Fabrication Syndicate

Standard Shadowhand


legat0049 says... #1

Mechanized Production is too fragile for my taste as it triggers at the next turn. I would add more Inspiring Statuary instead. Or another Marionette Master.

January 17, 2017 5:19 a.m.

Shadowhand says... #2

The little playtesting I have done so far definitely shows another Inspiring Statuary is needed. This deck works so well when one is in play.

I share the same concerns about Mechanized Production. I really don't like waiting until my next upkeep for the wincon check. I do have counterspells, but having to hold on to one just in case I need to protect the enchantment is too restrictive. And I wouldn't mind playing a full set of Marionette Master. I like the alternate threat of MP, but there's a good chance it will get cut before Game Day in February. Thanks for the comment.

January 17, 2017 7:56 p.m.

Mechanized production may not work as a win condition, but it definitely helps when your enchant something like servo schematic

January 19, 2017 5:27 a.m.

Duuland says... #4

I made a deck similar to this one accept it focuses a bit more on using tokens for potential beat down. I really like the idea of Inspiring sanctuary and should think of putting it in. Anyways take a look at the deck if you are interested Esper Token Improvise! +1 to you sir.

January 19, 2017 7:20 p.m.

Shadowhand says... #5

Hmm, I had never considered using Mechanized Production with Servo Schematic to generate an extra servo. That would still work towards triggering the wincon, as well, because it doesn't have to be enchanting the artifact it counts.

January 19, 2017 7:37 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #6

Looks like it needs more mana. Or the artifact to assist. I like Underhanded Designs but I think this deck can benefit with some quick unconditional spot removal. Fatal Push and/or Grasp of Darkness. Maybe even Murder depending on what your up against.

January 19, 2017 9:59 p.m.

Lestatfin says... #7

I tried to make a similar deck but with marionette as the pay off with panharmonicon making marionette a 7/9 then sacrificing all my servos to end the game.

January 20, 2017 10:01 p.m.

Shadowhand says... #8

I was running a w/b fabricate list with Panharmonicon in the Ayli slot, and got to make my own 7/9 Marionette Master a time or two. It was fun to watch my opponent's face as this big body came down on my side of the board, then realize I didn't even need to swing with it to kill them.

January 20, 2017 10:29 p.m.

Shadowhand says... #9

Well, after some consideration, the only reason I had really switched to blue was Mechanized Production. So, without it, I decided to go back to w/b. I went down 2 Angels and 2 Bishops to make room for the Inspiring Statuary.

January 22, 2017 7:10 p.m.

mp3chaos says... #10

Have you tested Aethersphere Harvester?

January 24, 2017 12:11 a.m.

Shadowhand says... #11

I have not. It doesn't have an obvious slot it wants to fit in, and I don't see much advantage in replacing another card with it. How do you see it fitting in?

January 24, 2017 6:48 p.m.

mp3chaos says... #12

I see it as a sideboard card against midrange/aggro. The servoa can crew it as well

January 25, 2017 12:06 a.m.

Shadowhand says... #13

Ah, the sideboard. I'm trying out Thalia right now, but I could see switching her out for a harvester. Will likely depend on how much Saheeli Copy Cat I have in my local meta.

January 25, 2017 6:01 p.m.

What about Servo Schematic? I know it was mentioned but I'm not sure why you don't run it

February 1, 2017 10:05 p.m.

So the question we all are waiting for to be answered unless someone already asked and you already answered in which I look like a horse's patoot...

Have you beaten the copy cat combo and GB aggro?

Sram's Expertise?

How is Hidden Stockpile really? (skeptical tone)

How many inspiring Statuary's have you sac'd to Syndicate Trafficker??? Is Statuary that necessary?

Do you feel like you curve out?

What is your main win con?

February 1, 2017 11:26 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #16

Hidden Stockpile is best in multiples with Gideon. Pretty much sealing the game with support on it's back. 2x, however doesn't seem like this deck wants. Unless going more all out revolt mechanics.

The mana base looks weak. 9 white sources with Thraben Inspector is bad. But replacing Inventors' Fair with white is good. Fair is quite literally 'fair' at best in here. Doesn't belong, imo. A swamp should likely be another Shambling Vent. But I still wouldn't run Inspector with 12 white on a mulligan. And this deck will see mulligans here and there.

February 2, 2017 12:39 a.m.

chucke says... #17

I like your approach to this idea. I'm thinking about taking a more creature centric revision to my artifact sac deck. Since my idea was originally created for multiplayer it is most likely too slow for 1v1.

