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Ezuri's Wrath




This is another elf deck which is not an elf ball style. Many people says that if you're building a solid legacy elf deck it MUST be an elf ball, but I don't see fun in it, so I build up this deck "My own style".

You're welcome to leaves some comments and suggestions, Thanks!



Ezuri, Renegade Leader: An obvious inclusion. Having it in play, you can just block and attack without a single doubt because he can just regenerate your elves, and only tapping one titania or archdruid is enough to regenerate all blocking/attacking elves he's a bad ass to your opponent! It also works well with Priest of Titania and Elvish Archdruid paying he's second ability pumping your elves multi-times with trample resulting to a huge army of elves.

He's best buddy is Copperhorn Scout and/or Devoted Druid.

Copperhorn Scout: when this creature attacks, you can untap all your creatures including your mana dorks and tap them again to overrun a few more times with ezuri before combat damage is dealt, it also works as a psuedo-vigilance.

Devoted Druid: It has a great interaction with Ezuri, Renegade Leader

Turn 1: Llanowar Elves

Turn 2: Devoted Druid, Arbor Elf

Turn 3: Devoted Druid, Ezuri, Renegade Leader

Turn 4: Activate Ezuri's Overrun ability. Untap and tap the Devoted Druids a few times. Activate Ezuri's Overrun Ability. Untap and tap the Devoted Druids a few times. Activate Ezuri's Overrun ... You get the point. Ezuri, Renegade Leader produces infinite mana when combined with a pair of Devoted Druids. This, in turn, creates two creatures with infinite power and trample. It's not too hard to win from there.

Joraga Warcaller: Also an obvious inclusion, he pumps my elves permanently unlike Ezuri, Renegade Leader it only ends at the end of the turn. In early game I play it with only 2-3 +1/+1 counters on him and whenever I have a huge amount of mana to pay its multikicker I'll just bounce him via Wirewood Symbiote and do the multikicker again. I'm doing this if there's no other Joraga Warcaller or Ezuri, Renegade Leader in my hand.



Eladamri, Lord of Leaves: He makes my elf invincible for target spells. The problem is he's very vulnerable because he doesn't give himself shroud and in the fact that he's just the only one who could be targeted, but since he's an Elf Warrior (see:http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=4757) he can simply be regenerated via Ezuri, Renegade Leader, and in case of some spells that says "it can't be regenerated" I could just bounce him via Wirewood Symbiote and recast it for just 2cmc. He also gives forestwalk to all my elves.

Tajuru Preserver: Sacrifice , one that shroud and hexproof can't prevent. I have a copy of this card just in case I'm competing with vampires with a lot of sacrifice effect especially Butcher of Malakir, Gatekeeper of Malakir and or Grave Pact and also its an anti-annihilator, sorry eldrazi.

Wirewood Symbiote: This card was good at untapping elves especially those Elvish Archdruid and Priest of Titania but his real value is protecting them. Elves are very easy to cast but they often get targeted with Shock, Lightning Bolt, Go for the Throat, Doom Blade etc. This guy allows you to send an elf which is targeted with removal back to your hand instead of to your graveyard, allowing you to recast it again.


Mana Dorks:

Llanowar Elves/Arbor Elf: Classically elvish to the core, these are staples in this type of strategy. Arbor Elf and Llanowar Elves allow us to dump our hand as quickly as possible in the early game. Their usefulness doubles up at the later stages of the game when they turn into gigantic monsters via Joraga Warcaller and Ezuri, Renegade Leader. I also want to maximize my chances of casting an Elvish Archdruid on the second turn or Priest of Titania via Green Sun's Zenith, it's also important for decks like this to be able to keep one land hands in certain situations.

turn 1: play land tap it and pay Llanowar Elves/abor-elf

turn 2: play land and you now have a total of 3 mana just turn 2 then you could now play Elvish Archdruid and Priest of Titania via Green Sun's Zenith

Heritage Druid: Yeah it is one of the core cards in an elf ball deck, but her job here is to tap those elves for mana that aren't mana dorks like Elvish Visionary, Copperhorn Scout and etc, and since her ability doesn't include the tap symbol, you can activate it the turn it comes under your control, and she can also tap those elves that still affected by summoning sickness and though it isn't what it used to be. That being said, it still lets this deck achieve some of its most broken draws. Sometimes you cast a one-drop on turn one, two more on turn two, tap all three, and cast Elvish Archdruid. Openings like this are surprisingly common when you're packing this many one-drops.

turn 1: play land, Heritage Druid

turn 2: play land, 2 of any one-drop elf card (Copperhorn Scout, Llanowar Elves, Arbor Elf, Heritage Druid), tap it all then cast Elvish Archdruid.

