Fanatic of Devotion

Standard* Cobthecobbler


SasukeUchiha says... #1

I would run some Mindsparker in this. You could replace some Chandra's Phoenix or Gore-House Chainwalker , so that you have some control combat. Rubblebelt Raiders may not be viable here, but still is good for devotion. Also, I would trade at least 1 Rakdos Cackler with a Legion Loyalist , because they help a lot with getting in damage with your other creatures. Good deck +1

October 22, 2013 11 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #2

Mindsparker is really good, but I definitely wouldn't use it over the Phoenix. I miss out on Haste and Flying, as well as the ability to bring it back to my hand lest it dies.

I would love to have Raiders in here, it would definitely be interesting. Although, I'm not sure there's much room for a 4 drop outside of the 6 I'm already running. That would just be too much.

What is your opinion on dropping the hammer for 2 Loyalists?

I've already playtested and this deck doesn't need turn 3 haste, however helpful that can be in some cases.

October 24, 2013 6:24 a.m.

Oatmeal says... #3

I would do it.

Hammer of Purphoros is good as a sideboard for a mirror match. It only really comes in handy if you get manna flooded cause you can start popping mountains for 3/3 golems.

I would definately add 2 Legion Loyalist . I find that I get more use from the Firefist Striker than the loyalist to be honest.

check out my deck if you get a chance Purphoros' A$$ fanatics

October 24, 2013 6:54 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #4

Alright, it shall be done.

I'm not sure I want to run Firefist Striker . The whole point for that 1R spot, in my opinion, is to chain well with Burning-Tree Emissary , and I feel Gore-House Chainwalker fills the gap better coming in as a 3/2 for no mana. This way, even if it's not there to chain, he still provides decent coverage for his mana cost. Striker however does provide decent utility, just not sure on whether or not it's relevant every game.

October 24, 2013 5:24 p.m.

Oatmeal says... #5

I like the loyalists because 90% of the time I get a turn one bitch smack that screws with their minds and gets them on the defense right away.

I guess you would just have to run it a few times to see which you like best cause they both serve the same purpose (the firefist and the chainwalker). I find that by the time my opponent gets a creature out on turn 2 or 3 I just prevent him from blocking so its pretty much useless to him. in your case he may not block the 3/2 so they may serve the purpose of getting that damage through.

The difference is around turn 4 or 5 when they have a few creatures that will survive or potentially kill your creatures...more damage will make through.

October 24, 2013 10:40 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #6

Ideal turn one would be the Cackler, I feel that the Loyalist's batallion is what makes it so incredibly useful. First Strike and Trample is pretty good, but not being able to be chump blocked by tokens is even better. (Can anyone say VoR or Young Pyromancer?)

However, having 6 possible turn 1 plays keeps the deck running more consistent in theory.

I'll try them both out and see which I like better. The tapping down for the damage to go through seems pretty darn useful, I'll have to admit. I'll see which one works better, or if I like them both, they might share a spot.

October 25, 2013 2:42 p.m.

skeet70 says... #7

You don't seem to want much other than Fanatic of Mogis on your high end, but I'd suggest taking a look at Awaken the Ancient . It can be a bit awkward to use well, but it really shines in a devotion deck like this. Having him as a T4 play when you don't have a Fanatic of Mogis in hand or a T5 game winner is pretty awesome. He adds both a ton of threat and a decent amount of damage for a later Fanatic of Mogis . Overall it would be a fun card to have in here.

I'd suggest -2 Gore-House Chainwalker for +2 Awaken the Ancient .

October 28, 2013 4:49 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #8

Actually not a bad idea. An otherwise overlooked enchantment gets to shine. I'll definitely try him out, but I have no idea how it will play and whether or not I'll like it. Turn 4 7/7 with haste seems great (at least until someone killspells it and I'm out a land, however I don't need much land for this deck to run).

October 28, 2013 4:54 p.m.

EmperorRancor says... #9

Since you have 8 instants and sorcerys would you wanna try Nivmagus Elemental ?? And would you rather have 2 red devotion for Frostburn Weird instead of 1 from Gore-House Chainwalker ??

November 13, 2013 3:05 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #10

Huge no on Nivmagus. I really don't want to exile those spells and not get their effects.

I'm really not a fan of Frostburn Weird or any of the weirds to tell you the truth, I think they are really inconsistent and while, at times, they can do the job, more times than not they'll just be killed when they're back to their normal P/T.

