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Faithless Budget Flayer

Standard* Reanimator



This is my reanimator variant made form cards I had from intro decks and a bunch I've bought mostly under a 1$ each.

The basic idea is to fill the grave and reanimate them back. Most non-creature spells have flashback. It is based on Frites but I search for lands instead of mana dorks and use Flayer of the Hatebound as my alternative win condition. Creatures deal extra damage when coming back from Unburial Rites and their own undying.

I only keep hands with Borderland Ranger and Mulch and at least two land (one of the forest) or Faithless Looting and a mountain. This easily means a mulligan or two in every match but I have managed to get back from 4 cards (Mulch is a great help then)

Reanimation targets:

Flayer of the Hatebound - this gives you 4 instant damage at any player or crature. With one already on table, the second Flayer enters and both target themselves - each comes back and targets opponent twice for 5 damage. 20 damage total.

Borderland Ranger - brings a missing land and thins your deck

Dealing with stuff:

Tokens - Sever the Bloodline, side Black Sun's Zenith, Day of Judgment

Aggro - Black Sun's Zenith, Day of Judgment in side, also Tragic Slips

Planeswalkers - Oblivion Rings

Enchantments - also Oblivion Rings, I should side some Ray of Revelation

Hexproof creatures - Deadly Allure

Grave hate and opponents flashback - I have brought Nihil Spellbombs for that.


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FNM #4 Extended

This time there were pretty good decks and players around. 2 Turbo Infects, UR Burn/Delver that won the week before and guys with loads of cash.

Round 1 vs RG Aggro

Game 1: LOSS - I draw some bad hand and he has just swung with Birds of Paradise with Sword of War and Peace and I didn't draw any removal or Faithless Looting or Mulch

Game 2: LOSS - I did sideboard Ancient Grudge but I did draw red a turn too late and also he had birds with Sword of Feast and Famine and a Hellrider

Round 1 results: 0-2 (current overall: 0-2 in games, 0-1 in rounds)

Round 2 vs ???

Don't remember this one but I know I have lost

Round 2 results: 1-2 (current overall: 1-4 in games, 0-2 in rounds)

Round 3 vs Home brew

This guy just started playing after he stopped at the time of Invasion or something. He had nothing and he even used Pillar of Flame on me. I draw a pretty bad hands and still won with ease.

Round 3 results: 2-0 (current overall: 3-4 in games, 1-2 in rounds)

Round 4 vs Knight of the Reliquary

Game 1: LOSS - He used Knight of the Reliquary and kept destroying/ searching for fetch/ using fetch lands to kill me quickly. Also he had some spells to hexproof his guys.

Game 2: WIN - I managed to Sever the Bloodline to exile both of his Knights and used deadly allure]] to get rid of the third one.

Game 3: LOSS - I have kept a bad hand and he managed to set up his knights. I did draw Black Sun's Zenith and played it for 2 but he already had a land in grave so knights lived and next turn he used some fetches to pump them to 6/6.

It was really stupid not to sideboard Nihil Spellbomb and also Day of Judgment would win me game had I replaced it in my side.

Round 4 results: 1-2

Tournament: 13th place (out of 14), overall result 4-6 in games, 1-3 in rounds, 3 points

My worst run with this deck yet. Bad hands, bad draws, and bad sideboard. It is rotation anyway and I think I should switch the focus to Angel of Glory's Rise and humans like in Ken Yukuhiro's reanimator from avacyn restored. I will have a hard time parting with my Vorapede but maybe I'll do a green trampler deck later


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

10 - 3 Rares

13 - 5 Uncommons

18 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.12
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