abundant GrowthMTG Card: Abundant Growth once AVR is available. By that time, you could play Dungrove ElderMTG Card: Dungrove Elder if you'd like. Have you tried Deadly AllureMTG Card: Deadly Allure than those LureMTG Card: Lures?

April 26, 2012 12:42 p.m.

Vman says... #5

usually anything with red/white/black cleans these decks with sweepers but thats not too hard to play around especially with le Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine...hear du had probs against rdw? its usually bursts of damage+shrine.....shrine....that does a ton of damage, i noticed you dont have solid artifact removal? Slice in TwainMTG Card: Slice in Twain is prett bad lol NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize is almost 10X better because of cost ..Beast WithinMTG Card: Beast Within isa card i wouldnt side in to kill shrine btw just incase you did =))

lifegain quickly outruns rdw the just run out of fuel BatterskullMTG Card: Batterskull is also a great choice here other than le wurmcoil btw...maximizing lifegain=goodgame for red... goodluck

April 30, 2012 4:10 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #6

Hmm...lifegain = game over for red huh?

See, I've been getting my butt handed to me on a silver platter by a guy running Goblins. I've been trying to come up with an idea to stop his deck...but I'm just really not sure. At one point in time I had Tree of RedemptionMTG Card: Tree of Redemption...is that a valid lifegain?

If you know of any cheap green cards (CMC wise) that will work with elves? I'd love to get a few ideas! :)

April 30, 2012 4:48 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #7

Yes, Abundant GrowthMTG Card: Abundant Growth is a card I will be looking at getting as soon as the new set becomes an option. The only thing I probably won't do, is take out all three of my swamps. I'll probably leave one swamp (just to search for with land tutors), and then put in a playset of Abundant GrowthMTG Card: Abundant Growth. I don't like it over Horizon SpellbombMTG Card: Horizon Spellbomb too much because when I get Glissa out, I'll be bouncing the spellbomb to draw cards and thin the lands. It's a win-win for me there.

As for the Dungrove ElderMTG Card: Dungrove Elder idea, I considered that card since it's hexproof, sure, but I don't lay that many forests early game.

As for LureMTG Card: Lure Vs. Deadly AllureMTG Card: Deadly Allure, I don't like deadly allure because it only states that creature must be blocked...not that I must be blocked by all creatures able to do so. On the topic of lure though, I am considering adding the green rare card that gives +6/+6, Lure and Trample.

April 30, 2012 5:15 a.m.

rjg110 says... #8

Green Sun???

April 30, 2012 7:05 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #9

If you are going towards artifacts there's always cards like Ezuri's BrigadeMTG Card: Ezuri's Brigade and Carapace ForgerMTG Card: Carapace Forger

April 30, 2012 12:42 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #10

Also, I'm going to copy/paste the advice I gave you from my Boom goes the goblin! deck.

"4x Predator Ooze 4x Increasing Savagery. Unless he splashes black for Tragic Slip or gets the Dismember off at JUST the right turn he has a 7/7 swinging into his throat that he cant kill. This is especially effective if you are able to keep that turn 1 mana dork alive because you turn 2 the ooze and turn 3 the savagery then you use the mana dork as a blocker for the big threats. The trick with shrine is is is TERRIBLY slow. I mean, yea, it can get pretty intimidating but keep in mind he has to stop his tempo to pop it whereas I don't with mine. (hence the reason there are't any shrines here.) Another thing to keep in mind is this: Decks like mine (and from what I gather, his) almost 90% of the damage is coming from his creatures whither it is from their deaths triggering morbid or goblin grenade it all comes from creatures so chances are unless he is holding a brimstone volley he wont block you. (plus he doesn't want to make your ooze any bigger.)"

April 30, 2012 12:46 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #11

Yea, I've been toying with the Green Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Green Sun's Zenith idea but I just honestly don't know what to take out for it. I know how useful it could be, I just don't have any on hand and Idk what I'd take out. (But I do LOVE it because that means running a few 1-of green creatures at high cost won't be out of the picture now. I.e Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger MTG Card: Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger )


As for the predator ooze, yes, I've used that before with him but if I'm always swinging with the ooze, doesn't that open me up to his 4~5 swinging 3/2 creatures (With a Goblin ChieftainMTG Card: Goblin Chieftain and Goblin WardriverMTG Card: Goblin Wardriver)? If my 7/7 ooze is always swinging and I only have a 1/1 for chump blocking, that will hit me for 9-12. And since I'd already taken at least 3 pts of damage, that would set me with less than 8 health left (if this is his first attack which it won't be). The only way that would work, is if I could put two or three more creatures that following turn. (While that's not impossible, it would seem this plan relies on the perfect hand/1st three draws.) It's only a 3-turn time clock when he DOESN'T block my Ooze...May I just point out how much I really really hate Goblins??

April 30, 2012 2:14 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #12

Or is there something I'm missing about the whole Predator OozeMTG Card: Predator Ooze plan?

April 30, 2012 2:18 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #13

Hes not always going to be swinging with them as 3/2 that's a perfect scenario for him. more often than not he will be swinging with 2 2/2s. He isn't going to swing into a pred ooze if he thinks his guys are going to die to it and he's going to have a hard time blocking it. The ONLY way he can kill it it tragic slip or dismember because he cant burn it. RDW has a hard time with big creatures, hexproof creatures, and indestructible creatures.

April 30, 2012 2:21 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #14

turn 2 pred ooze he only has a 1/1 to swing with turn 3 Increasing SavageryMTG Card: Increasing Savagery on the pred ooze at best he has a 2/2 and a 1/1 but you have a 6/6 that turns 7/7 when you swing. now he has a choice. Block it and let it get bigger because he cant kill it or let it through for 7 now he can counter attack for at BEST 9 if he didn't block so you bock one of his guys and take 6 he has taken 7 and you have taken 6 next you resolve another ooze and have a permanent blocker this is what happens 90% of the time whenever I play against my goblins with my elfball. Once that ooze has resolved he can't kill it without splashing other colors.