Gore-House Chainwalker is also here to work with Burning-Tree Emissary , because I cannot justify using her just for devotion, if I'm not going to be able to chain something with her (other than herself). Although, some may argue that Firefist Striker is better for this slot, I myself am wondering if the 1 point of extra damage would be better.

Thank you though.

November 13, 2013 3:28 p.m.

Felixlives says... #11

You should put some Burning Earth sideboard for matchups against junk midrange and esper control.

November 22, 2013 8:01 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #12

What do you guys think about adding some Mutavault s? They can really help push damage through when you're scraping for that last few points.

And, to Burning Earth , I will definitely add it to the sideboard if I can find room

November 25, 2013 10:19 a.m.

jsansoldo says... #13

... you see there are some Lands in your sideboard dont you?

December 5, 2013 11:13 p.m.

2 other things legion loyalist can do late game is throw trample on purphoros and cut through elspeths token defence as good as stormbreath can and touch her privates lol.

December 5, 2013 11:14 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #15

jsansoldo, Yes, I do believe I see that.

Legion's Initiative requires a splash of white to cast, and it's a really good defense against boardwipes. The majority of my cards are even susceptible to Anger of the Gods . Not to mention the buff allows me to speed past control even faster.

ColdHeartedSith Lol oh, I didn't realize we were gonna go there.

December 5, 2013 11:36 p.m.

jsansoldo says... #16

Its not worth it to have 4 lands in the sideboard only to fuel 4 Legions Initiative. The chances of the mated draw are slim, and even if you do, what do you need it for? Save you for boardwipe? They should be dead on turn 4, not casting Supreme Verdict .

If you plan on splashing white, something thats is very powerful, there are a few other (and better) card to consider, like Chained to the Rocks . You can remove anything with it, specially gods... and Master of Waves . White also give you Boros Charm , a MUCH BETTER Lightning Strike .

If you dont plan on running 4 Temples and 4 Foundries, its a waste of slots in sideboard. Even if you insist on 4 lands sideboard to fuel 4 spells vs boardwipe, Boros Charm is better than Legion's Initiative . His Indestructability is unpredictable, and... well, it has 2 other uses. You really dont need that +1/+0 boost.

Appart from the color problem... have you considered running Goblin Shortcutter ?

Firefist Striker was a thing in the first monoreds (you dont use him, but just saying), but right now everybody kills him on sight. Shortcutter cant get free hist every turn, but can get you ONE free hit they wont be expecting. And in Red Devotion, thats all it takes, isnt it?

December 5, 2013 11:49 p.m.

Felixlives says... #17

Add some Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for even faster win. It worked out really well for me in my rdw Rainbow rdw

December 5, 2013 11:59 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #18

Like I said, I don't exactly survive Anger of the Gods . Turn three potential.

That can really ruin my day.

I get what you're saying about the Charm though.

Also, The sideboard is really the least of my concerns, it hasn't really been edited since it was conceived. What do you recommend for those 8 slots that don't splash colors?

December 6, 2013 12:27 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #19

Eh, Shrine really doesn't do anything til turn 4, when I should be either winning or setting up to win next turn. :/

December 6, 2013 12:28 a.m.

Hey peak at this and tell me what you thinkDevotionDeckWins

December 6, 2013 10:22 a.m.

Felixlives says... #21

Shrine can make 5 mana on t3 with a bte. Idk why people dont think making a fast aggro deck one step faster "doesnt really do anything"... Consider this t1 cackler t2 ash zealot t3 bte+bte+shrine+reckoner+fanatic whammie you just dropped fanatic for 11 damage on t3. Yes that did require absolutly perfect draws but in my deck Rainbow rdw i often play t3bte into activate shrine to stormbreath dragon. Also looking at your sideboard i think you need 3 mizzium mortars 3 Burning Earth 3 Mindsparker 2 pithing needle and 4 Skullcrack

December 6, 2013 10:45 a.m.

jsansoldo says... #22

Shrine start spitting more mana than it eats with Devotion 4.

You can get to 4 devotion or more on turn 1-2 very offen with Burning Tree.There is a reason with Nyktos is so expensive right now.

December 6, 2013 2:01 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #23

Hmm I didn't consider how early it works out with B-TE. That's not bad, not bad.

However, for its price, it might not make it in here unless I somehow come into some.

December 7, 2013 1:45 a.m.

DoomsdayDad says... #24

I run a similiar list. +1 from me!

December 11, 2013 10:55 p.m.

Oatmeal says... #25

I would swap out Gore-House Chainwalker for Frostburn Weird just for the devotion.

December 12, 2013 12:09 p.m.

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