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Faroe Islands Combo Control (UWR)

Modern* Competitive Control RUW (Jeskai, America)




Here is my take on the classic UWR Control. I've taken a bit of inspiration from the decklists that have fared well in GPs and such, but I've added a bit of my own spice in aswell.

Pros: Very consistent, Plenty of answers for most combo/aggro decks due to high amount of instant speed removal

Cons: Very slow, Dies to LD if there's no way to get the Celestial Colonnades and such back.

(Rest of the text is pretty much out of date, I'll update it somewhere in the future.)

Now, let us go through the deck tech.

Lands: Nothing special about that, except having only two Tectonic Edge s instead of a full set. The reason for that are the Urzatron decks that tend to do a lot of stuff with just three lands, so two Ghost Quarter is needed to keep them at bay (I might even change the ratio to 50/50 if the meta demands it). I've also skipped the Scalding Tarns for now as I suspect their price will go down a lot if they are reprinted in Modern Masters 2015 or in the next Zendikar set, so I'll acquire them after those sets are fully spoiled.

Instants: There's a plenty of them, although most of them are counters and removal so nothing too special about them either.

Sorceries: There are none of them in the mainboard at the moment, although I do occasionally add a Supreme Verdict or two if the meta seems to get a bit too creature-heavy.

Creatures: A few good beatsticks (Restoration Angels)), a few Snapcaster Mages for grave recursion and some Wall of Omens so I don't lose to aggro decks instantly in game one.

Sideboarding: Now this is where things get a bit more intresting. I'll go through a few most common match-ups in our meta so you get the idea why the sideboard looks like that.

Affinity/aggro/elves: They would be a lot of pain without a few more boardwipes, that's why there are one Anger of the Gods and two Wrath of Gods. With these the games will be much easier. Also siding in the Wear / Tears for affinity is a good idea.

Storm: The main deck fares rather well with storm anyway but for that extra something, there are a few more relevant counters: Two Counterfluxes say no to the combo straight away and as long as you keep the mana open for overload, there's no way your opponent can win.

Tron/Birthing Pod: Wear / Tears and Relic of Progenitus es will do the job rather well, altho you need the Relics only for Pod and Mindslaver-Tron. Siding in a Shadow of Doubt is not a bad idea either.

Boggles: Again, Wear / Tear and Anger of the Gods will take care of the auras and hexproof creatures.

Splinter Twin: Being a combo control deck, you are going to need a lot of counters and instant speed removal. Wear / Tears, Dispels and maybe even Counterfluxes are going to be needed in order to win. Siding in a Geist of Saint Traft will also make your clock a lot faster.

UWx Control/tempo: The biggest threats you're going to face are the Celestial Colonnades and for that you have some LD in your maindeck. They do know you need them aswell though, so siding in the Crucible of Worlds is a very good idea to make their LD less painful. The extra counters won't hurt either, so siding the Dispels in is a must. If your opponent is more of a tempo player and plays Geist of Saint Traft s or such, the counters become even more relevant. That's why you should also side one in, as if it hits the table, they really can't deal with it.

There are a plenty of other good main/sideboard cards aswell which you should concider when building your version of UWR Control: Sowing Salt against Tron, Scapeshift etc, Torpor Orb/Aven Mindsencor against Birthing pod, Twin and other decks that like ETB effects, Pithing Needle against Birthing Pod, Twin, Affinity, Tron and such, Engineered Explosives/ Ratchet Bomb against aggro or token decks and Threads of Disloaylty against Tarmogoyfs, hexproofless auramaniacs or even a Kiki-Jiki so you can combo out yourself with Restoration Angel. There sure are other good sideboard cards aswell, but these are the ones that I feel worth mentioning.

That includes my deck tech, if you have any suggestions, feedback or such, don't hesitate to tell me. There's still a plenty of testing to be done before I feel comfortable to go do any Competitive events so all advice is very much appreciated!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 5 Rares

21 - 8 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.40
Tokens Copy Clone, Soldier 1/1 W
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