Faster than a Speeding Boros

Standard* CRUSHnKILL

SCORE: 268 | 121 COMMENTS | 45439 VIEWS | IN 169 FOLDERS

DePeluche says... #1

I liked the concept, I was doing somethjing similar to this and works pretty well

+1 for the concept and for choosing Simic

February 23, 2013 9:11 a.m.

DePeluche says... #2

Also I would change Wasteland Viper for Ambush Viper

I know its a 2 cmc but works better

February 23, 2013 9:13 a.m.

CRUSHnKILL says... #3

I do agree that Ambush Viper would be better but i have to keep to a theme.

February 24, 2013 4:32 a.m.

mossflower says... #4

Wow, a deck legitimately made of 1-drops. And it's simic! +1 from me.

February 25, 2013 4:31 a.m.

ambeault says... #5

with all those one drops your burn through your hand very fast, have you thought about Curiosity?

February 25, 2013 4:42 a.m.

TzarChasm says... #6

I second the vote for Curiosity -- especially since you've got a lot of evasion here. Also, it wouldn't hurt to at least consider card:Ranger's Guile to protect your most evolved creatures. One problem with Simic is that while your opponent is often dropping bigger things each turn, your strongest creatures are usually the ones that have been on the battlefield the longest. You have to keep them alive or you can fall behind quickly.

February 25, 2013 8 a.m.

CRUSHnKILL says... #7

3x Curiosity has been added for -2 Giant Growth and -1 Wasteland Viper card:Ranger's Guile has replaced the Bioshift s on the side and now the mana is perfect

Thx for the help

February 26, 2013 5:23 a.m.

Rob12434 says... #8

Your god hand isn't AS good as you think Crush.. With rapid hybridization, the 3/3 frog lizard entering the field resolves faster then the young wolf's undying trigger. So you can only have a 2/3 cloudfin raptor turn 2, not a 3/4.

February 26, 2013 8:06 a.m.

Ghsty9700 says... #9

Ever thought of Fleeting Distraction ? Target your own creature to lower their power to make them easier to evolve, plus draw a card. Otherwise it could also serve as a combat trick. I know the -1/0 seems a little weak, but that's potentially one more evolve trigger and it replaces itself.

February 26, 2013 3:17 p.m.

CRUSHnKILL says... #10

on the side i took out Ranger's Guile for Mizzium Skin, it seems better

Fleeting Distraction was originally in but most of the time it just ended up being a dead card, i do like the idea though

rob12434 with my god hand (Young Wolf and Rapid Hybridization)both abilities, evlove and undying are yours, you can choose to put them on the stack in either order so you make undying trigger first so you get a counter off both

February 27, 2013 3:26 a.m.

Rob12434 says... #11

I thought so too but I asked a judge at my local shop and he said otherwise. He mentioned the way the text is worded on rapid hybridization makes it resolve regardless of the undying trigger. Still a good deck and probably fun to play with. Another suggestion would be Thoughtscour because you can dig yourself a little bit and get draw since your probably go through your hand very fast.

February 27, 2013 8:48 a.m.

CRUSHnKILL says... #12

rob12434 firstly Thought Scour has given me some very, very bad experiences and would ultimately be a dead card as it is one card that gets another. it would just be better to run a good card

and the frog lizard of Rapid Hybridization enters the battle field first(when/if the spell resolves), when it resolves both undying and evolve go on the stack. You control them both you may chose the order that they do so

also from the tournament rules:

603.3b If multiple abilities have triggered since the last time a player received priority, each player, in APNAP order, puts triggered abilities he or she controls on the stack in any order he or she chooses. (See rule 101.4.) Then the game once again checks for and resolves state-based actions until none are performed, then abilities that triggered during this process go on the stack. This process repeats until no new state-based actions are performed and no abilities trigger. Then the appropriate player gets priority.

February 28, 2013 3:56 a.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #13

I think you can go down to 17 lands. The fact that all your spells only cost 1 cmc means your land count can afford to be excruciatingly low in comparison to a lot of other decks right now. In which case i'd consider running more cantrips or the cards you had to remove to make space for newer additions. Though, if you do, i'd strongly recommend going for as many dual lands as possible... maybe even 2 guildgates due to the definitive colour requirements.

Chronomaton can provide an interesting option. It avoids Ultimate Price and can get pretty big if given enough time. More often than not it'll just sit and block. Just grow it before damage is dealt, i mainly like it because it gives you something to do without spending a card in hand.

