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Based on a 2:1 trade game with Blightning, Wrench Mind and Augur of Skulls.
The strategy is to empty the opponents hand as soon as possible to take away any sort of card advantages. If your spells get countered, it's simply a 1:1 card trade.
Augur of Skulls is also capable of regeneration, which makes him a good blocker.
Funeral Charm is a very special card. It is a multi-choice instant-spell, with a discard-abilty which makes it dangerous for the opponent. You can make him discard a card at the end of the draw-phase, and there is no chance to play it, if its not an instant or if it has madness-abilities.
Because R/B has bad card-drawing-mechanisms, I use Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper 4x/2x in this deck. Have an eye on the life-total, because it can shrink to the bottom really quick. Sign in Blood can be also targeted at the opponent. So if he/she has two health-points or less, it is the end of the game in your favor. Play Eternal Thirst wisely to gain back health-points.
To keep nasty creatures away from the health-points, spells like Terminate, Chainer's Edict and Firebolt should be enough for the most non-mob-decks. Especially the Flashback-cards are useful in the late-game. I prefer Firebolt over Lightning Bolt, because of the Flashback and the resulting card-advantage, even if it is not an instant-spell and it has less damage to deal.
Gurmag Angler: Nothing negative to say about this 5/5 beater. Just, avoid to delve Flashback-cards.
Wight of Precinct Six is optimal against decks with many creatures. While you destroy the enemy's creatures, this zombie grow and grow for every creature-card in the graveyard.
Pyre Hound - play this card as soon as possible. Every sorcery or instant spell you play, will put a +1/+1 counter on this elemental hound. Because it has the trample ability, it will be not enough to block it with single winnies.
Side Board
Bojuka Bog and Relic of Progenitus are the graveyard-cleaners.
Duress, Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast are against counter-decks.
Pestilence, Electrickery and Scouring Sands are Winnie-killers.
Gorilla Shaman is against artifact-decks.