February 3, 2017 3:02 a.m.

Everyone is super underestimating Sram's Expertise...

February 3, 2017 4:08 a.m.

Shadowhand says... #19

Yeah, HairyManBack, I haven't been as impressed with Hidden Stockpile as I initially thought. Am considering Servo Schematic in its place.

February 4, 2017 11:22 a.m.

BigBeats says... #20

Srams Expertise just seems waaayyy too good to pass up here my friend

February 6, 2017 12:36 p.m.

Shadowhand says... #21

I'm going to have to disagree on Sram's Expertise for a couple reasons. First, it would best fit in the Weaponcraft Enthusiast spot. However, that removes four possible Bygone Bishop triggers, and Clues are my only source of card advantage, along with being fuel for Improvise or sacrifice targets for Trafficker and Herald. Plus they can send themselves to the graveyard to trigger Marionette Master.

Second, the double-white in the casting cost is a big commitment. I can get two artifacts from Servo Schematic for 2 generic, and three creatures (two of them artifacts) from Enthusiast for 1 black + 2 generic. The versatility this allows in my mana draws makes this feel like a better deal.

Going -2 Enthusiast and +2 Expertise seems like a possible compromise, but it also feels like I'm diluting the deck.

February 6, 2017 1:20 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #22

I'd agree Sram would seem to alter what you have here. It's a great card, but yeah, it will have to alter mana base and curve to get the full effect.

There's that other Servo artifact generator that looks better than Schematic. It's to cast and to sac for another servo. Looks much more reliable than Schematic because you have 2x Trafficker to get the value.

February 6, 2017 3:42 p.m.

Shadowhand says... #23

You're talking about Cogworker's Puzzleknot. I was actually playtesting with that as a proxy for Schematic, and did like it's ability to sack itself.

February 6, 2017 4:02 p.m.

Shadowhand says... #24

So, I thought I would respond to irishmoosetard finally. I did some testing on XMage over the weekend, both against the computer and my 13-yr-old son. I don't consider the results conclusive, as the computer frequently makes sub-optimal, as did my son, due to his unfamiliarity with the decks.

That said, I was able to beat the Saheeli Cat Combo list that won the SCG Richmond Open 2-0. I opened with Authority of the Consuls in Game 2 and dominated from there. My son is more of an aggro player than control, so he made some misplays in this match.

I played twice against the Mardu Vehicles list that won the PT. The first time was against the computer and I won 2-1. The second time was against my son. He missed some crew opportunities with Heart of Kiran due to his settings on phase stops, and he kept a 1-land hand to start Game 2. I won that match 2-0.

I played against two different BG Counters list: my own Countermoves and the deck that won the SCG Columbus Open. I won both matches, mainly thanks to chump-blocking.

As you can see from the current list, I dropped Inspiring Statuary. I never once sacked it to Syndicate Trafficker, and it did allow me to cast multiple small creatures in a turn, as well as a Marionette Master, but it didn't show up consistently enough, and I often wanted something else when I did have it.

Which brings me to my wincons. Herald of Anguish is a monster in this deck. Being able to drop a 5/5 flyer with discard every turn as early as turn 4 is gamebreaking. I don't think I cast him earlier than turn 5 in any of my games, but that was still a huge advantage. I upped him to 3 in the deck, and saw him nearly every game. In one game of the Mardu Vehicles match against my son, I used Herald's sack ability to kill Toolcraft Exemplar and Scrapheap Scrounger, which decided the game.

I won the last game against my son with Mardu Vehicles by swinging wide after casting a couple Angel of Invention turn 5 and turn 6 (he disintegrated the first angel without a license).

The last game against the computer playing the BG Aggro list from the SCG Open was won with Marionette Master and chump blocking.

My curve was rarely smooth or optimal in play. I regularly had no turn 1 Thraben Inspector, and often made decisions to not play on turn 2 in order to get a clue from casting after Bygone Bishop was played turn 3, or get out Weaponcraft Enthusiast to have servos and the mana to both cast and protect Syndicate Trafficker on turn 4.

While my play lines rarely curved out the first 3 turns, I often had a board full of servos or clues by turn 5 with a threat ready to cast and capitalize on all my artifacts. And that's what this deck wants and needs.

February 6, 2017 7:36 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #25

I think your updated list is the most consistent yet. Good job.

February 7, 2017 8:31 p.m.

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