Elvish Archdruid: An Elf lord. Elvish Archdruid combos pretty nicely with Joraga Warcaller and Ezuri, Renegade Leader, as you can use all the mana you generate to kick Joraga Warcaller many times or to pay Ezuri, Renegade Leader's overrun ability, or to spend all of it for Genesis Wave.

Priest of Titania: Identical to Elvish Archdruid she's not just an Elf Lord.


Non-basic Lands

Wirewood Lodge: This land is so helpful for mana acceleration as it untap those mana dorks especially Priest of Titania and Elvish Archdruid to reuse its ability resulting in a huge amount of mana.

Gaea's Cradle: Since elf is cheap you could play them instantly and that makes them really fast so having this land is really a huge advantage especially to those wincons.



Fauna Shaman: As you can see there's a lot of 4s and 3s in this deck, and the common problem is you can't draw the cards that you really need, like you've drawn a Heritage Druid where there is already one in play w/c makes it a little bit useless, now its for Fauna Shaman to do her job, she'll have you exchange that Heritage Druid for a creature card of your choice! She's really good in having the combos meet up and she also help you thinning the library.

Green Sun's Zenith: A very great fetch card because you only have to pay an additional G to play a creature of you choice in your library, the good thing here is it is reshuffled in your library after playing it so you could still have a chance of drawing it back to your hand and fetch again.

Genesis Wave: I play it in exchange of Glimpse of Nature and/or Slate of Ancestry. This deck can play Glimpse of Nature and drawing cards more than 5 but I don't have that infinite mana because I only have Heritage Druid unlike in an elf ball deck which has Heritage Druid and Nettle Sentinel combo which results into an infinite mana. So Genesis Wave is much better in this deck and since it is a mana acceleration deck I could pay more than 10 mana in it and having the top X of my library put into play!


Other Creatures:

Elvish Visionary/Sylvan Ranger: A body that replaces itself with another card/basic land card is always a welcome addition.

Regal Force: Mana Boost Elf decks always ended no cards in hand and he's a good call in it. :D

Viridian Zealot: Just in case you're opponent has some irritating artifacts or enchantments you can easily get rid of them, and if not you can still play it as a creature unlike Naturalize.


Other Spells:

Garruk Wildspeaker:

+1: really works well in mana generating by untapping Gaea's Cradle and Wirewood Lodge.

-1: helps a lot in early game.

-4: WIN!

Elvish Promenade: Doubling the number of elves in play or in other words doubling the mana that Priest of Titania and Elvish Archdruid can generate is a warm welcome! This card isn't effective in early game so I just run 2 of it.

Concordant Crossroads: Really works well with those mana dorks and makes Genesis Wave more effective!



Thorn of Amethyst: Useful against non-creature decks.

Krosan Grip: It is simply a Naturalize that can break the stack.

Leyline of Lifeforce/Vexing Shusher: Anti-counter spells.

Relic of Progenitus: Useful against graveyard strat decks.

Mindbreak Trap: Useful against decks whose faster than you.

Creeping Corrosion: Simply annihilating all artifacts.


I tried to playtest it, and I normally ended up in turn 4.

Also try to see my other decks listed below:

--Kalastria's Vengeance

--Cheap Vial Goblins!


--Les Flammes En Flamme

--Hate Standard

--Apresurada Duendes!

Suggestions, comments and +1s are greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

Greetings to all Filipinos out there!


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 13 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 2 Mythic Rares

20 - 8 Rares

12 - 5 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elf Warrior 1/1 G
Folders Cool Decks
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