Fangor Werewolf Aggro

Modern FangorHelmsar

SCORE: 245 | 91 COMMENTS | 84309 VIEWS | IN 148 FOLDERS

jdarlin says... #2

Howdy, did you ever run Atarka's Command in this deck? If so how did it work for ya?

September 28, 2021 12:08 p.m.

FangorHelmsar says... #4

jdarlin I play Arlin instead :-) as I find her personally better and with more flavour

September 29, 2021 10:10 a.m.

FangorHelmsar says... #6

Hey WumpaWolfy I am so happy for your reply man :-D. Welcome back in some of the best MTG years. I know some of the WOTC behavior is influenced by the fact that they want to make more money but Kaldheim, D&D, Innistrad bloody hell it is amazing. And LOTR is coming in 2023. I mostly played on MTG Arena during lockdown, but this month we are starting MTG club in my town, I am so excited :-). How about you what what are your feelings about nowadays MTG?

I am trying now to build Standard werewolves deck Fangor Pack's Hope. I would be grateful if you could give me some ideas on how to improve it ;-).

Have a great time and you cam add me on MTG Arena as: Fangorzjeseniku

PS: I finally get it, you have to write comments via PC and without emoticons lol :-D

September 29, 2021 10:13 a.m.

SS1985 says... #7

I'm working on a similar list but I'm REALLY struggling to decide on the creatures I want in the main. Instead of Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip I'm running Nightpack Ambusher, playing a flash 4/4 to surprise defend or just pump on opponents turn to set up lethal on the following is nice. He also benefits from non-action on your turn to flip other werewolves and create 3/3s every other turn. I'm also likely running Immerwolf to keep my werewolves as werewolves regardless of how many spells my opponent (or I) play. How does your deck deal with board wipes? That's another issue I'm wrestling with but I like the final ability on Ranger Class as a solution to rebuild the board late-game. Interested in your thoughts, +1 on this list in the meantime.

October 15, 2021 10:08 a.m.

Gameover209X says... #8

Hey been following your deck for years. WW is the tribe that got me into magic and after a few year hiatus im back for this set to upgrade my own ww deck haha.

I see you axed Mayor of Avabruck  Flip to go full agro haha. one thought Ive had is to do that and make a midrange deck as Tovolar, Dire Overlord  Flip seems to allow us to extend the game with the draw. How has cutting the mayor been going for you?

Also, I know Rancor is a tank but have you considered Madcap Skills in its place?

Good work with the ww's and cheers.

November 1, 2021 3:01 p.m.

zapyourtumor says... #9

Kessig Naturalist  Flip

Atarka's Command if going more aggro

December 3, 2021 1:13 a.m.

droslag says... #10

Would Aether Vial be good?

April 19, 2022 1:58 p.m.

FangorHelmsar says... #11

yes but I don´t like this card :-D

April 20, 2022 7:47 a.m.

droslag says... #12

Haha, honestly fair enough, I invested in a set of them recently for my modern zombie deck, works super well. Your list looks pretty tight anyway, so cutting 4 cards for the vials would be hard.

I love playing tribal, and I think if I get bored of zombies I would def do werewolves next. Do you play this at modern nights? and if so what would the sideboard look like? I'd guess like Full Moon's Rise , Cindervines , perhaps Ground Seal or something that hates on graveyards Weathered Runestone

April 20, 2022 10:11 a.m.

droslag says... #13

Have you considered running Reckless Stormseeker  Flip or Instigator Gang  Flip?

April 27, 2022 10:14 p.m. Edited.

FangorHelmsar says... #15

Yeah I did, but as you said it is hard to cut. I keep Reckless Stormseeker  Flip for my pioneer version of werewolves. And what the sideboard is concerned I have a small local meta and we play just for fun so I haven't dealt with it yet. Thx for comments :-)

April 29, 2022 5:45 a.m.

droslag says... #16

Hey thanks for replying, my brother ran this list last night and did pretty well for himself. Im still tweaking it, but its def inspired a lot by your list. We both lost to the same control player last night in 3. Was blue white control, Solitude was def the hardest to deal with among all the broken teferis n stuff.

Any way heres our list


Do not have money for the red green fetches, so using the ones we have and borrowing our buddies boseijus .

April 29, 2022 12:21 p.m.

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