February 28, 2013 6:38 a.m.

GamerSonX says... #14

How would Wasteland Viper trigger evolve when you are discarding it? The attacking creature is already on the battlefield....unless you just worded the description differently that has me puzzled lol. +1

March 1, 2013 3:16 a.m.

CRUSHnKILL says... #15

thank you Gamerson SonX i can typing good this has been fixed

Simic Guildgate is a massive no they are such a set back and stops me from playing something and the other muilties are based on what i have.

17 lands dose seem interesting but i don't think its enought i will test however and Chronomaton will be put in for the 3 lands if it works

March 2, 2013 4:58 a.m.

RDorothy says... #16

+1 nice concept using only 1-drops. interesting.

March 2, 2013 11:21 a.m.

ScionLocke says... #17

LOVE IT!!! +1 from me

March 2, 2013 9:01 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #18

I was just thinking of the guildgates as a potential 2-of just because if you DO wind up using just 17 lands you won't always be guaranteed the mana fixing from all the lands in the deck, even with full sets of breeding pools and hinterland harbors.

There are tonnes of better options for spells simply cranking up the highest cmc count to 2 or even 3, but they don't stay true to the deck idea. Im thinking along the lines of Simic Charm, Strangleroot Geist and even Elusive Krasis but they don't stay true to the deck's core concept. (Perhaps make a second deck to play with this idea)

Might want to consider Ranger's Guile and/or Dispel against removal-heavy decks which could be a weak point for this deck.

How effective is Curiosity? To me it just looks like a massive target on your creature's heads. I don't think you'd need 4 Wingcrafters. They're nice both early and late but i try to think of them as something built to end games with surprise fliers. Maybe as a 3-of instead, seeing as you don't necessarily need them to win with and you'd much rather have things like your "grown-up" evolve/+1/+1 countered creatures attacking later for more damage than give the opponent incentive to kill the creature that's letting them slip through earlier on in the game.

Have you considered running Dryad Militant ? Screws with flashback, and is a lot more likely to trigger cloudfin raptor than Wasteland Viper ever will. It could definitely provide the push you might need to get it up to 2 +1/+1 counters before using Rapid Hybridization instead of waiting for a Young Wolf to show up...

March 2, 2013 9:50 p.m.

CRUSHnKILL says... #19

17 lands was tested and did not work:getting stuck on two lands is never a win even for this deck

Chronomaton turned out to not work either not helping much towards the advancement of the deck and spent most of the time eating mana and tapping itself

I have taken 2 Dryad Militants in from the side for a Wingcrafter and a Wolfbitten Captive  Flip. Dispel has replaced it on the side.

March 3, 2013 4:06 a.m.

Great idea! +1 from me. Good to see some alternatives to Aggro Boros at the moment!

March 3, 2013 6:06 a.m.

MinscAndBoo says... #21

+1 for uber-fast Simic aggro!Would consider Ambush Viper (great with evolve Raptor) and also Ranger's Guile over Mizzium Skin in your board.

March 3, 2013 1:11 p.m.

MinscAndBoo says... #22

PS love the Rapid Hybridization / Hunger of the Howlpack combo on Young Wolf. Turn two 5/5 and 3/3 seems pretty good!

March 3, 2013 1:12 p.m.

JokerWx13 says... #23

maybe drop the Wingcrafter for Judge's Familiar?

March 3, 2013 6:28 p.m.

CRUSHnKILL says... #24

Yes i have acknowledged that Ambush Viper would be good in here but the theme is what make this deck

Wingcrafter is essential for a quick and easy win: giving me many more flyers than can be dealt with. Judge's Familiar would prove insignificant as i already have Dispel on the side and its dose not allow flying frog lizards to bet down or evolve

I am happy to argue with anyone about Ranger's Guile or Mizzium Skin but i do think that Mizzium Skin is better for not only is overload but the fact that most of the time it will come in for Curiosity

March 4, 2013 3:25 a.m.

inflnlty says... #25

Hey I really like the idea, and I hope you don't mind if I copy your deck and see if I can make some changes for the better. Have you thought about using Silent Departure instead of Unsummon? I know it's a sorcery and not an instant, but it may find a use in the deck to use some mana a bit later in the game.

March 4, 2013 10:19 a.m.

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