April 30, 2012 2:27 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #15

Hmm...so would I be better off to put the Increasing SavageryMTG Card: Increasing Savagery onto a 1/1 Copperhorn ScoutMTG Card: Copperhorn Scout if I have it? That way my ooze can swing each turn, growing stronger, and the copperhorn will untap it for blocking as well...hmm. That's worth an Idea. Maybe I'll look into that. He doesn't splash black so Tragic SlipMTG Card: Tragic Slip is not a worry and I doubt he has DismemberMTG Card: Dismembers in the sideboard since those are pretty rare from what I gather.

Hexproof? So if I was packing a sideboard hate for just this guy, should I pack 4x Gladecover ScoutMTG Card: Gladecover Scouts? Or are they simply only good for being 1/1 chump blockers? And what about fog-type spells? Should I bring in a few of those as well? To stop damage around turn 4 or 5 when it'd be lethal?

April 30, 2012 2:41 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #16

they're good for that but they also give you another dastardly target for Increasing SavageryMTG Card: Increasing Savagery. Not too sure about FogMTG Card: Fog mainly because if I were playing it wouldn't be hard for me to play around it. (just go into burn mode earlier than expected)

April 30, 2012 2:44 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #17

Hmm...that sounds a bit more reasonable. I will be packing mainboard just for this guy because, well, he's the only person who I've yet to beat. I kinda don't think he'll be changing much for the new set when it comes but I might just have to wait and see. Thanks for the help :)

April 30, 2012 2:45 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #18

I just hope return to ravnica reprints Frenzied GoblinMTG Card: Frenzied Goblin I'll drop that in for Spikeshot ElderMTG Card: Spikeshot Elder in a HEARTBEAT.

April 30, 2012 2:46 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #19

Haha yea...they just LIKE making goblins a favorite deck type don't they? I'm just upset that they are phasing out the elves with this Dark Ascension block. What am I going to do?? lol

April 30, 2012 2:55 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #20

return to ravnica should reprint some elves. they were rather populous in the selensia colors.

April 30, 2012 2:57 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #21

Well that's good. Do you think they will keep the age old struggle of elves and goblins going in that set? Because I hope they don't return the goblins. lol But I made a few changes to my paper deck and it seems to be really nice. It's a 61 cards deck with 2 GSZ for seeking. So far, it's only beaten your deck Boom goes the goblin! twice (out of 5 times). Once it was from being mana screwed (only two mountains) and the other, I just had a really good hand. Still working on it though.

May 1, 2012 2:59 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #22

I think the reason you aren't winning as much as you could is you aren't taking advantage of green's pump spells on pred ooze. I guarantee a 7/7 on turn 3 that I can't kill will make me fold 100% of the time. That being said if you aren't running Increasing SavageryMTG Card: Increasing Savagery you may just be better off with Dungrove ElderMTG Card: Dungrove Elder or a different choice for that slot. like I said, mono red folds to indestructible, hexproof, and shroud.

May 1, 2012 3:05 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #23

Hmm...true. I guess I haven't pointed this out before but can't he delay the ooze my just chump-blocking it once it reaches lethal? because when I play-tested your deck with mine, I couldn't help but notice that when I had a 8/8 ooze (turn 4/5) your deck had 5-6 creatures a burn spell and four lands out while I only had two or three other 1-2 power blockers. At this rate, you could swing with everything, lose maybe 1-2 guys (leaving you ~four) and

And, I think 'm starting to get my deck more aggro/anti-aggro...here's a few that Ive got:

I'm kinda wanting to use Green Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Green Sun's Zenith to make it more consistent. But as for the Goblin deck, I'm thinking that should be good...right? I just don't have a clue of what to trim down. I'd kinda like it at 60 but I don't think that's an option with everything I need to have. Oh well...any ideas Tapped-Out community?

P.s. Thank you very much Ohthenoises for all the help :) I feel like you've really helped shape this deck.

May 2, 2012 2:47 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #24

No problem. This may very well have been the direction I would have taken if I didn't like my goblins so much. The biggest thing with mine in specific is this: the creatures are there to knock you down to 10 once you're there you're in lethal range so don't let yourself get to 10 even if you have to sacrifice some ramp to do so. (as long as you trade and don't just die to it.)

Honestly I don't think Adaptive AutomatonMTG Card: Adaptive Automaton is doing all that much. All he provides is another anthem effect that is just as easily removed.

More tomorrow when I have had some sleep lol.

May 2, 2012 3:01 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #25

Well, I thought about removing them, but the guy at my card shop told me that people often only run Glissa in 60% artifact decks...and that I would want as many artifacts in my deck as possible (while I disagree because she's my board wipe if she has lure,) I did see the idea of adding them in to give me a total of 7-8 creatures (effectively 11 with GSZ) that boost all elves by 1/1. (And they can return from the graveyard once glissa is out, this often makes them one of my first choices for trading. Just after Ezuri's ArchersMTG Card: Ezuri's Archers.) Not to mention that they count for elves to help with my number for the Elvish ArchdruidMTG Card: Elvish Archdruid.

With this many Elf Boosters, by turn 4 or 5, I could have at least 3 out making all my elves 4/4 or bigger. (And that's higher than most Goblins will get with your deck by turn 9!) Anyway, I think maybe going with 3 won't hurt much but I think dropping them altogether would only hurt me.

May 2, 2012 3:17 a.m.

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